Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 902 The old acquaintance who recovered to the peak

Following the cloth strips on his face, he untied them one by one.

Qu Wurong's face was displayed in front of Lin Pingzhi.

What kind of face is this?

It is no exaggeration to describe it as a country and a city.

Even though Lin Pingzhi was accompanied by many beauties, he had to admit that Qu Wurong who had recovered his appearance was very beautiful.

Unknowingly, he was a little stunned.

Qu Wurong also looked at the mirror in astonishment, and her face really recovered.

Just when she wanted to share the joy with Lin Pingzhi.

She found that Lin Pingzhi was staring at her in a daze.

The desire in her eyes made her feel very shy.

"Young Master Lin..."

Qu Wurong lowered his head and called softly.

Lin Pingzhi came back to his senses after a long time, he looked at Qu Wurong with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"Well, your appearance has recovered."

He scratched his head and said.

"En." Qu Wurong responded lightly, then suddenly raised his head to look at Lin Pingzhi, his expression seemed to be entangled:

"Am I... pretty?"

When she asked this question, she was a little scared, for fear that Lin Pingzhi would be dissatisfied with her.

Lin Pingzhi nodded without hesitation:

"It's beautiful! It's really beautiful!"

Qu Wurong was very happy when he heard the words, there seemed to be "plop plop" in the atrium of his heart.

When she was not good-looking before, Lin Pingzhi didn't dislike her.

Now that her appearance has recovered, she feels qualified to be by Lin Pingzhi's side.

"Master Lin, can I stay by your side..."

She lowered her head and said shyly.

When Lin Pingzhi heard the words, he really thought!

The old man never bullied him!

Zhongyuan Dianhong's sentence, you are not ugly but you are beautiful, can make Qu Wurong fall in love.

Now he also said, not only that, but also helped Qu Wurong restore his appearance, Qu Wurong was really tempted!

At this time, Qu Wurong took the initiative to say this, how could he be as coy as a woman?

"of course can!"

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a charming smile, and he directly embraced Qu Wurong in his arms.

"As long as you don't think I have too many women!"

On this point, he felt that it still needed to be discussed in advance.

If the time comes, there will be some oolong troubles, but it will be difficult to handle.

"will not."

Qu Wurong buried his head in Lin Pingzhi's chest.

When her face was ugly, Lin Pingzhi didn't dislike her, but now that her appearance has recovered, how could he still dislike Lin Pingzhi.

What's more, Lin Pingzhi is so outstanding, there must be many women who admire him.

She is very lucky to be a part of it.

"As long as you don't feel intolerant, you will be satisfied if you are intolerant."

Pressing her face against Lin Pingzhi's chest, her mouth was filled with a happy smile.

But soon, the smile on her face froze.

The body is also trembling.

She discovered that Lin Pingzhi's hands were dishonest.


Qu Wurong felt shy and shouted hastily.

Although she was willing, it was still difficult for her to accept it so quickly.

"Don't call me son, call me Lin Lang, just like Rongrong."

As soon as his voice fell, he began to move his hands and feet.

Originally, Qu Wurong's clothes were looser and less wavy.

Only now did he discover that there is actually 34c, (·y·)

This is really not small, but one hand is still a bit short!


Qu Wurong let out a moan.

She had never had such intimate contact with a man.

At this time, being provoked a little, his whole body went limp, leaning on Lin Pingzhi's body, allowing him to do what he did.

Lin Pingzhi reckoned that today might be another day of fighting until night falls.

But even if Qu Wurong had the blessing of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic and his physique strengthened, he shouldn't be able to withstand such a powerful attack.

but it does not matter.

In this stone forest cave, besides Qu Wurong, there are also Su Rongrong, Gong Nanyan, and the jellyfish Yinji.

Especially the jellyfish Yin Ji, her kung fu is even better.

Today, he must be able to be satisfied.

As for Qiu Surong, there is not much involvement yet.

As if she heard something, she would let her go. For the time being, Lin Pingzhi is not sure how to take Qiu Surong down.

After thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi thought, now take Qu Wurong down.

However, just as he raised his gun and was about to mount his horse, there was some movement outside.

This movement seems to be the sound of fighting?

Lin Pingzhi's gaze was fixed, and the movements of his hands also stopped.

Qu Wurong, who was being ravaged by Lin Pingzhi, sensed Lin Pingzhi's abnormality, and quickly raised his head, looking at Lin Pingzhi in puzzlement.

"what happened?"

she asked a little shyly.

Previously, she let Lin Pingzhi do what she wanted. Although she was shy in her heart, she also had some expectations.

But Lin Pingzhi stopped suddenly, which caught her off guard.

"It's okay, you stay here, I'll go out and have a look."

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice, put Qu Wurong on the bed, and gently covered her body with the clothes that had been taken off.


Qu Wurong was stunned.

She didn't know what happened.

Originally, I wanted to ask again, but found that Lin Pingzhi had already left the room.

Tears rolled in her eyes.

Her martial arts is not enough, and she didn't hear the movement outside.

But Lin Pingzhi's sudden departure made her think that she had done something wrong.

Or, does Lin Pingzhi dislike her...

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and got up, quickly put on her clothes, and hurriedly chased him out.

Lin Pingzhi, who left the room, quickly walked towards the outside of the Stone Forest Cave Mansion.

His complexion was a little dark.

This time I don't know who came to make trouble.

With the jellyfish Yin Ji here, anyone who came to cause trouble should be resolved quickly.

Now the movement in his ears lasted for a long time.

Presumably the people who came this time were not easy.

It is very possible that it was Shi Guanyin's enemy who came to the door.

And they blocked the gun for Shi Guanyin.

Although I don't know who it is, but I can tremble with the jellyfish Yin Ji for so long.

Could it be another famous existence in Jianghu?

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi's pace became a little faster again.

When he came to the entrance of the Stone Forest Cave, Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze.

Su Rongrong and Gong Nanyan stood there watching.

In front of them, the jellyfish Yin Ji was trembling with a person.

This person... turned out to be an old acquaintance of Lin Pingzhi!

He froze in his heart, thinking, this guy is really a centipede!

Lin Pingzhi remembered that he had deposed that person earlier.

It was only because of the system's stop that he didn't kill that person.

Being able to be here now, fighting with the jellyfish Yin Ji for so long.

Could it be... It seems that not only the injury has recovered, but even the original madness has healed!

This is how to exert such a powerful combat power!

And looking at this posture, it seems that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, is still in decline!

Lin Pingzhi focused his eyes, and touched his back, and the Meteorite Flying Knife appeared in his hand.

It's not that he's insidious, it's mainly because now it seems that this guy has recovered to his peak.

Jellyfish Yin Ji is in decline, and it seems that she has definitely returned to her peak state!

If you don't make a sneak attack, even if you join hands with the jellyfish Yin Ji, there is probably no chance of winning.

He aimed at the target, and the flying knife in his hand was ready to shoot out!

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