Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 913 The old bastard in Feng Qingyang's mouth

Gao Yanan's eyes were full of unwillingness.

Even so, she was forced by Lin Pingzhi to follow.

However, Lin Pingzhi just stopped when he reached Siguo Cliff.

"Is this the Cliff of Thoughts?"

Gao Yanan looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

Although she had never been to Huashan before, she also heard her master mention Huashan's Siguo Cliff.

It is said that this is the place to punish disciples who make big mistakes.

Now that Lin Pingzhi brought her here...does he plan to imprison her here?

"It's very smart, knowing that this place is Siguoya."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

Gao Yanan felt a little disdainful.

Isn't the word "Thinking Over Cliff" written on this side?

Her martial arts are poor, not as good as Lin Pingzhi.

But it doesn't mean she is stupid and illiterate.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi had come to her.

"What are you doing..."

She was startled and took a few steps back.

"What do you say?"

Lin Pingzhi asked back.

Under Gao Yanan's horrified gaze, he quickly tapped Gao Yanan's body twice, and directly tapped the acupoints.

"Stay here, and when I'm done, I'll release your acupoints."

As he said that, he left Gao Yanan behind and went up to meet Feng Qingyang alone.

Gao Yanan stood there unable to move, but Lin Pingzhi was scolded to death in his heart.

She really couldn't figure it out, what did Lin Pingzhi bring her to this place where nothing shit happened?

Moreover, he tapped her acupoints, so he didn't intend to cheat on her.

Instead, abandon her and leave alone?

Could it be that in such a place where birds don't shit, there are other people who can't?

If so, why didn't I hear from her master.

Even if they returned to Huashan, they had never heard of it from Feng Buping and Cheng Buyou.

Naturally, Lin Pingzhi didn't know what Gao Yanan was thinking.

He has once again come to the place where Feng Qingyang lives.

The tomb of Xia Xueyi, the Golden Snake Langjun, is still so dazzling.

Thinking of his current relationship with Xia Qingqing, Xia Xueyi could be considered his father-in-law.

The respect before was because Xia Xueyi was a character.

See you again now, that is to meet the old man as a son-in-law.

Thinking of this, he walked to Xia Xueyi's tombstone and bowed deeply.

"Stinky boy, why did you salute Xiaoxia so well? I never saw you respect me so much!"

Feng Qingyang's teasing voice rang in Lin Pingzhi's ears.

Lin Pingzhi turned around and saw Feng Qingyang standing at the entrance of the cave.


He greeted him with a smile.

"If senior wants to, why not bow to you a few times?"

After speaking, he was ready to bow to Feng Qingyang.

In the end, Feng Qingyang stopped Lin Pingzhi from bending over with his palm.

"Farewell, old man, I haven't lived enough. Your bow is for the dead, just bow to Xiaoxia."

He waved his hand and said impatiently.

As for why Lin Pingzhi bowed to Xia Xueyi, he didn't ask, and he didn't bother to care.

"Why are you looking for me again?"

There was a little impatience in Feng Qingyang's eyes.

It was as if Lin Pingzhi's arrival had spoiled his interest.

Lin Pingzhi touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Senior, you said so."

He said with some embarrassment.

"When I met my great-grandfather in the Qing Dynasty, my great-grandfather seemed to know you."

Back then in the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty, his great-grandfather seemed to say that Feng Qingyang was a junior.

So when I came to see Feng Qingyang this time, I also wanted to ask if this was the case.

However, let's learn more about the legend of the rivers and lakes.

"Your great-grandfather?"

When Feng Qingyang looked at Lin Pingzhi, he was stunned.

He just remembered that he didn't even know the details of Lin Pingzhi.

I just thought that Lin Pingzhi was an ordinary Huashan disciple.

"Who was your great-grandfather?"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

A smile appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face.

"Senior, my great-grandfather's name is Lin Yuantu, also known as Sunflower Patriarch."

When talking about Lin Yuantu, Feng Qingyang still had some doubts on his face.

It seems that they don't know who Lin Yuantu is.

However, when Lin Pingzhi said "Sunflower Patriarch".

Feng Qingyang's face turned black immediately.

"So you're the great-grandson of that old bastard!"

He said cursingly.

It seems that he and Lin Yuantu had some unpleasantness before.


Lin Pingzhi didn't know what to say.

If someone scolded his great-grandfather, he might have raised his sword and killed him.

But it was Feng Qingyang who called his great-grandfather an old bastard...

He suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Senior, it's not appropriate for you to speak ill of my great-grandfather in front of me..."

Lin Pingzhi said angrily.

Who made him unable to offend Feng Qingyang?

Feng Qingyang is a legendary existence in Jianghu.

Are the legends of the rivers and lakes so easy to deal with?

Feng Qingyang touched his long white eyebrows, and said very calmly:

"If I dare to scold him in front of him, will I still scold him in front of you?"

His joking tone made Lin Pingzhi speechless.

This statement is really reasonable, and there is nowhere to refute it.

But from these words, Lin Pingzhi also deduced that the strength of his great-grandfather Lin Yuantu should be stronger than Feng Qingyang.

Otherwise, with Feng Qingyang's character, he would definitely not say such a thing.

"Ahem, senior, senior, it's hard for me as a junior to talk about your affairs, but I have some doubts, and I would like to ask senior to clarify my doubts!"

Lin Pingzhi coughed twice, then looked at Feng Qingyang solemnly and said.

Feng Qingyang raised his eyebrows, walked to the edge of Xia Xueyi's tombstone, put one hand on the tombstone, took out a wine gourd from the back of his waist with the other hand, and poured it into his mouth.

After taking a big sip of "Gulu Gulu", he looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked:

"Just ask."

He closed his eyes, as if nothing could attract his attention.

Seeing Feng Qingyang so "disrespecting" his father-in-law Xia Xueyi, Lin Pingzhi also wanted to remind him.

But think about it, he was afraid that Feng Qingyang would be displeased after reminding him, and if he didn't answer his doubts, he would also put the words of the reminder back.

"That's right, senior."

Lin Pingzhi hurried to Feng Qingyang's side and asked:

"What level does a master at your level belong to? Is there a higher level than you?"

He was really curious about this.

The legends of the rivers and lakes are a level that he still can't touch.

He also wanted to know how powerful this Jianghu legend could be.

Feng Qingyang, who was originally calm, opened his eyes quickly when he heard this question, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"Why don't you ask the old bastard?"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

Lin Pingzhi's mouth twitched.

If the great-grandfather was willing to tell him, why would he still ask Feng Qingyang?

"At that time, I forgot to ask."

So far, he can only find an excuse.

Great-grandfather had said it before, but now he knew it was too early.

He didn't dare to tell Feng Qingyang, that's what his great-grandfather said.

I'm afraid that Feng Qingyang will say the same thing.

"Are you asking like this? Can the old man not get thirsty when he talks?"

Feng Qingyang glanced at Lin Pingzhi, and stuffed the wine gourd in his hand behind his back.

Lin Pingzhi was overjoyed when he heard the words.

As long as Feng Qingyang raises the conditions, it means the matter can be resolved!

As for what you want, it's very simple - wine!

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