Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 900 Qiu Surong and Qu Wurong

"Chu Liuxiang... stole the desert star..."

Su Rongrong said very sadly.

She used to be called Chu Liuxiang and Xiangshuai.

After this incident, she also called Chu Liuxiang by his first name.

Gong Nanyan was very angry when she heard the words.

"That's Chu Liuxiang, handsome as a bandit, handsome as a bandit, no matter how handsome you are, you're still a bandit! This time, he became a bandit directly!"

She knew about Su Rongrong's past.

Hearing that Chu Liuxiang snatched the desert star at this time, I felt very unworthy for Su Rongrong.

Yin Ji, the jellyfish, looked even colder, with murderous intent in her eyes.

"If I knew this earlier, I wouldn't have saved Chu Liuxiang!"

She clenched her fists tightly. If Chu Liuxiang was in front of her, she would definitely blow her head off.

She, who had no feelings for men, saved Chu Liuxiang and his party because of Lin Pingzhi.

Now that he heard Chu Liuxiang's move, he was very resentful.

Li Xun Huan beside him showed embarrassment on his face.

"I'm all to blame for this matter. If I hadn't drawn Lin Xiaoyou's attention, I'm afraid Chu Liuxiang would not have done such a thing."

"No, no, it has nothing to do with seniors."

Lin Pingzhi waved his hands again and again.

It's nothing more than a star in the desert.

But Li Xunhuan's apology is really unbearable.

"Who is this……"

Jellyfish Yin Ji frowned.

The man in front of him, with a melancholy demeanor, almost brought her in.

At a glance, it is so unfathomable.

Coupled with Lin Pingzhi's attitude, she couldn't help being even more curious.

"Let's go, Li Xunhuan."

He smiled slightly at the jellyfish Yin Ji.

The jellyfish Yin Ji and the other girls were shocked.

They didn't expect that the legendary Xiao Li Tanhua was standing in front of them.

"Since Shi Guanyin is dead and the detainees were also rescued by you, I won't bother you any more. If I meet Chu Liuxiang and others, I will take action. Don't worry, I'm leaving!"

After nodding towards Lin Pingzhi and the others.

Li Xun Huan stepped on his feet, and his figure floated away.

After Li Xunhuan left.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Yin Ji the jellyfish and asked:

"Yin Ji, who are these two?"

One of them, that appearance, is simply too heart-wrenching.

The other person hid it, as if he was avoiding anything.

"I don't know either, I only know that he was captured by Shi Guanyin."

Jellyfish Yin Ji shook her head and said.

Lin Pingzhi nodded, and walked up to the beautiful man.

"I don't know who the girl is?"

"Little girl Qiu Surong."

The beautiful woman leaned forward and said to Lin Pingzhi.

Hearing the words "Qiu Surong".

Lin Pingzhi was also taken aback.

In the great desert, it seems that Qiu Surong is the number one beauty.

No wonder it is so beautiful.

"If the girl has nowhere to go, you can go back to Shenshui Palace with Yin Ji. Shenshui Palace is full of women, so don't worry."

He gave a gentle smile.

If this kind of beauty doesn't force her to leave, he doesn't mind, so she pulls her onto the bed.

She is the number one beauty after all!

As for the other woman...

Lin Pingzhi walked up to her.

"Girl, I don't know how to address you?"

He looked at the secretive woman and asked.

The woman peeped out her watery eyes from between her fingers, looked at Lin Pingzhi, and said timidly:

"Qu... Wu Rong."

Her delicate voice is intoxicating.

It was also after hearing Qu Wurong's name that he knew why Qu Wurong was hiding it.

Qu Wurong and Qiu Surong originally disfigured them because Shi Guanyin was jealous of their beauty.

Now it seems that Qiu Surong's appearance has not had time to be destroyed.

But Qu Wurong has been disfigured.

"You don't need to hide, you are not ugly, you are beautiful."

The gentle words came from Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

He can still solve this appearance problem.

These words are the words that Zhongyuan Yidianhong won Qu Wurong's heart in the original book.

Earlier, Zhongyuan Dianhong saw the light of the desert star.

Then Chu Liuxiang informed.

In this way, cutting Hu Qu intolerable, it's just a small revenge for this little red brother.

Besides, he was the first to leave.

Ben missed meeting Qu Wurong.

If you think about it carefully, it's not a cut-off.


Qu Wurong was a little surprised when he heard Lin Pingzhi's words.

Tremblingly, she removed the hand covering her face and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

When Lin Pingzhi saw Qu Wurong's face, he was also a little shocked.

Good guy, this Shi Guanyin is really ruthless.

Being jealous of someone's beauty can actually ruin the appearance of such a young woman like this!

What kind of face is this?

It was full of scars, and the knife that slashed the face seemed to have used some kind of poison to make the scabs come out. It looked terrifying.


Lin Pingzhi smiled.

Although he was shocked in his heart, he was already prepared in his heart, and naturally he would not show any surprise or look frightened.

Everything looks so peaceful.

Qu Wurong was also very moved, with tears in her eyes.

If Yinji the jellyfish and others were not around, she really wanted to throw herself into Lin Pingzhi's arms and cry wantonly.

Since she was disfigured, she couldn't bear to look directly at her own appearance.

When other women saw her, they would also be a little surprised.

Only Lin Pingzhi in front of him was so calm, gentle and heartwarming.

At this moment, Qu Wurong's heart completely melted.

"Pingzhi, the two of them are the only ones alive in the entire Stone Forest Cave Mansion. What's the next plan?"

Jellyfish Yin Ji looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

If it was normal, she would definitely wave her hand and go straight back to Shenshui Palace.

But with Lin Pingzhi on the side, she was still willing to listen to Lin Pingzhi.

"Stay in Shilin Cave Mansion for a few days, I'll see if I can help Wurong restore his appearance, and then go back to Shenshui Palace."

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

During this period of time, Qu Wurong was easy to talk about.

It's just that Qiu Surong may not be so easy to win.

After all, she has not been disfigured yet, and the pride of being called the number one beauty is still there.

You have to find a way to get it.

After sending the jellyfish Yin Ji and others back to Shenshui Palace, he will go to Ruyang Palace.

Zhao Min took Mu Wanqing and Li Yuanzhi to the Ruyang Palace, but there was no news at all, and he didn't know what was going on now.

What's more, he didn't want Zhao Min to lead the Mongolian army to attack the Qing Dynasty.

If the Qing Dynasty couldn't hold on, Xia Qingqing and Ah Jiu's personalities would definitely lead the people from the Golden Snake Camp, as well as the Tiandihui and Honghuahui, to resist the Mongolian army in order to keep the apprentices under their feet.

As such.

Isn't that cannibalism?

This must be prevented.

If it doesn't work, let's repeat the beheading operation in Xiangyang City!

While thinking about it in her heart, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, also nodded:

"Well, listen to Pingzhi."

Then he looked at Gong Nanyan and said:

"Nanyan, go and arrange the residence in the cave."

Several people will stay in Shilin Cave Mansion for a period of time, and the residence still needs to be tidied up.

"I'm going to help."

Su Rongrong hurriedly followed Gong Nanyan.

Although Su Rongrong's martial arts are not very good, she still has the ability to deal with things in the world.

In the past, when Chu Liuxiang wandered the world for several years, Su Rongrong took care of her.

Lin Pingzhi also understood this point.

Unfortunately, Chu Liuxiang couldn't grasp it.

Thanks to him, Lin Pingzhi, who is not afraid of depths, he can eat Su Rongrong to death!

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