Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 909 Gao Yanan Knows the Truth and Instructs Swordsmanship!

Wasn't the person standing beside Feng Buping the Qingfeng female swordsman Gao Yanan whom I had seen in the Shilin Cave Mansion earlier?

When Lin Yi and the others mentioned it earlier.

She is also beautiful, and she is a heroine and swordsman, so he wondered if it could be Gao Yanan.

Unexpectedly, it really is.

But it's normal to think about.

Gao Yanan is a member of Jianzong, and her master has passed away.

And the Huashan faction has also combined sword energy, she should return to Huashan to recognize her ancestors and return to her clan.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi's Feng Buping again made me feel very happy.

The reason why he was able to return to Mount Hua, and the prosperity of Huashan today, all depended on Lin Pingzhi.

"Pingzhi, let me introduce you, this is Gao Yanan, the apprentice of Senior Sister Kumei of Jianzong."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Yanan jumped out.

"Senior Uncle Feng, no need to introduce, Senior Brother Lin and I have known each other for a long time."

After speaking, Gao Yanan walked to Su Rongrong's side and asked with a smile:

"Really, Miss Rongrong?"

Su Rongrong also nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, Feng Buping stroked his beard in satisfaction.

"Then you young people have a chat together, I still have something to do."

He nodded and said to Lin Pingzhi.

Feng Buping is different from Xiao Yueyue, he may act extreme, but his heart is full of Huashan faction.

For Huashan faction, he can ignore his own reputation.

Xiaoyueyue is different. It is true for Huashan, but it is also good for face.

"See you, Master Feng."

Lin Pingzhi nodded and said with a smile.

After Feng Buping walked away, his face became cold.

"Let me ask you, where is Chu Liuxiang?"

He looked at Gao Yanan and asked coldly.

Gao Yanan was stunned.

"Didn't Chu Liuxiang stay with you back then?"

She also seemed to have a lot of incomprehension, and looked at Lin Pingzhi suspiciously.

When Lin Pingzhi heard this, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"That day, when we came out, Chu Liuxiang was the only one left. He challenged me to compete with senior Li Xunhuan in throwing knives, and then took the opportunity to snatch the desert star from Rongrong!"

He said in a deep voice, if you listen carefully, it is not difficult to hear the killing intent in his words.

Chu Liuxiang disappointed him completely!

Gao Yanan's eyes widened when he heard the words, she didn't expect Chu Liuxiang to be like this.

"It's... impossible, right?"

With hesitation, she looked at Su Rongrong beside her.

Su Rongrong nodded unnaturally, and said:

"Indeed, he snatched the Desert Star from me with his own hands."

"Hmph! I didn't expect him to become like this!"

Gao Yanan said angrily.

The time she had been in contact with Chu Liuxiang was not short, so she naturally knew what Chu Liuxiang was like.

But now I know from Lin Pingzhi and Su Rongrong that after Chu Liuxiang's actions.

She felt that the Chu Liuxiang she knew before was not the real Chu Liuxiang at all.

"Sister Rongrong, when I meet Chu Liuxiang, I will definitely teach him a lesson for you! Take a breath of anger!"

She clenched her fists and said viciously.

Looking at Gao Yanan's expression, Lin Pingzhi was sure that she really didn't know about Chu Liuxiang's taking away the desert star.

The star of the desert, it is estimated that Chu Liuxiang should have given it to Ji Bingyan.

Ji Bingyan is a businessman, and a businessman is only interested in profit, maybe the Star of the Desert has been sold.

"You came to Huashan, did Hu Tiehua come with you?"

He looked at Gao Yanan and asked.

If Hu Tiehua followed, he could catch Hu Tiehua and ask about Chu Liuxiang's whereabouts.

Gao Yanan didn't know Chu Liuxiang's whereabouts, but Hu Tiehua definitely knew.

Chu Liuxiang's whereabouts may be concealed from anyone, but Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan will not be concealed.

"Hu Tiehua? How do I know him?"

Gao Yanan said angrily.

It seems that he doesn't pay attention to Hu Tiehua's affairs at all.

Lin Pingzhi also saw it.

It must be that Hu Tiehua made Gao Yanan angry in order to avoid Gao Yanan, so Gao Yanan is here to get angry with Hu Tiehua!

"Well, Rongrong and I will leave first."

As Lin Pingzhi said, he pulled Su Rongrong to leave.

Gao Yanan had Hu Tiehua in his heart, so he would naturally stand by Chu Liuxiang's side.

If it weren't for the sake of being a disciple of the Huashan School.

He must have made a move, captured Gao Yanan, and forced Hu Tiehua to show up.

"Hey! Brother Lin, wait a minute!"

Gao Yanan quickly grabbed Lin Pingzhi's arm.

Lin Pingzhi frowned, looking at Gao Yanan's hand grabbing his arm.

This guy, no wonder Hu Tiehua dared not accept her.

With this kind of carefree character, don't you know whether men and women can kiss each other?

What's more, Su Rongrong is right next to her now.

Especially even if he looked at it like this, Gao Yanan didn't realize that his hand was still holding Lin Pingzhi's arm.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Pingzhi asked with a frown.

He didn't know whether it was because of Gao Yanan's natural and familiar personality, or whether he regarded him as a senior brother and didn't treat him as an outsider.

Gao Yanan's face was full of longing.

"Senior Brother Lin, I heard from Uncle Feng and Uncle Cheng that your Huashan sword technique is the best in Huashan. Can you give me some pointers?"

She blinked, looking forward to it.

The sword, for her, is also an inseparable partner.

In the past few days in Huashan, she has heard many people talk about Lin Pingzhi.

Especially on the top of Huashan Mountain, Lin Pingzhi's incarnation as Su Mingyue, beheading Ximen Chuuxue with his sword, is still the talk of Huashan disciples after dinner.

She was full of curiosity about Lin Pingzhi.

What kind of man can be so young, and can beat Ximen Chuuxue in one stroke of the sword.

She was curious about Lin Pingzhi's swordsmanship.

Of course, she has no interest in becoming Lin Pingzhi's woman.

Lin Pingzhi has too many women, she doesn't like it.

"No time, another day."

Lin Pingzhi said lightly.

He had just returned to Mount Hua, so there was no leisure to teach Gao Yanan his sword skills.

The mistress may not know that he is back, he has to go see the mistress quickly.

Hearing this, Gao Yanan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Senior brother Lin said another day will be another day!"

As soon as her words fell, Lin Pingzhi almost staggered and fell.

If Su Rongrong hadn't supported him, he might have fallen to the ground by now.

He really wanted to tell Gao Yanan that it could be done another day, but not another day!

"Brother Lin, what's wrong?"

Gao Yanan watched Lin Pingzhi stop, and asked puzzledly.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.


As he said that, he hurriedly led Su Rongrong, who was giggling, and quickly fled the scene.

Huashan is still the same as before, nothing has changed.

Lin Pingzhi followed his previous memory and brought Su Rongrong to the back hall.

Ning Zhongze's room was still eye-catching.

"Rongrong first go with me to see the teacher's wife."

"it is good."

The two walked towards Ning Zhongze's room.

It is daytime now, and there should be no one in the back hall at this time.

He brought Su Rongrong here to see if Ning Zhongze was there.

If he is not there, he will ask where Ning Zhong is.

When Feng Buping was in front of him earlier, because he was all focused on Gao Yanan, he also forgot to ask.

As he approached Ning Zhongze's room.

Hearing the movement in the room, he was overjoyed.

Just when he was about to trot forward.

His expression became a little weird.

The sound in the room... why does it sound so wrong?

Could it be that Mistress...

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