Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 907 Dodge the sandstorm and go to battle together!

Stone Forest Cave Mansion.

Su Rongrong's face was full of anxiety.

She looked outside and could see the storm in the distance.

"There is a sandstorm outside, I don't know how Lin Lang is doing now."

Sandstorms are natural disasters, which cannot be resisted by humans.

How could she not worry.

A look of guilt appeared on Qu Wurong's face.

"It's all my fault, if I didn't run out, it wouldn't be like this..."

If she hadn't run out at that time, perhaps Ouyang Feng would not have held Qiu Surong hostage.

In this way, Lin Pingzhi didn't have to go out to save others.

resulting in such a result.

Jellyfish Yin Ji looked a little gloomy.

She was afraid that Lin Pingzhi would get lost in the desert and couldn't find the way back to the Stone Forest Cave Mansion.

"I'll go find him, you wait here."

Decisively, she made a decision, looked at Su Rongrong and the others and said.

"No! I'm going too!"

Su Rongrong directly refused.

"I am coming too!"

The injured Gong Nanyan stood up with difficulty and said firmly.

"Me! And me!"

Qu Wurong also walked over with a limp.

Jellyfish Yin Ji looked at them, feeling a little helpless.

They were worried about Lin Pingzhi, she understood that.

But if they were caught in a sandstorm, they would definitely not be able to escape.

"What are you going to do? One can't walk easily, and the other struggles to stand up! And you, stay and take care of them!"

Jellyfish Yin Ji looked at Su Rongrong and said.

Her tone was beyond doubt.

But Su Rongrong is not from the Shenshui Palace, and her fear of the majesty of the jellyfish Yin Ji is not enough to make her forget that Lin Pingzhi is in danger now.


Su Rongrong said firmly.

"You stay and take care of them, I'll go find them!"

She gritted her teeth and said.

No matter what, she wanted to see Lin Pingzhi immediately and be safe.

Jellyfish Yin Ji just wanted to get angry.

But there seemed to be a call coming from the ear.

It seemed...it was Lin Pingzhi!

She focused her eyes, and hurriedly swept outside the cave.

Seeing this, Su Rongrong didn't care about anything else, and rushed out quickly.

"Wait for me!"

Qu Wurong limped and prepared to run out.

Seeing this, Gong Nanyan was also a little anxious.

"Can't you take me with you!"

She said a little aggrieved.

Now she was injured by Ouyang Feng, and she still hasn't recovered.

Seeing this, Qu Wurong thought for a while, and felt that anyway, both of them were injured, and they felt sorry for each other, so it would be better for them to go and help each other and go together.

When the four of them left the cave, they could feel a lot of flying sand hitting their bodies.

In front of their eyes, Lin Pingzhi hugged Qiu Surong, and kept running towards the stone forest cave.

Jellyfish Yinji and the others were also relieved to see that Lin Pingzhi was safe and sound.

They were all worried that Lin Pingzhi would not be able to return because of the sandstorm.

Now when they saw Lin Pingzhi, they let go of all their worries.


"Lin Lang!"

The four women's shouts sounded.

Lin Pingzhi landed in front of them, before reminiscing with them, he hugged Qiu Surong and said to them:

"Quick, hide in the cave!"

This sandstorm seems to be quite powerful.

In a short time, I'm afraid it won't subside. They must hide in the Stone Forest Cave Mansion to avoid this sandstorm.

Following Lin Pingzhi and others all returned to Shilin Cave Mansion.

Lin Pingzhi closed the stone gate of the Stone Forest Cave Mansion.

The sound of "huhu" stopped for a while.

However, because the cave door was closed, the light in the Stone Forest Cave Mansion also became very dim.

Can only be illuminated by candlelight.

It was only after the jellyfish Yin Ji lit the torches on the cave wall with a torch that the cave was visible.

"It's too dangerous, I didn't expect to encounter a sandstorm!"

Lin Pingzhi said with emotion.

He shook his body, and the flying sand stuck to his body fell to the ground one after another with a "crash".

Qiu Surong also imitated Lin Pingzhi, there were also a lot of flying sand falling on the ground.

This is the impact of sandstorms.

"Your injuries haven't healed yet, I'll help you heal first."

As Lin Pingzhi said, he first walked to Qu Wurong's side.

He squatted down, under Qu Wurong's guilty look, took off Qu Wurong's shoes, and used his internal strength to help Qu Wurong recover.

After Qu Wurong's swollen ankle recovered, he walked to Gong Nanyan's side again, and used his internal strength to help Gong Nanyan heal.

By the time Gong Nanyan recovered from her injuries, it was almost dusk.

But in the cave, there is no sky and no sun, and it is impossible to tell according to the sky. Fortunately, Su Rongrong can remember the time.

After everyone had eaten some dry food, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, approached Lin Pingzhi and asked:

"Pingzhi, that Xidu Ouyang Feng..."

As soon as she finished speaking, the other girls all looked at Lin Pingzhi.

They also saw how powerful Ouyang Feng was.

But Lin Pingzhi was able to bring Qiu Surong back safely. Could it be that Ouyang Feng is dead?

"Shouldn't be dead."

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

Originally, he also thought that Ouyang Feng must die.

After all, the power of the soul in the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade is so powerful.

After accumulating for so long, even Ouyang Feng might not be able to bear it once it is distributed.

Before leaving, Ouyang Feng had already become a dead wood.

But he guessed that the reason why Ouyang Feng didn't die was because he didn't receive the notification from the system.

An existence of Ouyang Feng's level.

It must be a reminder to receive system rewards.

Since he didn't receive it, it meant that Ouyang Feng must not have been killed by him.

"Such a big sandstorm...he shouldn't be able to escape."

Qiu Surong said hesitantly.

"Maybe he has already been buried in the sea of ​​sand?"

Her martial arts are mediocre, and she doesn't know how strong Ouyang Feng's martial arts are.

He just felt that perhaps Ouyang Feng had already died.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

I thought, this is also possible.

If Ouyang Feng didn't directly die by his hands, but was killed by a sandstorm, the system would not reward him either.

Based on this calculation, perhaps Ouyang Feng was already dead.

"Maybe, but we can't go out until the sandstorm stops. It seems that we can only stay here for a few days."

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Shimen, and said in a deep voice.

There is a sandstorm outside, going out at this time is courting death.

He didn't have the confidence to survive the sandstorm.

Perhaps only those who often live in the desert can do it.

"Well, stay for a few days, and then go back to Shenshui Palace."

Jellyfish Yin Ji glanced at several people and said.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Then he pulled Gong Nanyan beside her into his arms.

"A few days is not long, nor is it short. In my opinion, let's do something we love!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and kissed Gong Nanyan's lips.

Although Gong Nanyan was shy, she still responded to Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing this, the other women also blushed a little.

Even with some expectations.

A few days passed in a flash.

After a few days, Lin Pingzhi also felt a little sore in his waist.

But to him, it's just a little relief of internal energy.

When taking down Qu Wurong, the system's rewards were the same as the rewards for taking down Qiu Surong under the sandstone, it was nothing special.

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