Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 912 Gao Yanan's Fear, Find Feng Qingyang Again!

Lin Pingzhi looked at Yue Buqun's Taiyue Sanqing Peak, and felt it was funny.

Although during this time, Yue Buqun has been practicing hard.

But Taiyue Sanqingfeng is definitely not the martial arts that Yue Buqun mainly practiced.

Although there has been a certain level of progress.

It was just because of Lin Ping that Yue Buqun didn't dare to use the evil sword technique.

Afraid of being recognized by Lin Pingzhi.

Yue Buqun's strongest swordsmanship is undoubtedly the evil swordsmanship.

As for Taiyue Sanqing Peak?

Lin Pingzhi really didn't notice it.

"Good come!"

With a loud shout.

Lin Pingzhi's foot stepped a little, and his figure came out violently.

His index finger and middle finger were condensed into sword fingers, just like Yue Buqun, he used the three green peaks of Taiyue!

Gao Yanan, who was watching from the side, looked surprised.

She could tell that Lin Pingzhi also used the Three Green Peaks of Taiyue.

However, one side is a sword and the other is a finger.

It was obvious who was stronger and who was weaker. She felt that Lin Pingzhi definitely had no chance of winning.

What's more, in front of Lin Pingzhi is Yue Buqun, the leader of the Huashan School!

As the sword pointed at Junzijian, Gao Yanan's eyes suddenly widened.

"how can that be?"

She looked incredible.

I saw Lin Pingzhi's sword, bypassing the edge of the Junzi sword, and pointing at the body of the Junzi sword.

"Clang clang clang..."

Three crisp beeps sounded.

Yue Buqun's Junzi sword was directly hit by Lin Pingzhi and deviated from the track.

But Yue Buqun had expected this point.

His sword turned around and stabbed towards Lin Pingzhi's chest.

Among them, the evil swordsmanship and the Huashan swordsmanship were combined together.

Lin Pingzhi secretly smiled.

Yue Buqun's tricks are brilliant!

Combining evil spirit swordsmanship and Huashan swordsmanship, it is difficult for others to see it. Even if they do, they will only think that he has modified Huashan swordsmanship.

As everyone knows, he has a complete evil sword technique in his mind.

He even has a complete version of the predecessor of the evil swordsmanship - the Sunflower Collection.

One can see through Yue Buqun's moves at a glance!

He didn't dodge or avoid, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

The sword pointed in his hand, like a real sword.


A cracking sound rang out.

Lin Pingzhi's sword finger directly pierced Yue Buqun's shoulder.

He could control it, so he didn't go deep, just shed some blood.

Yue Buqun put down his sword with a disappointed expression.

He clutched his slightly painful shoulder, feeling mixed feelings in his heart.

The fight between Lin Pingzhi and him this time made him realize that the gap between the two was too big.

For him, Lin Pingzhi is an insurmountable gap.

"Master, it seems that you still need to practice again."

He smiled slightly.

Yue Buqun didn't speak, just lowered his head silently.

Although his heart was full of hatred, there was nothing he could do.

If he really angered Lin Pingzhi, Lin Pingzhi would really kill him, he had no doubts about this.


After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the hut again.

Lin Pingzhi looked at his back with a faint smile on his face.

Yue Buqun wanted to get out of his control, how could it be possible?

Now he is injured and controls so many forces.

The Azure Dragon Society, Ming Cult, Sun Moon God Sect, and Shenshui Palace are all under his control.

The Five Sacred Sword Sect was no match for any of them.

What's more, the mere Huashan School?

Moreover, in the Huashan School, his prestige seems to have surpassed that of Yue Buqun.

He wasn't worried about this at all.

Unless he died, it was impossible for Yue Buqun to regain control of the Huashan faction.

After Yue Buqun returned to the hut, he turned his head and looked at the shocked Gao Yanan.


He said in a low voice.

Gao Yanan came back to his senses in a daze.


She was a little overwhelmed.

Is what she saw just now real?

As a disciple, Lin Pingzhi defeated Yue Buqun as a master so easily?

Which of the two is the disciple and who is the master?

How powerful is Lin Pingzhi?

The rumors in the arena are not exaggerated!

But Yue Buqun...why does he feel so vulnerable?

"Did you just think about it, if I could die under the gentleman's sword?"

Lin Pingzhi narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile.

He could roughly guess it from Gao Yanan's shock.

If it wasn't unexpected, how could it be such a shock.

So what Gao Yanan expected, one can imagine.

"No no!"

Gao Yanan shook his head again and again.

She won't admit it.

If he admits it, won't he be tortured by Lin Pingzhi again?

"It doesn't matter if there is, anyway, what you think is impossible to appear."

Lin Pingzhi pouted.

In this world, if you want to kill him, unless there is a legend in the rivers and lakes.

With his current strength, even his elder brother Qiao Feng could not kill him.

Of course, he might still be unable to defeat Qiao Feng, but Qiao Feng could not do anything to him either.

Gao Yanan didn't speak, but lowered his head silently.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that the rumors in the world were not exaggerated.

Lin Pingzhi may be much stronger than she imagined.

Thinking of this, she silently followed behind Lin Pingzhi.

Along the way, Lin Pingzhi took her on rugged mountain roads, and some aisles were so narrow that only one person could pass through them.

"This is... where is it going?"

Gao Yanan asked with some concern.

There is obviously some distance from the Huashan School here.

It's like going to the top of Mount Hua.

There are few people here, birds don't shit, Lin Pingzhi brought her here... Could it be that he wanted to kill her and then destroy her body?

When they returned to the Huashan School, they lied to Feng Buping and Cheng Buyou, saying that she had left the mountain?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Looking at Lin Pingzhi's back in front of her, she said in fear again:

"Can I go back..."

She was really scared and didn't want to go with Lin Pingzhi.

Once she followed Lin Pingshang, she might be directly killed by Lin Pingzhi.


Lin Pingzhi turned his head and looked at Gao Yanan.

"If you don't want to follow, I'll kill you right now. It just so happens that here in the wilderness, it's convenient to throw away the corpse."

He said lightly, with a playful look on his face.

Of course, he was just joking.

After all, he promised Ning Zhong not to kill Gao Yanan.

And Gao Yanan is indeed a beauty, maybe after a long time, she has no idea about Hu Tiehua, so she can give it a try and see if she can accept it.

Gao Ya-nan showed resentment.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi with tears in her eyes.

"You said that if you don't follow, you will kill me, but if I go up with you, you just want to kill me... There is no one on the top of Huashan Mountain. If you kill me and throw away the body, who knows..."

As she spoke, she burst into tears.

As a well-known Qingfeng female swordsman in the Jianghu.

She has been very strong since she was a child, and she has never cried much.

But in Lin Pingzhi's place, she felt extremely wronged.

The tears couldn't stop flowing.

After Lin Pingzhi heard this, he realized that Gao Yanan was worried about this.

"Don't worry, I can't kill you. Wait until you come up with me, and then you can just wait by the side, and I will go in by myself."

It is inconvenient for him to expose Feng Qingyang's whereabouts.

But in order to ensure that Gao Yanan did not leak the secret, he could only bring Gao Yanan with him.

And this time when he came back, he really wanted to see Feng Qingyang.

There are many questions that he hasn't asked Feng Qingyang yet.

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