Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 911 Being a sparring partner, Gao Yanan's little thought!

Before Lin Pingzhi was in the Shilin Cave Mansion, he had the idea of ​​taking Gao Yanan in. After all, he was beautiful and his figure was not bad.

But when Ning Zhongze's reputation might be hindered, he could kill Gao Yanan without hesitation.

"I'm planting a life-death talisman for you now. You must follow me all the time. If you dare to leave, I will activate the life-death talisman. You will surely die!"

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers.

In Gao Yanan's body, a life and death talisman was planted.

Tears welled up in Gao Yanan's eyes.

She didn't expect that one day, her life and death would be controlled by others.

"Dada" sounded twice.

Lin Pingzhi unlocked Gao Yanan's acupuncture points.


With tears in his eyes, Gao Yanan looked at Lin Pingzhi with a terrified expression.

She discovered the secrets of Lin Pingzhi and Ning Zhongze.

According to what Lin Pingzhi said, killing her was indeed the best choice.

But now Ningzhong interceded, and Lin Pingzhi didn't kill her.

But her life and death are also controlled by Lin Pingzhi.

Next, she didn't know what to do.

"Where will I go in the future, where will you follow."

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

"If you find out that you said something you shouldn't have said, do you know the consequences?"

As he spoke, he slightly manipulated the life and death talisman to stimulate Gao Yanan's veins.

Gao Yanan's face instantly twisted.

The severe pain in her body made her feel even more frightened.

"I see……"

Gao Yanan shouted quickly.

She was really scared, this kind of pain was dozens of times more painful than when she came to Kui Shui.

In Ning Zhongze's eyes, there was also a little unbearable color.

She walked up to Lin Pingzhi's side and dissuaded him:

"Okay, Ping'er."

Falling with her voice.

Only then did Lin Pingzhi stop stimulating the Life and Death Talisman.

Gao Yanan's pain gradually disappeared.

By the time she no longer felt the pain, the clothes on her body were already soaked.

Before, she thought Lin Pingzhi was a very kind Senior Brother Lin, but now in her heart, he seemed to exist like a devil.

"Ping'er, do you want to go and see him?"

Ning Zhong looked at Lin Pingzhi and said.

Lin Pingzhi naturally understood who Ning Zhong was referring to.

"That's right. Now that you're back at Mount Hua, let's go over there and have a look. Is he still in the back mountain?"

As he spoke, he walked up to Ning Zhongze, and hugged Ning Zhongze in front of Gao Yanan.

Ning Zhong rolled Lin Ping's eyes with some embarrassment.

"Well, he is in the back of the mountain every day."

She said reproachfully.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Because of Gao Yanan's accident.

In Huashan, it was inconvenient for him to do anything with Ning Zhongze.

We can only talk about it after leaving Huashan.

After leaving Ning Zhongze's room, Lin Pingzhi came to the back mountain.

Of course, in order to ensure that Gao Yanan did not talk nonsense, he also took Gao Yanan with him.

"Master, I'm here to see you!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted to the hut behind the mountain.

Soon, Yue Buqun quickly came out of the hut.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi with a look of respect.

Whether it was true or false, at least on the surface, he seemed to be very respectful to Lin Pingzhi.

At this point, Gao Yanan was also a little surprised.

She did not expect that Yue Buqun, as the head of the Huashan School, would be so respectful to Lin Pingzhi.

"Ping'er...how come you come back when you have time?"

Yue Buqun said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Day after day, he practiced in this back mountain, for the purpose of getting rid of Lin Pingzhi's control as soon as possible.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at the gentleman's sword tightly held in Yue Buqun's hand, and already knew Yue Buqun's thoughts in his heart.

Yue Buqun looked at Gao Yanan with surprise in his eyes.

Because he has been in the back mountain, even if Gao Yanan came to Huashan, he would not know.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi taking Gao Yanan with him, he thought Gao Yanan was Lin Pingzhi's confidante again.

However, seeing Yue Buqun looking at her, Gao Yanan quickly held back the fear in his heart, and bowed to Yue Buqun:

"Jianzong Gao Yanan, I have met Master Yue."

"Are you Kumei's disciple?"

He looked at Gao Yanan and said.

Huashan Sword Sect is running out of people, and he can guess the few people left.

Gao Yanan nodded, and looked at Lin Pingzhi resentfully.

Lin Pingzhi's expression was indifferent, he narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Yue Buqun and said:

"Master, will Ping'er practice with you today?"

He wanted to suppress Yue Buqun, and let Yue Buqun understand that no matter how hard he practiced, it was impossible to surpass him!

When Yue Buqun heard the words, emotion appeared on his face.

Indeed, after practicing for so long, he also wanted to try how far he was from Lin Pingzhi.

"You can try it."

He nodded and said expectantly.

Upon hearing this, Gao Yanan hurriedly stood aside and watched expectantly.

Although her life and death are now controlled by Lin Pingzhi.

However, the head of the Huashan School competes with the most famous disciple of the Huashan School in Jianghu, this is an opportunity that can only be met but never sought after!

Now that she is returning to the Huashan School, how can she miss it?

However, she watched Lin Pingzhi and Yue Buqun stand facing each other, Yue Buqun looked cautious, but Lin Pingzhi was empty-handed and even useless with a sword.

He couldn't help feeling a little disdainful towards Lin Pingzhi.

She felt that Lin Pingzhi was too condescending, and the person in front of Lin Pingzhi now was the head of the Huashan School, Yue Buqun known as the gentleman's sword.

Even if Lin Pingzhi is powerful, and even has such strange means as life and death talisman to control her life and death, Yue Buqun should not be underestimated.

Yue Buqun is a master who has been famous for a long time in the world!

She believed that Lin Pingzhi would definitely pay the price for his pride.

Of course she is also happy to see this scene!

Who told Lin Pingzhi to do such a thing with Ning Zhongze!

It even controlled her life and death and made her lose her freedom.

In this regard, she still has resentment towards Lin Pingzhi in her heart.

It just so happened that Yue Buqun taught Lin Pingzhi a lesson this time, which made Lin Pingzhi feel a little embarrassed.

When following Lin Pingzhi in the future, you can take this as a joke and relieve your anger!

However, seeing Yue Buqun's expression, she was incomparably at peace with Zhongze.

She was curious about this.

Isn't Yue Buqun a master?

Why is it like this when facing this disciple Lin Pingzhi?

Even if Lin Pingzhi is no longer an official Huashan disciple, it shouldn't be so.

Could it be... Lin Pingzhi's martial arts skills are really high, beyond her expectations?

Just when she hesitated.

Seeing Yue Buqun's gaze fixed, he raised his hand to see the Three Green Peaks of Taiyue!

She also knows this sword technique.

It is Yue Buqun's own swordsmanship, based on the Huashan swordsmanship, with certain modifications.

After coming to Mount Hua, she also saw Feng Buping and Cheng Buyou perform it.

At that time, she thought it was very delicate.

Now that Yue Buqun, the founder of the sword technique, used it, she felt that this was the real Taiyue Sanqingfeng.

Feng Buping and Cheng Buyou seem to have just learned the shape.

Only Yue Buqun can show the essence.

Presumably... Lin Pingzhi must not be able to stop these three swords.

There was anticipation in her eyes, she wanted to see Lin Pingzhi get embarrassed!

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