Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 901 Helping Qu Wurong Recover His Appearance


Qu Wurong hugged his knees and curled up in the corner.

The scarred face was buried in his knees, only a pair of tear-filled eyes were exposed.

In her heart, she recalled the scene during the day.

With Lin Pingzhi's handsome face and imposing appearance, he gently said to her: "You are not ugly, you are beautiful."

These words were deeply embedded in her heart.

Throughout the whole day, her mind was full of Lin Pingzhi telling her this.

"Young Master Lin..."

Qu Wurong muttered in his mouth.

Although Lin Pingzhi didn't despise her, she despised herself.

After all, the women who followed Lin Pingzhi, whether it was Yin Ji the jellyfish or Su Rongrong and Gong Nanyan, all had first-class looks.

Even if she wasn't disfigured by Shi Guanyin, she was almost the same as them.

Compared with the women around Lin Pingzhi, she looked too ugly.

So ugly that she dared not face Lin Pingzhi.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

Qu Wurong was startled, quickly took a cloth from the side of the bed, and covered his face.

After only showing her eyes, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked towards the door of the room.


she asked.

At this point, she should rest. I don't know who came to her so late.

Of course, she hopes in her heart that it is Lin Pingzhi.

But it seems impossible.

After all, by Lin Pingzhi's side, there are three beauties accompanying him.

It's been a long night, why would you pay attention to her, an ugly girl?

"it's me."

Lin Pingzhi's voice sounded outside the door.

Qu Wurong was startled immediately.

"Young Master Lin!"

She quickly got up from the bed and wanted to start.

But hesitantly, he stood where he was, adjusted the cloth covering his face again, and made sure that no scars were exposed, and then walked to the door.

But when she put her hand on the door and was about to open it, she began to hesitate again.

"Mr. Lin, is there something going on so late?"

Resisting the urge to jump into Lin Pingzhi's arms, she gritted her teeth behind the door and asked.

"I thought it might be able to help you restore your appearance, so I came to find you."

Lin Pingzhi's voice sounded outside the door.

Qu Wurong heard the words and trembled all over.

Restore appearance?Really?

Tears fell from the sockets again.

She thought to herself, could it be that Mr. Lin made her happy?

Now that her appearance is completely ruined, can she really recover?

While hesitating, Lin Pingzhi's voice sounded again outside the door:

"Wurong, you are already beautiful, but you seem to attach great importance to your appearance, so I want to help you recover, please open the door and let me in."

"and many more!"

Qu Wurong shouted hastily.

She heard the sound of Lin Pingzhi pushing the door.

After wiping the tears from her eyes, she put her hands on the door and opened it.

In the moonlight outside, Lin Pingzhi's side face was covered with the silver light of the moonlight.

Those bright eyes and bright teeth made her feel shy.

"Mr. Lin, really... Can you restore my appearance?"

she asked hesitantly.

Her original appearance was completely ruined, and she was almost desperate.

Now that Lin Pingzhi mentioned that he could help her recover, she was also looking forward to it.

She also wanted to blatantly throw herself into Lin Pingzhi's arms, and wanted to become Lin Pingzhi's woman.

It's just that she doesn't dare to look like this now.


Lin Pingzhi nodded and smiled lightly, giving her confidence.

"Then... let me try."

Qu Wurong lowered his head and said softly.

As the two entered the room, under Lin Pingzhi's instruction, Qu Wurong took off the cloth covering his face.

Looking at Qu Wurong's devastated face, Lin Pingzhi's expression did not change at all.

"Wurong, I have a family heirloom medicine for scars, which can remove scars, but I need to cut off the scabs that have formed on your face before applying the medicine. The process may be very painful. Can you bear it?"

Lin Pingzhi said with some distress.

It was more than a little painful to use a knife to cut open the scab on the face again.

Unfortunately, he didn't have Ma Fei San.

There is a sad crisp breeze on the body, but the sad crisp breeze can only make people lose their internal strength and cannot move, but it has no pain-relieving effect.

This golden sore medicine was also rewarded by the system back then, but he never used it up.

Because there are many kinds of magical powers in the body, it is rare to use golden sore medicine.

However, the effect of gold sore medicine has been tried before, but it can remove scars.

This is also the reason why he proposed to restore Qu Wurong's appearance.

"As long as I can restore my appearance... no matter how painful it is, I can bear it!"

Qu Wurong said firmly.

Her determination to restore her appearance is unquestionable.

It was unacceptable in her heart that she, who was beautiful before, became like this now.

It's just pain, it's not worth mentioning until the appearance is restored.

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He let Qu Wurong lie flat on the bed.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the Meteorite Iron Flying Knife from the back of his waist, and after burning and disinfecting it with a torch, after cooling down, he cut open the scab on Qu Wurong's face.


Qu Wurong took a breath.

Cut the scab with a knife, how can it not hurt.

Even, the palms of her hands holding the corners of her clothes were already wet.

"Wurong, you can shout out if it hurts, it will make you feel better."

Looking at this scene, Lin Pingzhi felt a little distressed.

Apart from making Qu Wurong shout out, he can't do anything else.

Qu Wurong's face was already covered with blood.

Without hesitation, he quickly poured the golden sore medicine, and carefully coated the scratched scab.

"Hiss...it doesn't hurt!"

Qu Wurong gritted his teeth and said firmly.

At this moment, she is strong.

Because restoring her appearance is her belief.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi had no choice but to continue.

They have already cut a line, if they give up halfway, wouldn't the previous Qu Wurong pain be endured in vain?

As Lin Pingzhi cut off the scabs, the golden sore medicine was shown on the picture.

Qu Wurong's whole body was soaked in sweat.

When Lin Pingzhi cut off the last scab and applied golden sore medicine.

She has passed out.

Bleeding so much, sweating so much, dehydration was too bad.

But Lin Pingzhi dare not give Qu Wurong a drink of water now.

If she is allowed to drink water now, it will definitely cause edema, which will affect the recovery of Qu Wurong's appearance.

That night, Lin Pingzhi didn't close his eyes, just sat quietly by the bed, looking at Qu Wurong.

Looking at the strong woman in front of him, he really had a good impression in his heart.

Before Qu Wurong's appearance was disfigured, he was able to make Shi Guanyin feel jealous, presumably his appearance must be extremely beautiful.

He was also a little curious about what it would look like.

The night gradually fades, and the sun rises.

The golden sunlight spilled into the room through the gaps in the doors and windows.

Qu Wurong seemed to be worried, and soon woke up.


She muttered.

She was really dehydrated last night, and now she is extremely thirsty.

Lin Pingzhi fetched the prepared water from the side, and slowly poured it into Qu Wurong's mouth.

After drinking, he helped her wipe the water stains from the corners of her mouth.

At this time, Qu Wurong also slowly opened his eyes.

Her face was covered with a white cloth.

Except for the eyes, nose and mouth, everything else is tightly bound.

"Mr. Lin, have you stayed up all night?"

Qu Wurong looked at Lin Pingzhi with emotion in his eyes.

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly and said:

"Get up and see how your appearance has recovered."

As he spoke, he brought the bronze mirror in front of Qu Wurong, and began to help Qu Wurong remove the cloth strips.

He also couldn't wait to see how beautiful his face was that even the extremely beautiful Shi Guanyin was jealous of!

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