Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 908 The New Little Martial Uncle


Lin Pingzhi and Su Rongrong walked together.

The trip to the desert was half a month ago.

After the sandstorm subsided, he returned to Shenshui Palace with the jellyfish Yinji and others.

Then Lin Pingzhi proposed to leave.

Qu Wurong, Qiu Surong and Gong Nanyan all wanted to follow.

But Lin Pingzhi refused.

His journey is not a game.

Jellyfish Yin Ji meant where Lin Pingzhi would settle down in the future, so she moved the entire Shenshui Palace there.

In the same way, Qu Wurong, Qiu Surong and Gong Nanyan will also be there.

After much deliberation, Lin Pingzhi decided on a place——Hangzhou.

Next, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, will take the people from Shenshui Palace to relocate collectively to the vicinity of Hangzhou Yihong Sword Academy.

Yihong Sword Academy is Lin Pingzhi's sect, and she will be closer to Lin Pingzhi if she moves there.

At the same time, it can also form a corner with Yihong Sword Academy.

Lin Pingzhi also agrees with this point.

Most of his women are in Fuzhou and Hangzhou.

Shenshui Palace is far away, and it will be inconvenient in the future.

Although he was very close to Tang Qingrong.

But Tang Qingrong was the head of the Tang Sect after all, at least before Tang Qingfeng took over the Tang Sect, Tang Qingrong could not be brought to Hangzhou.

As for Su Rongrong, she had been traveling around with Chu Liuxiang before.

He had enough experience and experience in the Jianghu, Lin Pingzhi wanted to refuse, but he couldn't help it.

In the end, Su Rongrong came to Shaanxi together with Lin Pingzhi.

It was also because of Su Rongrong following him that he was able to overflow during this time on the road.

Of course, Su Rongrong's martial arts has also improved a lot.

Although I haven't reached the peak yet, there should be no problem with the first-class peak.

Experts can't deal with it, but it's still possible to hit a small Yueyue.

"Lin Lang, is this your former school?"

Su Rongrong, who was holding Lin Pingzhi's arm, looked at the steep Huashan Mountain in front of her, and her eyes were shining brightly.

She is also very fortunate to be able to come to Lin Pingzhi's school of study.

Her heart was full of Lin Pingzhi, and she also wondered if she could revisit Lin Pingzhi's past.

Today, it is one of them.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"Before me, I was Junior Brother Huashan."

There was a smile on his lips.

Now that more than a year has passed, Huashan has long since changed.

In the past, the Songshan School opposed the Huashan School everywhere, trying to unite the five mountains.

Later Zuo Lengchan was killed by him, and he appointed Ding Mian as the head of the Songshan School.

Yue Buqun also learned the evil sword technique, and since then he has been inhumane.

The Huashan School became the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, and he was no longer a Huashan disciple.

For him, Huashan is a place of memory.

There is Linghu Chong who has to go against the system because of the system, there is also a well-behaved and cute little junior sister, and there is also a beautiful and charming teacher's wife.

After the battle of Bright Summit ended.

The master followed the Huashan School and returned to Huashan.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't do anything about it, he was by Zhao Min's side at the time.

If it is Ningzhong, then follow, it is really not good.

This time I brought Su Rongrong here because I wanted to see my teacher's wife who I miss so much.

"Let's go up."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.


Su Rongrong nodded.

The two climbed Huashan Mountain along the winding mountain road.

When he came to Lianjianping in Huashan, Lin Ping saw three acquaintances at a glance.

These three were the three outer disciples who had to be bullied because of the system's tasks: Mo Chezhao, Lin Yi, and Zhou Houxu.

They sat on a rock and did not notice Lin Pingzhi's arrival.

Instead, they were discussing something there.

Lin Pingzhi was quite far away from them, and could vaguely hear their discussions.

"That new little uncle is so beautiful!"

"That's not called beauty, you know, that's called heroic!"

"The kind of heroine?"

"Stupid! The heroine refers to the female general! Our little uncle is a heroine! Female swordsman, do you understand!"

"Yes, yes, female hero! Female swordsman!"

The three discussed, completely ignoring Lin Pingzhi and Su Rongrong.

Listen to the little uncles they talk about, female heroes, and female swordsmen.

Lin Pingzhi was somewhat puzzled.

Could it be that Xiao Yueyue has accepted his own disciples again?

Wasn't he a closed disciple before?

Are you accepting a personal pass now?And the recipient...was a woman?

Could it be that since Xiao Yueyue was castrated, his disciples are not willing to accept men?

"long time no see!"

Lin Pingzhi took Su Rongrong's hand and walked in front of Lin Yi and the others.

Mo Chezhao looked back casually at Lin Pingzhi, but at first he didn't realize it, but then he trembled all over.

"Little...Little Master Uncle?"

He was all dumbfounded.

How come, the little uncle appeared.

He subconsciously covered his face, for fear of being slapped by Lin Pingzhi again.

The same is true for Lin Yi and Zhou Houxu.

Lin Pingzhi was also helpless about this.

The previous missions of the system have cast a psychological shadow on the three of them.

"I told you the last time I came here, you don't need to call me Little Martial Uncle, I'm no longer a Huashan disciple."

He said with a smile, walked to Lin Yi's side, and patted his shoulder lightly.

"What? The new junior junior sister is very beautiful? I'll go and see!"

After speaking, he pulled Su Rongrong and walked to the Huashan School lobby.

Looking at the backs of Lin Pingzhi and Su Rongrong.

The three of Lin Yi looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Unexpectedly, the little uncle brought another woman back..."

"Not only that, but this woman is so beautiful..."

"Isn't it beautiful in the past?"

"Beautiful! All beautiful..."


Lin Pingzhi no longer cared about their discussions.

In the arena, there are already rumors of his flirtatious sex.

People from the Huashan School must also know about it.

There is no need to hide at this time.

"Lin Lang, don't you have a crush on this new little junior sister?"

Su Rongrong rolled his eyes at him and said angrily.

"Isn't it enough to have me by your side?"

She said this to make fun of Lin Pingzhi.

She knew a long time ago that Lin Pingzhi had many women.

If she cared, she would not have fallen in love with Lin Pingzhi back then.

"Of course enough is enough!"

Lin Pingzhi smiled and hugged Su Rongrong's slender waist.

"After all, Rongrong can fill me up!"

How could Su Rongrong not understand what overflow is.

At first, I was still ignorant, but after many times, I have already understood the meaning of this word.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's words, she immediately blushed, clenched her small fists, and kept patting Lin Pingzhi's chest.


Lin Pingzhi laughed.

At this moment, Feng Buping's voice sounded behind him.

"Pingzhi? Are you back?"

Feng Buping's voice seemed a little surprised.

Lin Pingzhi heard the sound, put his arms around Su Rongrong and turned his head.

Feng Buping is still the same as before, nothing has changed, but his breath is more stable.

It must have rested Huashan Qizong's mentality, allowing his internal strength to grow.

This is also advocated by Lin Pingzhi.

The combination of sword energy is the right way.

Beside Feng Buping, stood a beautiful woman.

This person turned out to be an old acquaintance of Lin Pingzhi and Su Rongrong.

In this way, this person is what Lin Yi and the others said were the new junior uncles.

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