Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 915 Leaving Huashan, meeting an acquaintance on the road

Facing Lin Pingzhi's sword, Feng Qingyang didn't dodge or dodge, but just sat there.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in Lin Pingzhi's hand was like a wind and thunder.

In the blink of an eye, it was about to penetrate Feng Qingyang's body.

If it was someone else, how could they face Lin Pingzhi's sword so calmly.

But the person in front of him is Feng Qingyang!

When Lin Pingzhi's sword arrived.

He moved.

As soon as he raised his hand, a dead branch was held in his hand.

At this moment, the dead branch is like a sharp sword.

While blocking the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, it has not been cut off.

In an instant, sword energy rose from all directions in the cave.

Gao Yanan, who had been acupointed by Lin Pingzhi, kept cursing in his heart.

Thinking that Lin Pingzhi could come back quickly and untie the acupuncture points for her.

However, in front of her eyes, she suddenly discovered that Lin Pingzhi seemed to be fighting someone in front of her.

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she was terrified by the aftermath of the sword energy and the sound of the blades being exchanged.

Although she thought that Lin Pingzhi could beat Yue Buqun, his martial arts should be very powerful.

But I didn't expect that Lin Pingzhi would have such power when he really took action.

What made her even more curious was, who was it that started with her?

To be able to fight against Lin Pingzhi with this level of power, he must be a top player in the arena, not just an ordinary person.

The fight didn't last long.

When the momentum stopped.

Lin Pingzhi appeared next to Gao Yanan again.

With an indifferent expression, he made two "da da" to untie the acupoints for Gao Yanan.

Gao Yanan almost staggered and fell.

After stabilizing his figure, he found that Lin Pingzhi had already started to descend the mountain.

She turned her head and looked in the direction of Siguoya where Lin Pingzhi had come, her eyes were full of doubts.

Curiosity made her want to see it.

But seeing that Lin Pingzhi had started to walk away, she gritted her teeth and followed Lin Pingzhi's pace again.

Walking behind Lin Pingzhi, Lin Pingzhi remained silent.

"Who were you fighting with just now?"

She couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart and asked quickly.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak.

Seeing this, Gao Yanan asked again:

"Which one of you won?"

Lin Pingzhi still did not speak.

He turned his back to Gao Yanan, his face was a little ugly.

Just now he fought against Feng Qingyang, he thought he could force Feng Qingyang to show more skills.

Unexpectedly, the two played against each other for only a few rounds.

The dry branches blowing in the wind touched his neck.

He lost, and he lost very quickly.

But from it, he also learned that Feng Qingyang is really powerful.

At least, it is more powerful than the Hundred Damage Taoist.

He has fought against Baishang and knows Baishang's ability.

Compared with Feng Qingyang, Baishang Daoist should not be a little bit worse.

Perhaps, Taoist Baishang should have just become a martial idiot not long ago.

In this way, Zhang Ruoxu and Taoist Mu are also at this level.

As for Zhang Sanfeng, he might be the same as Feng Qingyang.

But the two never fought.

It's not easy for him to judge, which of the two is stronger and weaker.

Although losing to Feng Qingyang was a bit depressing.

But at least, he also got the answer he wanted, which is also a harvest for him.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi remained silent, Gao Yanan also pouted, a little displeased.

The two returned to the Huashan School again.

Soon it will be the next day.

Su Rongrong also saw Ning Zhongze.

Ning Zhong was very satisfied with Su Rongrong.

After breakfast, Lin Pingzhi planned to set off with Su Rongrong and Ning Zhongze.

Of course, Gao Yanan must also follow.

He was worried about leaving Gao Yanan in the Huashan faction.

This time, it was Feng Buping and Cheng Buyou who saw them off.

When they saw that Gao Yanan was going to follow, they were also taken aback.

"Yanan, what are you going to join in the fun with? Jianghu is dangerous, you are still young, it is difficult to grasp, you should stay in Huashan."

Feng Buping and Kumei have been apart for decades.

Now the plum is dead.

As Kumei's disciple, Gao Yanan naturally cared.

Gao Yanan smiled wryly when he heard Feng Buping's persuasion.

Does she want to follow?

She doesn't want to!

But what can she do?

His life is in Lin Pingzhi's hands.

In this regard, she looked at Lin Pingzhi helplessly.

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said to Feng Buping:

"Master Feng, don't worry, she has earned the title of Qingfeng female swordsman in the Jianghu before."

Ning Zhong knew what Lin Pingzhi meant.

She also stepped forward with a smile and said:

"Junior Brother Feng, don't worry, with Pingzhi, Yanan will be fine, and Pingzhi can also teach Yanan's sword skills."

Seeing that Ning Zhong said the same thing, Lin Pingzhi quickly looked at Gao Yanan and said:

"Really, Yanan?"


Gao Yanan felt helpless.

But due to his life being held in Lin Pingzhi's hands, he could only nod in agreement.

Seeing this, Feng Buping could only nod his head in agreement.

All of this is for Lin Pingzhi's sake.

Lin Pingzhi's martial arts are much higher than theirs.

Although Gao Yanan is the safest in Huashan.

But with Lin Pingzhi's side, safety can be guaranteed.

"Okay, that Uncle Feng, Uncle Cheng, let's leave first."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and waved his hands.

The four of them turned and walked down Mount Hua.

In Lianjianping, Lin Yi, Zhou Houxu and Mo Chezhao also watched Lin Pingzhi and the others go down the mountain.

"How come the new junior uncle also left with the junior uncle..."

"I think, maybe the little uncle came back one day, and he hooked the new little uncle away!"

"If only I could be as popular with women as my little uncle."

"Are you dreaming? Are you as good at martial arts as your junior uncle? Are you as handsome as your junior uncle?"

"You're right, it's really a daydream!"

The three of them kept discussing.

On the Huashan Mountain Road.

Gao Yanan looked at Lin Pingzhi's back resentfully.

"Brother Lin, where are we going?"

"Just keep up, it doesn't matter where you go?"

Lin Pingzhi turned his head, glanced at her and said.

Gao Yanan's life was in his hands, and he had to follow wherever he wanted to go.

That being the case, why ask?

Isn't this nonsense?

When Gao Yanan heard this, he curled his lips and stopped talking.

Ning Zhong saw Gao Yanan's expression and asked Lin Pingzhi the same question.

Lin Pingzhi pointed to the northeast and said:

"Let's go to King Ruyang's barracks."

Since Ning Zhong, the teacher, asked him, he would naturally answer honestly.

Gao Yanan felt particularly aggrieved by Lin Pingzhi's attitude.

Why did Ningzhong ask, Lin Pingzhi answered, but she didn't answer?

At this moment, there were tears in her eyes.

It looked very sad.

When he was halfway down the mountain road, Lin Pingzhi suddenly found that an acquaintance appeared in front of him.

This acquaintance is also very interesting.

When he saw Lin Pingzhi, he didn't care about other things at all, he turned his head and ran away.

But how could Lin Pingzhi let him run away?

"Hehe, I want to see where you can go!"

Let Ningzhong be optimistic about Gao Yanan's queen.

Lin Pingzhi focused his eyes, stepped on his feet, and performed lightness kung fu, then swept down the mountain.

Since it was delivered to his door, he would not let him escape no matter what he said!

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