Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 906 Help recovery, sandstorm!

Before, Lin Pingzhi stabbed through the left chest once.

That time, it also frightened Yang Guo and caused the relationship between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv to collapse.

But Yang Guo didn't seem to know that his heart was on the right side.

This may also be the reason why Ouyang Feng didn't know.

In his opinion, Ouyang Feng must die.

Although he was injured, he didn't take Qiu Surong very far.

After finding a giant sandstone in the desert, he hid in with Qiu Surong.

Qiu Surong still held Lin Pingzhi's chest.

Her face was streaked with tears and she looked very sad.

"Don't worry, my heart is on the right side and I won't die."

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

Qiu Surong looked at Lin Pingzhi with a painted face, her eyes were full of affection.

"Really... are you all right?"

Her eyes looked at Lin Pingzhi, and she couldn't believe it.

This is directly piercing the chest, how can it be fine.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"Give me some medicine."

He took out the unused golden sore medicine from the storage space and handed it to Qiu Surong.

Qiu Surong took the medicine and gave Lin Ping the medicine obediently.

During the process, she was very careful, for fear of hurting Lin Pingzhi.

After finishing the medicine, Qiu Surong looked at Lin Pingzhi with worry in her eyes.

"When will you be well?"

Qiu Surong asked with concern.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"I'm afraid not so soon, unless..."

Having said that, he didn't say anything later.

On the contrary, Qiu Surong's appetite was whetted by Lin Pingzhi's words.

Lin Pingzhi suffered such a serious injury in order to save her.

Thinking of this, she became more anxious.

"Unless what? Tell me quickly."

She asked anxiously, wanting to help Lin Pingzhi recover quickly.

"If there's anything I can do, just say it, and I can do it."

Now in her heart, although she has affection for Lin Pingzhi, she is more guilty.

If it wasn't for her, Lin Pingzhi wouldn't have suffered such a serious injury.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Qiu Surong with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"This, doesn't seem appropriate."

he said awkwardly.

Qiu Surong was stunned when she heard this.

Not quite right?

Why is it not suitable?

"You are willing to die for me, why can't you let me do something for you?"

With determination in her eyes, she said decisively.

"Okay, come here."

Lin Pingzhi leaned on the ground and waved to Qiu Surong.

Qiu Surong moved closer to Lin Pingzhi's side, and let Lin Pingzhi's warm breath hit her ear.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's words, Qiu Surong's cheeks fluttered and her face was shy.

When Lin Pingzhi's words rang in her ears, there was hesitation in her heart.

In the past, many sons and elder brothers were courteous to her in every possible way, but she never let anyone succeed.

Now thinking of doing that for Lin Pingzhi...

She also couldn't get over this hurdle.

"Su Rong, it's okay. I'll recover after some time. There's no need to save that time."

Lin Pingzhi's voice sounded slowly.


Qiu Surong said decisively.

She was hesitant at first, but after hearing Lin Pingzhi's words, she became decisive.

She squatted down slowly and untied Lin Pingzhi's belt.


"I can't use my arms anymore..."

Qiu Surong looked at Lin Pingzhi, blushing with guilt.

"What should we do now……"

She wanted to help Lin Pingzhi recover quickly.

Because Lin Pingzhi told her that this can stimulate the speed of internal force in the body and speed up the recovery of injuries.

However, after a full quarter of an hour, her hands had lost strength.

But Lin Pingzhi still didn't ease up.

"This...or forget it."

A look of guilt appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face.

He felt that the previous excuse seemed a bit too much.

In fact, the speed of his internal force itself is very fast.

What I said to Qiu Surong earlier was just a teasing word.

Never thought that Qiu Surong actually took it seriously.


Qiu Surong gritted her teeth and said firmly.

"I remember, I heard some married women say that their mouths..."

Having said that, she didn't say what she said later.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned when he heard the words.

No way! No way!

Qiu Surong wouldn't really be willing, would she?

While still in doubt.

Suddenly, he felt a moist warmth.

This feeling made Lin Pingzhi uncontrollable, and his mind was empty.

At this moment, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Su Rong, I'm coming."

When the voice fell, he turned his back on the customer.

However, Qiu Surong was a little flustered.

"Well... your injury hasn't..."

The voice did not fall.

Lin Pingzhi launched an attack.

Flying sand, walking stones.

Under the huge sandstone, it is full of charming atmosphere.


The next morning.


The strong wind was blowing.

Lin Pingzhi slowly opened his eyes.

His injuries have fully recovered due to the golden sore medicine and the help of various magical powers in his body.

Otherwise, yesterday, he would not have such a powerful combat power!

"The sound of the wind seems to be a sandstorm?"

Lin Pingzhi hesitated.

He quickly got up from under the sandstone and looked behind the sandstone.

I saw the dust all over the sky, sweeping in.

Countless flying sand covered the sky and covered the ground, rushing towards this side.

"Su Rong! Get up!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted hastily.

The sandstorm is so terrifying, if it is caught in it.

No matter how powerful his qinggong is, he still can't leave.


When Qiu Surong woke up, she looked at Lin Pingzhi shyly.

"Lin Lang, I don't have the strength..."

Her voice was like a mosquito whispering.

If it wasn't for Lin Pingzhi's amazing perception.

I'm afraid it's hard to hear her words.

"let me help you!"

As she said that, when Qiu Surong was shy, she helped Qiu Surong get dressed.

After helping her get dressed, she heard the sound of the sandstorm.

"What kind of sound is this...?"

A look of surprise appeared on Qiu Surong's face.

She is not from the desert, and she doesn't know what a sandstorm is.


Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

Qiu Surong doesn't know the horror of sandstorms, he has been aware of it from his previous life, so he knows it.

"We have to go quickly, if we hesitate, we will definitely die in the sand sea!"

As he spoke, he picked up Qiu Surong and prepared to leave.

Qiu Surong leaned against Lin Pingzhi's arms, gently stroked Lin Pingzhi's chest and asked:

"How is your injury? Yesterday you did...did it affect the wound?"

"Don't worry, I'm safe and sound, all of this depends on your help."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

These words made Qiu Surong's face appear shy again.

Thinking of yesterday's madness, her shy heart was still tinged with sweetness.

"Okay, we have to go, we have to hide in the Stone Forest Cave Mansion, otherwise the sandstorm will strike, and it will be difficult to survive!"

As Lin Pingzhi said, he used Dark Night Fragrance under his feet, and hurried towards the direction of the Stone Forest Cave.

Fortunately, the direction of the Stone Forest Cave Mansion is not in the direction of the sandstorm.

Otherwise, he can only take Qiu Surong to find another way of life.

Moreover, the fourth female jellyfish, Yin Ji, was still in the Stone Forest Cave. He was worried that these women would worry about him, so they came to look for them.

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