Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 886 The end is only death!

"A little red in the Central Plains?"

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Isn't the one with the indifferent face who keeps throwing swords at the jellyfish Yin Ji, Zhongyuan Dianhong who helped him many times in the past?

Looking at the situation, Zhongyuan Yidianhong and the other two men were with Chu Liuxiang and Su Rongrong.

The other group consisted of two men and one woman.

Especially that woman, very beautiful, like a 20-year-old woman.

Every gesture, but with a mature charm.

This made Lin Pingzhi puzzled.

There is such a woman?

How could a 20-year-old woman have such charm?

Shouldn't this only be available to mature women?

at this time.

Zhongyuan Dianhong's long sword went straight to the chest of the jellyfish Yin Ji.


Lin Pingzhi put down Gong Nanyan.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade appeared in his hand, and his figure rushed towards the jellyfish Yin Ji.


Zhongyuan Dianhong stabs the long sword of Yinji the jellyfish, but Lin Pingzhi blocks it.

"It's you?" Zhongyuan Dianhong was taken aback.

Looking into Lin Pingzhi's eyes, he was also surprised.

Seeing this, Su Rongrong was overjoyed.

"Mr. Lin! It's great that you're fine!"

Her joy was noticed by Chu Liuxiang who was beside her.

There was a little displeasure in Chu Liuxiang's eyes.

A smile just appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face, and he wanted to say hello to Zhongyuan Yidianhong and Su Rongrong.

But a man from another group.

Holding the long sword in his hand, with hatred in his eyes, he came to kill Lin Pingzhi.

"Go to hell!"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He didn't know this man.

But the eyes seemed a little familiar.


This man, he didn't know him, actually shot him like this, it's really courting death!


Lin Ping slapped out one palm, and Jianglong's twenty-eight palms rushed straight towards the man.

With this palm, Lin Pingzhi didn't hold back the slightest bit, and directly used the internal force to reach the transformation state, and slammed it in unison.


The rather charming young woman shouted nervously.

Her figure was extremely fast, and she was in front of the man in the blink of an eye.


Lin Pingzhi's twenty-eight subduing dragon palms landed on her body.

She just took a few steps back, but nothing seemed to happen.


The man who shot at Lin Pingzhi now, and the man who didn't move before, all shouted nervously.


two sons?

How familiar is the gaze of the person who made the move just now?

A young and beautiful woman with a mature charm?

Lin Pingzhi's mind was spinning rapidly.

For a moment, he seemed to straighten everything out.

"Stone Guanyin! Nangong Ling! The wonderful monk has no flowers!"

Lin Pingzhi focused his eyes and shouted at the three people.

As soon as these words came out, Shi Guanyin and others looked at Lin Pingzhi in shock.

It seemed that Lin Pingzhi was in shock, why did he know their identities.

"It seems that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, really has no reservations about your little lover, and told you everything."

Shi Guanyin looked at Lin Pingzhi with a sneer on his face.

A trace of doubt also flashed in the eyes of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

She did not tell Lin Pingzhi about Shi Guanyin.

Although she was curious, she didn't think much about it because she was too worried about Lin Pingzhi's safety.

"Pingzhi, you go, they are many people, I will help you block them, you go."

Jellyfish Yin Ji shouted anxiously.

"rest assured."

Lin Pingzhi turned around and smiled at Yin Ji the jellyfish.

Seeing the confidence on his face, Jellyfish Yin Ji froze for a moment.

What does it mean?

"Xiang Shuai, thank you for coming to save me, but I am fine in Shenshui Palace, and Yin Ji is not an enemy."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Chu Liuxiang and said.

Chu Liuxiang's expression froze, and he glanced at Su Rongrong beside him, only to see that Su Rongrong's eyes were fixed on Lin Pingzhi, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Old bug, there seems to be a misunderstanding."

A man standing beside Chu Liuxiang said with a smile on his hips.

Calling Chu Liuxiang old bug?

Lin Pingzhi thought, this guy should be Hu Tiehua.

As for the last person, it must be Ji Bingyan.

Unexpectedly, Chu Liuxiang invited all his friends here, just wanting to save him.

There was a misunderstanding in this, they thought that the jellyfish Yinji imprisoned him, so they shot the jellyfish Yinji.

"Yes, there was a misunderstanding."

Lin Pingzhi said quickly.

Although the Central Plains is a little red, they all shot the jellyfish Yin Ji.

But since it was a misunderstanding, it was impossible for him to teach them a lesson for Yin Ji, the jellyfish.


Zhongyuan Dianhong nodded, silently putting away his sword.

Ji Bingyan didn't speak, but Hu Tiehua pouted, and the two walked to Chu Liuxiang's side.

"Mr. Lin, as long as you are fine."

Su Rongrong said with a concerned face.

During this time, although she was by Chu Liuxiang's side.

But in her heart, she was always thinking of Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi was also a little surprised to see Su Rongrong's expression.

"Could it be... Su Rongrong likes me?"

There was a little excitement in his heart.

What about Chu Liuxiang?

Puzzled, he looked at Chu Liuxiang.

But Chu Liuxiang's complexion was a little ugly, and she stood there without saying a word.

Just then.

"let's go."

Shi Guanyin said softly to her two sons.

Lin Pingzhi had a keen sense and heard Shi Guanyin's words.

He fixed his eyes and looked towards Shi Guanyin and the others.

"Go? Where are you going?"

Indifferent words, with a strong killing intent.

Dare to do something to his woman, and want to leave now?

Do you really think that Lin Pingzhi is just a display?

So what if it was Shi Guanyin?

Shi Guanyin is afraid of Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

This time it was also because of the large number of people that they dared to attack the jellyfish Yin Ji.

In other words, Shi Guanyin's martial arts are also at the level of Huajing.

Normally, Lin Pingzhi would not attack Shi Guanyin.

Because it is likely to fail.

But this time is different.

His trump card is here, how could he be afraid of Shi Guanyin?

"Lin Pingzhi, don't think that you are a bit famous in the Jianghu, so you will be in high spirits!"

Shi Guanyin stared at Lin Pingzhi with her beautiful eyes, her words carried a warning meaning.

Lin Pingzhi smiled disdainfully.

"Is it?"

He held the weeping blood ghost blade in his hand, pointed at the blade obliquely, and exuded a sharp sword intent from his body.

Zhongyuan Dianhong didn't say a word.

With a sound of "clang", he drew out his sword and walked to Lin Pingzhi's side.

The meaning is obvious, he is standing on Lin Pingzhi's united front.

As long as Lin Pingzhi makes a move, Zhongyuan Yidianhong will also help.

"And I!"

Su Rongrong said coquettishly.

She also ran to the other side of Lin Pingzhi.

Shi Guanyin plus Wuhua and Nangong Ling, there are three people in total.

She was worried that Lin Pingzhi was no match, so she wanted to contribute.

Seeing this, Chu Liuxiang twitched the corner of his mouth.

He can understand Zhongyuan Dianhong helping Lin Pingzhi, after all, Zhongyuan Dianhong is really trying to hurt his friends.

But when Su Rongrong went to help, he was unhappy.

But he had no choice but to take Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan to Su Rongrong's side.

"Rongrong, you stand back, we can make a move."

Chu Liuxiang said.

Su Rongrong was about to refuse, but Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

"No, you all back off."

As he spoke, he smiled slightly towards the jellyfish Yin Ji.

"Yin Ji is my woman, if they dare to attack Yin Ji, they will die."

Sen Han's words made everyone present shudder.

Jellyfish Yin Ji's eyes were full of joy, and her heart was full of tenderness.

"Pingzhi, you don't have to force yourself."

she urged.

She understood Lin Pingzhi's intentions.

But Shi Guanyin is not inferior to her.

She was worried that Lin Pingzhi was not his opponent.

"rest assured."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

Who is he afraid of when he has cards?

And this hole card is also the reward of the system when he double cultivated with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

It's perfect for finding the place for Yin Ji, the jellyfish!

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