Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 903 Ouyang Feng's Threat, Choice!


Qu Wurong's voice sounded behind Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

The flying knife that was supposed to be shot out was also discovered.

"Lin Pingzhi! If I don't kill you, I won't be Xidu Ouyang Feng!"

This old acquaintance is Ouyang Feng.


Jellyfish Yin Ji snorted coldly, and clapped out her palms repeatedly.

She will not let Ouyang Feng hurt Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi saw that he had lost the opportunity to sneak attack, so he put away the throwing knife, turned around and ran towards Qu Wurong who was behind him.

"Didn't I let you stay in the room?"

He looked at Qu Wurong, a little helpless.

"I..." Qu Wurong bit his lip, feeling very wronged.

When she was chasing out just now, she accidentally sprained her foot, and that's why she cried out in pain just now.


Lin Pingzhi sighed, helped Qu Wurong up, and sat down beside him.

"I'll heal your feet later."

Qu Wurong also knew at this time that Lin Pingzhi didn't dislike her, but something really happened, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of what happened in the room earlier, she suddenly felt Xia Fei's cheeks.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi also rushed to Yinji the jellyfish.

"Ouyang Feng, I didn't expect you to be able to recover. It seems that Mongolia really treats you well!"

Although he didn't know how Ouyang Feng replied, he must have paid a high price.

Breaking Yang Guo's arm is a new hatred, while abolishing Ouyang Feng is an old hatred.

Today, old and new hatreds pile up.

How could Ouyang Feng let Lin Pingzhi go.


When he saw Lin Pingzhi, he didn't have time to think about it, and rushed towards Lin Pingzhi using Ha Toad Kung Fu.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He is not stupid, how could he have his spine broken by Ouyang Feng like before!

"Hmph! Since you're here today, don't even think about leaving!"

With a cold snort, there was a "roar".

Jianglong's twenty-eight palms shot, and blasted straight at Ouyang Feng.


The Twenty Eight Palms of Subduing Dragon collided with Ha Toad Kung Fu, Ouyang Feng's figure stopped, his eyes were full of shock.

"Well done Lin Pingzhi, martial arts are growing so fast!"

When Lin Pingzhi deposed him before, his martial arts had not fully recovered, and he was in a state of madness.

Now that he was fully recovered, he couldn't seriously injure Lin Pingzhi with one move.

This surprised him a little.

"I didn't expect that after you were not crazy, your martial arts would improve so much!"

Lin Pingzhi stared at Ouyang Feng and said cautiously.

Now his martial arts are very close to the realm of transformation, and his internal strength has even reached the level of transformation.

Facing Ouyang Feng, he couldn't even take advantage of it.

It seems that the previous insanity had a great impact on Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng used to be insane, his martial arts had no rules, he just relied on arbitrarily strong internal strength.

It was precisely because of this that Lin Pingzhi had a chance to defeat him.

Looking at it now, Ouyang Feng, who uses martial arts reasonably, is still quite difficult to deal with.

What's more, Ha Toad Kung Fu is fierce and domineering, and had previously forced Yin Ji, the jellyfish, into decline.

If they want to beat Ouyang Feng, they can only join forces!

"Stinky boy, stop talking nonsense!"

Ouyang Feng roared angrily.

"Today I will kill you and avenge my son!"

With a ferocious face and claw-like fingers, he grabbed towards Lin Pingzhi's chest.

"Destroying God Claw!"

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Isn't Ouyang Feng the Nine Yin Manual that he practiced against?

When teaching him, he got the correct Nine Yin Manual because of the system. He never thought that Ouyang Feng could use the Destructive Claw now!

That is to say, Ouyang Feng's Nine Yin Manual has already been cultivated correctly!

"Hmph! Brat, you can't think of it! Thanks to the national teacher!"

He said proudly.

Jiumozhi has read all kinds of martial arts from all over the world, and has a certain understanding of various divine arts.

It is also because of Jiumozhi that Ouyang Feng's Nine Yin Manual can be cultivated correctly!

Following the Destructive Claw came to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to take this blow lightly.


Taking out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade from the storage space, he suddenly drew the sword.

With a single strike, Ouyang Feng's Destructive Claw was directly blocked.

Moreover, Ouyang Feng's palm also had a bloodstain due to the sharpness of the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.


Ouyang Feng snorted coldly.

He will mobilize his internal energy again, but this time the target is shifted to the jellyfish Yin Ji next to him.

However, although the jellyfish Yinji's internal strength is not as deep as that of Ouyang Feng.

But blocking Ouyang Feng was not difficult.

Seeing that he couldn't succeed, Ouyang Feng had unwillingness and anger in his eyes.

"Do you think there are so many people that you can deal with me?"

Disdain appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he lay down on the ground.

"Quack quack..."

The cry of the toad became extremely ear-piercing due to the operation of internal force.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi looked extremely serious.

He told the jellyfish Yin Ji next to him:

"Yin Ji, be careful, his toad kung fu is very fast!"


Jellyfish Yin Ji nodded.

She looked at Ouyang Feng with a look of vigilance.


Ouyang Feng yelled again.

But this time he didn't rush towards Lin Pingzhi, or the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Instead, he rushed towards Su Rongrong and Gong Nanyan.

"Not good! Run!"

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly shouted at Su Rongrong and Gong Nanyan.

Su Rongrong was stunned on the spot, her martial arts were not impressive to Ouyang Feng.

Such a quick Ouyang Feng made him flustered.

Fortunately, because Gong Nanyan had taken the Jiuzhuan Golden Pill before, her internal energy was strong.

Although she was inexperienced, facing Ouyang Feng, she stood in front of Su Rongrong and clapped her palms.


The palm force and Ouyang Feng's head made a loud noise.

But Gong Nanyan's actual combat experience is indeed too poor.

In a hurry, not too much internal force was used.


Blood spurted from Gong Nanyan's mouth.

"Nan Yan!"

Lin Pingzhi and Yinji the jellyfish were also very nervous when they saw Gong Nanyan flying upside down.

"call out!"

There was no hesitation.

Lin Ping's hand touched his waist, and the meteorite flying knife flew out.

Xiao Li Feidao, a true example!

Ouyang Feng, who was aware of it, raised his palm to knock down the flying knives.

But how can Xiao Li Fei Dao be shot down?

"Shh" sounded.

The flying knife pierced through Ouyang Feng's palm, and blood spattered wantonly.

"Stinky boy! You sneak attack!"

Ouyang Feng yelled at Lin Pingzhi with his palm.

Although it was his palm that was injured, his Ha Toad Kung Fu needs to touch the ground on all fours to exert its maximum power.

Injured one hand, the power of his Toad Kung Fu will at least be halved!

In this way, it is definitely not the opponent of Lin Pingzhi and the jellyfish Yinji.

"Hmph! Ouyang Feng, you can stay here today!"

Lin Pingzhi held the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in his hand, his eyes fixed, and he darted towards Ouyang Feng.

A trace of panic flashed in Ouyang Feng's eyes.

How could he, Ouyang Feng, be planted here?

Thinking of this, he fixed his eyes and saw Su Rongrong who was closest to him!

"Rongrong run!"

Lin Pingzhi's reminder sounded.

When Su Rongrong heard the words, she didn't care about other things, and hurriedly hid far away.

She didn't want to cause trouble for Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing this, Ouyang Feng gritted his teeth, his expression was very ugly.

I wanted to use this woman with the lowest martial arts as a shield, but I never thought that Lin Pingzhi would remind me to back off.

And this woman's qinggong is not bad.

For the current plan, we can only blackmail the woman at the entrance of the cave!

Otherwise, it is impossible to leave here.

Thinking of this, he rushed towards the Stone Forest Cave Mansion.

"Ouyang Feng, how dare you!"

Lin Pingzhi's lightness kung fu has been used to the extreme.

At this moment, Qiu Surong appeared beside Qu Wurong.

"What's going on? Your appearance? Has it recovered?"

She was astonished at Qu Wurong's recovery of appearance, and she was a little envious in her heart.

But suddenly found a big rough hand, pinching her neck directly, lifting her up like a chicken.

"Lin Pingzhi, if you don't want her to die, just stand still!"

Ouyang Feng roared proudly.

Lin Pingzhi held the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, and the blade kept trembling.

He didn't expect that it was not Qu Wurong who threatened him, but Qiu Surong who had nothing to do with him!

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