Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 914 Martial idiot, martial sage, one seeks defeat!

"Senior, what do you think this is?"

As Lin Pingzhi said, he took out a jar of wine from behind and placed it in front of Feng Qingyang.

"This is Zhuyeqing from the middle of Sichuan. I bought it specially to honor you."

This wine was prepared when he was in Shenshui Palace.

He had long thought about going back to Mount Hua.

Now that we have returned to Mount Hua, we must visit Xiafeng Qingyang.

Wine is of course to be prepared.

"Good boy, how did you make this wine?"

There was a little surprise in Feng Qingyang's eyes.

Just now he saw that Lin Pingzhi's hands were empty, how could a jar of wine appear so easily?

"Hey, it's just a little trick I learned in Jianghu."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

Of course, things about the system cannot be mentioned.

The best excuse is to sleight of hand.

This method has been tried and tested without success.

Sure enough, Feng Qingyang nodded as if suddenly enlightened.

"Tricks are fine! Let's make a few more changes!"

He said with a salivating look.

Even if the Zhuyeqing in front of him hadn't been opened yet, he could vaguely smell the aroma of the wine.

"Senior, this wine has a price but no market!"

As Lin Pingzhi said, he took out another altar from the storage space of the system and placed it in front of Feng Qingyang.

"I only have these two altars. If you don't want them, I'll take them away."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand again to take the wine back.

Seeing this, Feng Qingyang quickly patted Lin Pingzhi's hand off.

He directly grabbed an altar and slapped it!

With a "click", a jar of wine was unsealed.

He picked up the wine jar and poured it into his mouth.

After drinking, he wiped his mouth and exclaimed "good wine" heartily.

"Senior, I've drunk the wine too, should you answer my question?"

Lin Pingzhi asked with anticipation in his eyes.

According to legends in the world, for him, that is an unattainable existence.

He just wanted to understand, to get a rough idea.

Feng Qingyang put another jar of unopened Zhuyeqing behind him, then said to Lin Pingzhi:

"I don't know where the legend of the rivers and lakes you mentioned came from, but I can tell you what level I am, old man."

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

He just remembered that the realm of Jianghu legends was made up by him.

Now that he heard Feng Qingyang say this, he realized that in fact, there is no such realm as Jianghu legend.

Feng Qingyang stroked his beard and said with emotion:

"When your internal strength changes, you can reach my current state - Wuchi."

"Wu Chi?"

A look of doubt appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face.

Martial idiot realm?

Is it the realm of Fengqingyang?

"Then my great-grandfather, like you, is also a martial idiot?"

He hurriedly asked.

Feng Qingyang's face turned gloomy for an instant.

"That old bastard is a little taller than me and has reached the realm of martial saints, but he has only stepped into that threshold."

When Lin Yuantu was mentioned, he seemed sullen.

Lin Pingzhi guessed that perhaps Feng Qingyang had suffered at the hands of his great-grandfather Lin Yuantu when the two fought against each other.

"But from Pingzhi's point of view, senior, you are already invincible..."

Lin Pingzhi said flatteringly.

Although he said so, he knew it in his heart.

After Wu Chi, there is Wu Sheng.


Bitterness emerged from the corner of Feng Qingyang's mouth.

"Perhaps it is for you."

He shook his head, his face full of helplessness.

"Martial idiots are just the lowest level of transformation. I'm only at the peak of martial idiots, and I'm just short of stepping into the martial arts. I never stepped out."

Hearing these words, Lin Pingzhi secretly agreed in his heart.

There are few existences at the level of legends in the world, and it is not so easy to reach a higher level.

"Above the Martial Saint, is there any realm?"

Curious, he looked at Feng Qingyang again and asked.

Feng Qingyang froze for a moment, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"You guessed it, it's pretty accurate."

He looked at Lin Pingzhi and said lightly.

"Hey..." Lin Pingzhi rubbed his nose and laughed dryly.

Feng Qingyang stood up, put his hands behind his back, walked to the entrance of the cave, looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside, and said in a deep voice:

"Being above the Martial Saint is not so much a state, but a person."

"one person?"

Lin Pingzhi was startled.

A person represents a state, how terrifying is this person's strength?


Feng Qingyang nodded with his back to Lin Pingzhi.

"This state is called - seeking defeat, but seeking defeat for one defeat."

"Seeking defeat! Could it be that what senior said is, Dugu seeks defeat!"

Lin Pingzhi said in surprise.

Hearing the word Qiubai, what he thought of was Dugu Qiubai.

Feng Qingyang turned around and looked at Lin Pingzhi with approval in his eyes.

"That's right, Dugu seeks defeat!"

He nodded with a serious expression on his face.

"The Dugu Nine Swords I passed on to you was created by him in the past when he wandered through the rivers and lakes. After all, you and I are both his registered disciples."

Feng Qingyang's words sounded a bit sad.

Obviously, Dugu Qiubai is a superior existence to him.

Lin Pingzhi had heard of Dugu Qiubai's name for a long time.

However, Dugu Qiubai has disappeared for hundreds of years, is he really still alive?

He really wanted to ask Feng Qingyang, but after seeing Feng Qingyang's expression, he still didn't ask the question in the end.

"Senior, is he the only one who has reached the realm of seeking defeat?"

Lin Pingzhi thought for a while and asked again.


Feng Qingyang chuckled lightly.

There was a little disdain in the laughter.

"If there is a second person, why is it still called seeking defeat?"

This answer made Lin Pingzhi fall into silence.


If there is a second person to seek defeat, why seek defeat?

Dugu seeks defeat, but seeks one defeat.

It is precisely because there is no defeat that I seek defeat.

"Easy to be taught."

Lin Pingzhi respectfully bowed to Feng Qingyang.

Feng Qingyang went to Xia Xueyi's tomb again, and lay down directly against the tomb.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go, and these things, as long as you know, once you say it, the consequences may be unimaginable."

He glanced at Lin Pingzhi and said lightly.

Although the words and expression were very indifferent, Lin Pingzhi clearly conveyed the meaning of warning.

"Pingzhi knows."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

However, he did not choose to leave. Looking at Feng Qingyang lying on the tomb, he gritted his teeth and his thoughts became more and more determined.

"Senior, Pingzhi is bold and wants to fight senior again. This time, senior is invited to fight with all his strength. Pingzhi wants to see how brilliant the swordsmanship of the pinnacle of Wu Chi is."

He looked at Feng Qingyang and said firmly.

Feng Qingyang glanced at Lin Pingzhi, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

"You are still young, this kind of thinking is enough."

He said lightly, apparently he had no intention of fighting with Lin Pingzhi.

"Is it appropriate for the little girl you brought here to acupoint someone's acupuncture point? Let's leave quickly."

As he said that, he waved his hand to Lin Pingzhi, obviously wanting to let Lin Pingzhi leave.

But Lin Pingzhi was unwilling to leave.

It's not easy to know that Feng Qingyang is the pinnacle of Wu Chi, he really wants to try the pinnacle of Wu Chi, just how powerful it is!

"Senior! Pingzhi offended!"

His eyes were fixed, and the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade had been unsheathed in his hand.

The cold light flickered, and the sword pointed straight at Feng Qingyang's forehead.

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