"Boy, who are you?"

Bai Xiong frowned and looked at Lin Pingzhi with a look of vigilance.

As soon as he finished speaking, his head blew up.


White Bear covered his forehead and looked at Black Bear with aggrieved eyes.

"Old Hei, why did you hit me?"

He just felt baffled.

The black bear had a hideous look on its face.

"Don't talk!"

He yelled at the white bear.

In Bai Xiong's eyes, the look of incomprehension became more intense.

I was also very unconvinced in my heart.

"Old Hei, get out of the way and watch how I deal with this little boy!"

From his point of view, Lin Pingzhi is still just a little boy, nothing special about him.

After coming to Shenshui Palace, they also treated him respectfully and regarded him as a senior.

Hei Xiong's attitude now created a huge contrast in his impression of Lin Pingzhi.

He was very unconvinced in his heart, and planned to teach Lin Pingzhi a lesson to make him look good.

"Old White!"

Black Bear shouted hastily.

But Ice Bear didn't care.

"Old Hei, don't worry about it."

After finishing speaking, he pushed the black bear away and rushed towards Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing this, Gong Nanyan's heart tightened.

Although nothing happened between her and Lin Pingzhi.

But she already had Lin Pingzhi in her heart, so she naturally didn't want to see Lin Pingzhi being injured by a white bear.

Lin Pingzhi was not in a hurry, with a faint smile on his face.

He already has a judgment on the realm of the white bear.

Not to mention the extreme, even the summit has not been reached.

It's just because of the first-class upstream, even compared to Yue Buqun, it's still a bit inferior.

With this level, it's no wonder that after hiding in the Shenshui Palace for so many years, they didn't get Tianyi Shenshui.

This level, in front of him, is just a small role.

As long as he wanted to, he could kill the white bear with just raising his hand.

Just when Bai Xiong made a move and punched Lin Pingzhi.


A cold snort sounded in the palace.

The jellyfish Yin Ji appeared in front of Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised.

Originally, he asked Yin Ji, the jellyfish, to wait for him to call.

He appeared now because he was worried about Lin Pingzhi.

He never thought about it, Bai Xiong is not Lin Pingzhi's opponent.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi felt warm in his heart.

Although Jellyfish Yin Ji is strong.

But for him, it was really, really good.

When Gong Nanyan saw the jellyfish Yin Ji appearing, although she was a little startled.

But the heart that was originally worried about Lin Pingzhi also eased.

"Jellyfish Yin Ji!"

White Bear yelled in horror.

He never expected that the jellyfish Yin Ji would appear.

The black bear doesn't know the jellyfish Yin Ji, and after hearing the white bear's call, a look of panic appeared on his face.

Jellyfish Yin Ji's face was gloomy, with killing intent in her eyes.

The strong wind slapped, and the white bear's head was in a different place, and blood was sprayed from the neck.

The jellyfish Yin Ji stood still, but the blood dripped down to the ground along the fingertips of the hanging palm.

"Old White!"

The black bear panicked.

He didn't expect that the white bear couldn't survive a single move in the hands of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

As expected of the owner of Shenshui Palace, he is really amazing!

"Yin Ji!"

Behind the jellyfish Yin Ji, Lin Pingzhi shouted in distress.

Why did Ice Bear die like this?

These are all system rewards!

He pretended for so long, although he had the idea of ​​filling the cup in front of Gong Nanyan.

But the purpose is also to kill the white bear.

Although this mobei giant thief is not well-known, it was mentioned by Yue Buqun in the original book.

What system rewards might be given?


Jellyfish Yin Ji turned her head and looked at Lin Pingzhi with doubts in her eyes.


she asked with concern.

Lin Pingzhi was also stunned.

But he definitely can't tell the things about the system.

Multiple identities, that's okay.

But the system, that is his life.

If this hole card is gone, the others will also be gone.

"It's nothing, you just killed him, I still have some questions."

Lin Pingzhi touched his nose and said in embarrassment.

He couldn't blame the jellyfish Yin Ji for killing Ice Bear, after all, the jellyfish Yin Ji acted decisively because of Ice Bear's attack on him.

If she blamed her, it might chill the heart of Yin Ji, the jellyfish.


Jellyfish Yin Ji's eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

But he didn't continue to ask, but pointed to the trembling black bear beside him and said:

"Then there is still one alive, you can ask."

She said very calmly.

Compared with white bears, black bears' martial arts should be evenly divided.

Lin Pingzhi can roughly feel this point.

For Yin Ji, the jellyfish, the black bear is the turtle in the urn, and she never thought that the black bear could run away.

Lin Pingzhi was helpless.

The white bear's head fell to the ground, so it was impossible for him to save the white bear again.

So far, I have no choice but to start with the black bear.

However, just now I told Yin Ji the jellyfish that he has a problem to figure out.

Then you can't do it directly, or ask something casually.

"If you don't want to die, answer my question honestly."

Lin Pingzhi imitated the villain in the TV series and said to Hei Xiong.

The black bear trembled.

In front of him, there was not only Yinji the jellyfish, the lord of Shenshui Palace, but also Lin Pingzhi, the famous son of Mingyue.

What can he do?

There is no choice but to answer!

"Master Mingyue, please tell me, Black Bear will know everything and say everything!"

He bowed to Lin Pingzhi obediently.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the black bear and thought about it.

What questions can I ask?

It seems that Bai Xiong mentioned Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan earlier?

"Aren't you Mobei giant bandits? Why are you here? Also, do you know Xiao Li Tanhua?"

Lin Pingzhi thought for a while and asked.

The black bear looked a little unnatural.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi resentfully, and said:

"We were driven out of Mobei by Li Xunhuan..."

Kicked out of Mobei by Li Xunhuan... Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

He didn't expect that there would be unexpected rewards from asking random questions?

This also aroused Lin Pingzhi's interest.

"Then why did you come to Shenshui Palace from Mobei?"

He squinted slightly, staring at the black bear.

There was a murderous intent in his eyes, as if he was reminding Hei Xiong to answer honestly and not to lie.

The black bear trembled all over.

The sharpness in Lin Pingzhi's eyes really frightened him.


He hesitated to speak, and looked at the indifferent jellyfish Yin Ji with a resentful expression on his face.

"Because of what?"

Lin Pingzhi urged.

He fixed his eyes and glared at the black bear.

The latter hastily said:

"Because I wanted to steal the Heavenly Divine Water, I went to kill Li Xunhuan, and then I got Li Xunhuan's Little Li Flying Knife to dominate the martial arts..."

After finishing speaking, the black bear lowered his head in shame.

I have to say that the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

How grand is the dream of dominating the martial arts world.

But Lin Pingzhi knew very well that the black bear and the white bear were just a dream.

Little Li Fei Dao can be learned so easily.

Even if Li Xunhuan came back out of the arena, at most he would occupy a place in the arena.

Want to dominate?

Just think.

"All right."

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

Black Bear froze for a moment.

With a "clang" I remembered.

The sword light flickered.

The protruding eyeballs of the black bear fell to the ground along with the head.

He never expected that Lin Pingzhi would be able to speak without counting.

At this time, the system prompt sounded in Lin Pingzhi's mind.

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