Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 884 One hour, Yin Ji's waiting

In Shenshui Palace, a voice that had never appeared before appeared.

Accompanied by the "creaking" sound of the bed shaking, the sky gradually darkened.

Gong Nanyan, who was lying on the bed, was exhausted.

She never thought that the joy with Lin Pingzhi would be such a feeling.

In the past, what she did with the jellyfish Yin Ji and the two women were always unsatisfactory.

She was also very displeased.

It's just that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, likes it better, and she can't resist it.

Now after doing the things I love to do with Lin Pingzhi.

She realized that this kind of joy turned out to be the beauty in the world.

For a while, I was completely addicted to it.

But helplessly, she was not Lin Pingzhi's opponent at all.

Gong Nanyan with a pink complexion looked at Lin Pingzhi in front of her and asked with some guilt:

"Pingzhi...what to do, I can't do it anymore, but you..."

She didn't expect Lin Pingzhi to be so powerful.

It made her so weak that she didn't even have the strength to move, and it still hasn't been resolved.

There was still an unsatisfactory look on his face.

This made her wonder if her fighting ability was too weak to satisfy Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"It's okay, you have a rest."

This time he did not use the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic to strengthen Gong Nanyan.

Because it will be late, there will be a battle with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

He planned to use the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic next time to help Gong Nanyan strengthen her physique.

Gong Nanyan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lin Pingzhi with a look of confusion.

"Otherwise... let me help you."

she said shyly.

Lin Pingzhi almost couldn't bear that face full of peach blossoms, and turned into a hungry wolf again to pounce on him.

"Cough cough."

Lin Pingzhi coughed twice, suppressing the longing in his heart.

Gong Nanyan's body could no longer bear it.

If it continues, it will inevitably be torn.

What's more, even if Gong Nanyan uses other methods to help him.

I'm afraid it won't be comfortable either.

Besides, he will have to meet the jellyfish Yin Ji for a while.

"You rest and rest, wait for next time."

As Lin Pingzhi said, he kissed Gong Nanyan lightly on the forehead.

Then left the room.

The corners of Gong Nanyan's mouth turned up slightly, her face was filled with happiness.

After coming to Shenshui Palace for so long, this was the first time she experienced the joy of being a woman.

It was just now that Lin Pingzhi and Gong Nanyan were doing their favorite things in Gong Nanyan's room.

Now Lin Pingzhi left the room, ready to go back to his room.


The door was pushed open by Lin Pingzhi.

There was no candlelight inside, but with the help of the faint moonlight and keen perception, Lin Pingzhi still saw the jellyfish Yin Ji in his room.

Jellyfish Yin Ji lowered her head, sitting on the stool, her hands were not resting on the table, but tangled together, as if she was a little nervous.

"when did you come?"

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

When he came back to the room, he wanted to wait for the jellyfish Yin Ji, but he never thought that the jellyfish Yin Ji had already arrived.

Jellyfish Yin Ji raised her head shyly with a red glow on her face.

"It should be an hour..."

Her voice was not as majestic as usual.

It's like Xiaojiabiyu's woman, facing the shyness of her lover.

Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised.

An hour, that is, two hours.

It never occurred to him that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, had been sitting here waiting for him for two hours.

Obviously he was fast enough, and it took less than three hours with Gong Nanyan.

If the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic is used to strengthen Gong Nanyan's physique, it may take at least four hours.

Originally, he had considered that the jellyfish Yin Ji would come to his room, so he didn't dare to do it for too long.

Never thought about it, it was too late.

He even let the jellyfish Yin Ji wait here for two hours.

In this way, a one-time compensation is required.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for the jellyfish Yin Ji's waiting.

"Yin Ji."

Calling softly, Lin Pingzhi approached the jellyfish Yin Ji.

When Lin Pingzhi came to the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Jellyfish Yin Ji trembled all over.

There was a little expectation in her eyes, but also a little fear.

Facing Lin Pingzhi, she really couldn't be cruel.


Jellyfish Yin Ji wanted to say something.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't give her a chance at all.

He directly pulled the jellyfish Yin Ji up.

There is not much difference in height between the two, and Lin Pingzhi put his arms around Yinji the jellyfish.

Because the body was very close, he obviously felt the intense pressure from the jellyfish Yin Ji (.[-].)!

"No need to say more."

Lin Pingzhi looked at the flustered jellyfish Yin Ji and said.

On weekdays, Jellyfish Yin Ji is the owner of Shenshui Palace.

In Shenshui Palace, it is the supreme existence.

In the rivers and lakes, she is also a strong person who has reached the level of transformation.

Even against Qiao Feng, he could fight hundreds of rounds without losing.

However, such a strong woman would be so shy when Lin Pingzhi hugged her.

Sure enough, no matter how strong a woman is, she will not be able to be strong in front of the man she likes.

At most... just be a female knight.

"What is this, your sword?"

Jellyfish Yin Ji felt a little unwell.

She always felt that Lin Pingzhi's sword hilt was hitting her.

"This is Shenshui Palace, you can never leave your body without a sword."

The jellyfish Yin Ji said in relief.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, intending to move Lin Pingzhi's sword hilt aside.

Lin Pingzhi didn't react at first.


Hadn't the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade been included in his storage space long ago?

How can Yin Ji, a jellyfish, know how to use a sword?

and many more……

Watching the jellyfish Yin Ji's hand go down.

He suddenly thought of the time when he was in the Golden Snake Camp.

Didn't Xia Qingqing mistake his big forest for a sword hilt?

What the hell! ?

Jellyfish Yin Ji doesn't think so, does she?

Xia Qingqing's martial arts are low, but it's nothing.

But Jellyfish Yin Ji's martial arts are so high, if it breaks, it will be broken!

The last volume of the Sunflower Treasure can be practiced without using your own palace.

This is broken, and there is no need to practice the Sunflower Book!

On the contrary, for his women, this lifetime happiness is ruined!

"Yin Ji, stop!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted hastily.

However, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, looked at Lin Pingzhi suspiciously.

She didn't break it, but her hand had already touched the "hilt".

Suddenly, she seemed to know something.

This hot feeling, and the hard touch like gold and iron...

Jellyfish Yin Ji only felt her cheeks were hot.


She let go of her hand, lowered her head, and looked up at Lin Pingzhi shyly.


Lin Pingzhi heaved a sigh of relief.

Just now he almost thought that the big forest would be broken by the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Fortunately, the jellyfish Yin Ji just touched it.

Stabilize the flustered emotions in my heart.

He looked at the jellyfish Yin Ji and asked:

"What's wrong with me?"

Lin Pingzhi had a smirk on his face.

From the expression and tone of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

He could feel the surprise of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

This made him feel very proud.

How can a man's capital be poor?

The jellyfish Yin Ji had a red face, and her whole body was twisted.

"Why is it so hot and hard?"

She looked at Lin Pingzhi with some puzzlement.

These words made Lin Pingzhi stunned.

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