Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 883 Take the initiative?The Shyness of Jellyfish Yin Ji

"Ding! The host kills the black bear, the giant thief in Mobei, and the reward: an improved version of Sad Crisp Breeze."

The prompt from the system really surprised Lin Pingzhi.

Sad and crisp breeze?

This is the reward he got when he first came to this world.

Back then when Mu Gaofeng took him to the brothel, it was only by relying on the breeze of sadness that he could successfully fight back.

Unexpectedly, for killing a black bear, he would be rewarded with a sad breeze.

For Lin Pingzhi, this was a pleasant surprise.

Hei Xiong's martial arts are mediocre.

But to be able to escape with Bai Xiong under Li Xunhuan's Xiao Li Feidao, there is probably some means.

Now with the sad breeze in hand, even if you meet the Taoist Baishang, with the sad breeze, you may be able to fight.

Of course, now he is not sure whether the sad crisp breeze will have an effect on the legendary existence of Jianghu.

But under the legends of Jianghu, even the existence of Huajing cannot be avoided.

"How about it?"

Jellyfish Yin Ji walked to Lin Pingzhi's side.

She didn't even look at the black bear on the ground, she just cared whether Lin Pingzhi got the answer she wanted.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Of course he can know what he wants to know.

After all, he still has the Dafa of Dementor.

In front of him, unless the strength is much higher than him, there is no secret at all.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi nodding his head, Yin Ji the jellyfish didn't ask any more questions.

He looked at Gong Nanyan who was at the side.

Gong Nanyan's heart that had just been let go hung up again.

The jellyfish Yin Ji didn't let her go out, but she appeared here now.

He even helped Bai Xiong to steal Tianyi Shenshui.

"Shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

She looked at Gong Nanyan coldly.

For Gong Nanyan, she trusted and sympathized.

Among the many women in Shenshui Palace, she only has a soft spot for Gong Nanyan.

What Gong Nanyan did now made her feel a little chilled.


Gong Nanyan lowered her head, not daring to look at Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

At this moment, she felt guilty in her heart.

Freedom is her longing.

But she didn't think about hurting Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

Even, she didn't know that Bai Xiong wanted to steal Tianyi Shenshui.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi felt a little helpless.

It's about two women, and the relationship between these two women is very unusual.

He's really not good at participating.

But he understands the strength of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Gong Nanyan might be severely tortured at night.

"Yin Ji."

Lin Pingzhi read softly.

He bent down, picked up the bottle of Tianyi Shenshui on the ground, and handed it to the jellyfish Yin Ji.

"Nanyan was also deceived by the white bear. In my opinion, don't be angry. The white bear is dead, and Nanyan knows her mistake. Give her a chance."

Lin Pingzhi comforted him.

Gong Nanyan raised her head and gave Lin Pingzhi a grateful look.

She was very grateful that Lin Pingzhi was willing to speak for her.

In the Shenshui Palace, the jellyfish Yin Ji might only listen to Lin Pingzhi's words.

If other people dare to dissuade them, they will probably be directly killed by the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Jellyfish Yin Ji looked at Lin Pingzhi resentfully.

"Pingzhi, what do you mean? She did something wrong, shouldn't she be punished?"

She felt that Lin Pingzhi's pleading was a bit unreasonable.

Gong Nanyan stood aside shivering, not daring to say a word.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi felt pity in his heart.

He walked to the side of the jellyfish Yin Ji, and said:

"If it's like what you said, just now I told you to wait for my call before you come out, but you took the initiative to show up, do you think you did something wrong?"

While speaking, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

This time, the jellyfish Yin Ji was determined.

According to the words of Jellyfish Yin Ji, then Jellyfish Yin Ji has done something wrong.

Then he must be punished?

"Huh? Pingzhi, what's the meaning of this? I also showed up for your own good."

Jellyfish Yin Ji looked at Lin Pingzhi with a puzzled look on her face, with a trace of grievance hidden.

"I understand." Lin Pingzhi nodded, "Before you took the initiative to show up, tonight you took the initiative to sacrifice yourself."

He shrugged and said calmly.

Jellyfish Yin Ji was stunned.

Appearing and dedicating herself, she didn't react for a while.

It was Gong Nanyan who understood first, her eyes widened, and she looked at Lin Pingzhi in astonishment.

She never expected that Lin Pingzhi would dare to talk to Yin Ji the jellyfish like this.

Isn't Lin Pingzhi afraid of death?

Even if Yinji jellyfish treats Lin Pingzhi well, it doesn't mean that Yinji jellyfish won't get angry.

"Young Master Lin..."

Gong Nanyan just wanted to dissuade him.

Jellyfish Yin Ji said sharply:

"you shut up!"

She is not stupid.

Of course she understood the meaning of Lin Pingzhi's words.

She just pretended not to understand.

Because she was shy.

He didn't want Lin Pingzhi to see this scene, so he pretended just now.

Why didn't she want something to happen to Lin Pingzhi?

But she felt a little overwhelmed by the hurdle in her heart.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Yin Ji the jellyfish.

"I'll go find you tonight and wash up."

He walked to the jellyfish Yin Ji.

There was a "pop" sound.

A slap on the jellyfish Yinji's big ass.

All of a sudden, the waves rolled.

Even if it was Yin Ji, a powerful jellyfish, Hongxia couldn't restrain her face.

Just when the jellyfish Yin Ji was in a stalemate.

Lin Pingzhi had already walked to Gong Nanyan's side, and stretched out his arms to wrap around Gong Nanyan's willow waist.

Under Gong Nanyan's shocked expression, she took Gong Nanyan away slowly.

Only jellyfish Yin Ji was left in place.

In Lin Pingzhi's arms, Gong Nanyan looked up at Lin Pingzhi with some suspicion.

"Mr. Lin...why do you dare to speak to Yin Ji like that?"

Gong Nanyan asked in puzzlement.

In the entire Shenshui Palace, only Gong Nanyan knew the character of Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

Forget about Lin Pingzhi's attitude.

Even on Yin Ji's butt...doing that kind of behavior.

If it were someone else from Shenshui Palace, their heads would have fallen to the ground.

Only Lin Pingzhi was able to do such a thing without incident.

"Don't worry."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

During this period of time, he got along with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

He has already figured out how Yin Ji, the jellyfish, treats him.

Gong Nanyan saw that Lin Pingzhi had a plan in mind.

Moreover, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, did not deal with Lin Pingzhi before.

Her hanging heart also let go.

Lin Pingzhi brought Gong Nanyan to the room.

Gong Nanyan wanted to sit on the stool.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't let her leave.

The hand that was originally around Gong Nanyan's waist also began to become dishonest.

Gong Nanyan felt the strangeness coming from her waist, and immediately understood what was going on.

She glanced at Lin Pingzhi shyly, and said with some worry:

"Nanyan is willing to give it to the young master...but Yin Ji..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly softened.

It turned out that Lin Pingzhi's hand had already been imprisoning Wei'an along the skirt of his clothes.

Gong Nanyan was a little nervous.

She used to have this kind of intimate behavior with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Now replace it with Lin Pingzhi, a man.

This made her feel weird...

There is a weird feeling that is different from the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Even the degree of weakness of the body is stronger than before.

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