Qiu Surong had tears in her eyes.

She was terrified at the moment.

Originally, she heard movement outside, so she wanted to come out and take a look.

I never thought that I would be taken as a hostage.

The big hand on the neck was so strong that it made it difficult for her to breathe.

The only thing she can do now is to pray that Lin Pingzhi can save her.

"Ouyang Feng, if you let her go, I can let you go!"

Lin Pingzhi stared at Ouyang Feng and said.

Although Qiu Surong did not fall in love with him, the reason Qiu Surong was coerced by Ouyang Feng was also because of Lin Pingzhi.

If Qiu Surong directly attacked Ouyang Feng regardless of Qiu Surong, Qiu Surong would definitely not be able to survive.

There was disdain in Ouyang Feng's eyes.

"Oh, Lin Pingzhi, Lin Pingzhi, do you think I will believe you?"

As a western poison, he was inherently insidious and cunning, and he judged others by himself, so he would definitely not believe that Lin Pingzhi would let him go.

Now here Lin Pingzhi and the jellyfish Yin Ji are teaming up. He is not an opponent, and his palm has been pierced, so his strength has declined.

The only thing he could do was to use the woman in front of him as a hostage to escape from here.

After he goes back, heal his injuries, and then study new martial arts with Jiumozhi, and then take revenge!

"So, Ouyang Feng, you said you came here, why? You must have a reason for coming here, right? What do you need, in exchange, you let Su Rong go, can you see if you can do it?"

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

Now, now he can only use Ouyang Feng's purpose of coming here as a lure to make Ouyang Feng let Qiu Surong go.

Ouyang Feng looked a little moved.


He came all the way to the desert, not for fun!


Ouyang Feng nodded heavily, then looked at Lin Pingzhi with red eyes, and said:

"You broke my arm. Today I came here to find the desert star and plan to build an arm for him! Give me the desert star and I will let her go!"

For Yang Guo, he is willing to take a gamble.

As long as the Desert Star is in hand, it is worth the risk of being besieged and seriously injured by Lin Pingzhi and the jellyfish Yinji!

"Desert Star?"

Lin Pingzhi's face was a little ugly.

Perhaps when the Desert Star was around before, if Ouyang Feng needed it.

He didn't hesitate and gave it directly.

But now the star of the desert is not in his hands at all, and has been snatched away by Chu Liuxiang.

Even if he wanted to give Ouyang Feng the Desert Star, he couldn't.

"The Star of the Desert has been snatched away, you change the terms."

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

As long as he has, he will not hesitate.

But he really doesn't have the desert star.


A playful look appeared on Ouyang Feng's face.

"Do you think I believe it?"

Lin Pingzhi and Yin Ji the jellyfish teamed up so powerfully that even he was no match, not to mention having the same stunt as the flying knife just now.

How could someone be able to snatch the desert star from their hands.

Do you really think he is a three-year-old child?

"It's not a question of whether you believe it or not, it's a fact."

Lin Pingzhi said helplessly.

It seems that it is difficult to persuade a dark-minded person like Ouyang Feng.

"Hmph! Lin Pingzhi, let me tell you, if you want her to live, you can exchange it with the Desert Star!"

Ouyang Feng snorted coldly, dropped a request, stepped on his feet, grabbed Qiu Surong and fled into the distance.

"Ouyang Feng!"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes turned cold, and he chased after him directly.

"Pingzhi, I'll help you!"

Yin Ji, the jellyfish, said in a deep voice, trying to catch up quickly.

However, Lin Pingzhi turned around and shouted:

"You stay and take care of them without tolerance!"

After speaking, he chased after Ouyang Feng.

Jellyfish Yin Ji heard this, and stopped in her tracks.

Indeed, what Lin Pingzhi said was not unreasonable.

She also understood that if she followed, now that Gong Nanyan was injured and Qu Wurong had a sprained ankle, it would not be a problem for Su Rongrong to take care of them alone.

But if a few more people come, Su Rongrong is definitely no match.

She has to be here. Although she doesn't know how to take care of people, if someone comes, she can also take action to keep him.

It is said that after Lin Pingzhi chased him out.

With his lightness skill, he can catch up with Ouyang Feng in a short time.

But the problem is, he doesn't know how to subdue Ouyang Feng.

Now that Ouyang Feng has recovered to the peak, and even advanced in martial arts, even if his palm is pierced, it is not so easy for him to take it.

What's more, Ouyang Feng still has Qiu Surong as a hostage.

If he pushes him too hard and pushes Ouyang Feng to a dead end, he will definitely pull Qiu Surong as a backup.

Lin Pingzhi had to take this into consideration.

Invincible has been used to deal with Shi Guanyin before, but now there is no more.

There are only two things left that can deal with Ouyang Feng.

One is the sad crisp breeze.

The other is the stunt that comes with the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.

During this period of time, many people were also killed, and the stunt of the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade was finally able to be used.

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze.

He accelerated in vain.

"Ouyang Feng! Stop!"

With a loud roar, his figure was already behind Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng was shocked.

He did not expect that Lin Pingzhi's speed was so fast.

"Hmph! I didn't expect you to have such lightness!"

Ouyang Feng snorted coldly, and continued to swipe forward without stopping.

When Lin Pingzhi saw this, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

From the back of his waist, he took out a meteorite flying knife.

Xiao Li Feidao, a true example!

With the sudden appearance of a cold light, Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze.

The meteorite flying knife rushed to Ouyang Feng's side in an instant.

He never thought of killing Ouyang Feng directly, but to force Ouyang Feng to stop.

"Dah" sounded.

The flying knife pierced the ground in front of Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng's figure also froze for a while.

When he wanted to speed up again, Lin Pingzhi had already passed over his head and stopped firmly in front of him.

"Lin Pingzhi! It's useless for you to stop me! If you don't hand over the Desert Star, I'll kill her!"

As he spoke, he pinched Qiu Surong's neck and exerted force again.

Qiu Surong's face turned purple, obviously unable to breathe.

"Ouyang Feng, stop!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted sharply.

At the same time as he said this, his hand hidden in his sleeve had already taken out the sad crisp breeze, and quietly pulled out the cork.

Ouyang Feng sneered.

"Oh, Lin Pingzhi, everyone in the world says you are romantic, it seems that you don't intend to care about this woman's life or death! Now it seems that you are ungrateful and ungrateful! You are not willing to exchange even the things outside of you. Is this how you treat your own woman?"

There was disdain in his eyes, and he sneered.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak, he was waiting.

Wait for the sad crisp breeze to play a role!

"What? Don't talk? Are you waiting for the sad breeze to take effect?"

A sarcasm appeared on Ouyang Feng's face.

The sad and crisp Qingfeng was actually explained by him!

Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

How did Ouyang Feng know that he was using the Breeze of Sadness?

"Lin Pingzhi, you probably forgot that I, Ouyang Feng, am a Western Poison! I have studied Xixia's sad and crisp breeze a long time ago. Do you think it has been improved, colorless and tasteless, and I can't detect it? It really is White Camel Villa Is it a decoration?"

As soon as his words came out, Lin Pingzhi suddenly realized.

Indeed, Ouyang Feng understood poison very well.

As the most powerful poisonous gas in Xixia, Ouyang Feng must have studied it.

There is even an antidote, or knowing how to prevent it.

But if the sad breeze can't take effect, how can we take down Ouyang Feng now?

One must know that Ouyang Feng has Qiu Surong as a hostage.

If the souls of the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade poured out, even if Ouyang Feng survived, he would be seriously injured.

But the problem is, Qiu Surong will die too.

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