Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 885 There are still acquaintances!

The question in Lin Pingzhi's heart was not articulated.

But later in the battle with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Only then did he discover that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, had never been human!

Lying on the pillow, Lin Pingzhi put his arms around the sleeping jellyfish Yin Ji, full of doubts in his heart.

It stands to reason that the jellyfish Yin Ji should have been broken by the male lady.

Why is Yin Ji the jellyfish still unmanned?

In the original book, it is also said that the jellyfish Yin Ji and Xiong Niangzi have a daughter Situ Jing.

But after coming to Shenshui Palace for so long, I have never heard of Situ Jing.

Even Gong Nanyan didn't mention that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, had a daughter.

"Could it be that this is a change in the world?"

Glancing at the jellyfish Yin Ji leaning on his arm, Lin Pingzhi lowered his head again and saw the red plum left on the bed sheet.

Could it be that Mrs. Xiong is really a woman?

This is impossible.

The male lady is a flower picker.

But how can Yin Ji, the jellyfish, explain it?

This world is not like his previous life.

There were some tools in the previous life that could allow women to experience that kind of experience.

Not here.

The jellyfish Yin Ji and Gong Nanyan can't do much.

Although Lin Pingzhi was puzzled about these matters.

But he can't ask Yin Ji the jellyfish directly.

In the heart of Jellyfish Yin Ji, there should be a male lady.

If I mention it, I'm afraid I will feel uncomfortable.

If you meet Xiong Niangzi in the future, you can capture her and force her to question her.

I believe that Mrs. Xiong will tell the truth in the face of the threat of death.

With this thought in mind, Lin Pingzhi slowly fell asleep.

He had plenty of energy.

Rest is also not necessary.

Just holding the jellyfish Yin Ji in his arms, the comfort made him very comfortable.

"Clang clang clang..."

The sound of gold and iron clashing woke Lin Pingzhi up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Yin Ji, the jellyfish beside him, woke up immediately.

"Shh" sounded.

Jellyfish Yin Ji got up with a cool face and put on her clothes.

"I'll go out and see."

She fixed her eyes and left the room directly.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head bored.

"This woman is really different from others."

If it were any of his other women, they would definitely be exhausted after a night of hard work.

It's not like Yinji the jellyfish. When she wakes up, not only does she not feel pain, but she is also alive and well.

Besides, wake up from his arms.

Shouldn't have looked at him shyly, then punched him in the chest a few times, and said coquettishly: Oh, are you good or bad?

What about the jellyfish Yin Ji?

Good guy!

He got up and dressed, with a cold expression, and rushed towards the place of the fight.

Dongfang Qingling isn't as stupid as her, is she?

Also... Although Dongfang Qingling didn't like men before.

But at the very least, after liking Lin Pingzhi, she would be a bit arrogant in front of Lin Pingzhi, at least she would still be shy.

It's not like the jellyfish Yin Ji.


Sitting up, Lin Pingzhi sighed heavily.

After getting off the ground, slowly put on the clothes on the side.

I thought to myself, I don’t know what happened outside, but there should be no problem with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

After all, the martial arts of Jellyfish Yin Ji has reached the realm of transformation.

Even if it is him, he can only remain invincible against the jellyfish Yin Ji, and it is still too difficult to win.

"Go out and have a look."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head helplessly.

Although he believed in the martial arts of Jellyfish Yinji, the other party dared to attack Shenshui Palace, so he should not be an ordinary person.

However, apart from the legendary existence of Jianghu, no one should be able to deal with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

This was also the reason why Lin Pingzhi was so unhurried.

After leaving the room, he saw Gong Nanyan running anxiously.

"Pingzhi, run!"

Gong Nanyan said hastily.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

"what happened?"

He looked at Gong Nanyan and asked.

Looking at this situation, it seems that something is wrong.

"Two groups of people came outside, and they both asked the Palace Master to hand you over. The Palace Master was besieged and injured by them, and told you to escape quickly!"

Gong Nanyan was very anxious and started to push Lin Pingzhi away with her hands.

Because the target of those two groups of people is Lin Pingzhi.

With Lin Pingzhi in her heart, she, like the jellyfish cathode, does not want Lin Pingzhi to be caught by those two groups of people.

"No! I can't go!"

Lin Pingzhi said firmly.

Whether it is Gong Nanyan or Jellyfish Yin Ji, they are all his women.

As a man, you must be responsible.

Jellyfish Yin Ji must not die because of him.

And he also wanted to see who these two groups of people were.

They would even unite to ask for him from Yin Ji, the jellyfish.


Gong Nanyan shouted anxiously.

She didn't know Lin Pingzhi's reputation, nor did she know Lin Pingzhi's martial arts level.

But Yin Ji, the jellyfish, told Lin Pingzhi to leave, and Gong Nanyan felt that she was right.

"Don't worry Nanyan, once you enter Shenshui Palace, don't even think about going out again."

Lin Pingzhi smiled confidently.

If it was before, perhaps he would not dare to be so confident.

After all, even Yin Ji, the jellyfish in Transformation Realm, was injured.

Although his internal strength can reach the realm of transformation, his martial arts level can reach the ultimate realm at most.

If you want to deal with those two groups of people, you don't have much hope.

But after having sex with Gong Nanyan before.

The system rewarded the sad breeze.

This is one of his trump cards.

Another hole card is obtained after sex with the jellyfish cathode.

If it is said that the sad breeze gave him confidence.

Then this second hole card gave Lin Pingzhi enough confidence.

With this trump card, even if it is a legend in the world, he dares to challenge it!

Originally, he planned to keep this trump card to deal with Taoist Baishang.

Now it seems that the energy is forced to be used!

"Take me there."

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi could not be persuaded, Gong Nanyan felt very helpless.

"All right……"

She gritted her teeth, nodded, and led the way ahead.

On the way, Lin Pingzhi asked:

"Do you know the origin of those two groups of people?"

He guessed that there might be Chu Liuxiang and his group among the two groups of people.

But another group of people.

He couldn't figure it out.

It is definitely not easy for this group of people to be able to injure the jellyfish cathode.

"The origin is not very clear. There are eight people in total between the two groups. There are two women. I heard someone call him Xiangshuai."

Gong Nanyan hurriedly walked, frowning as she recalled.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.


Sure enough, it was Chu Liuxiang.

Eight people, two women and six men.

Among them, a man and a woman are Chu Liuxiang and Su Rongrong.

Who are the other six people?

"You show the way, I'll come!"

Lin Pingzhi was anxious.

Jellyfish Yin Ji was injured, but he was not afraid.

He was afraid that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, would be killed before he reached him.

Carrying Gong Nanyan directly on his shoulders, following the direction Gong Nanyan pointed, Lin Pingzhi didn't hold back at all, and walked towards the place where the jellyfish Yin Ji was, stepping on the dark night to Liuxiang.

"Pingzhi! Over there!"

Gong Nanyan pointed to the front and shouted.

Lin Pingzhi looked intently.

Under the siege of the crowd, Yin Ji the jellyfish looked extremely embarrassed with blood on the corner of her mouth.

"Yin Ji!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted anxiously.

His eyes flicked to the jellyfish Yin Ji's opponent.

Besides Chu Liuxiang and Su Rongrong, there are actually some acquaintances of his!

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