Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 878 The Sweeping Monk in Shenshui Palace

"It was you who invited me here, so now you want to drive me away? That's better, drive me down the mountain quickly, so that I can live a comfortable life." Lin Pingzhi replied even more arrogantly.

Immediately, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, clenched her fists and jumped onto the house with one kick.

"If you want to practice, I will accompany you. But you'd better restrain yourself. This is Shenshui Palace, not the Shijing Street outside." Jellyfish Yin Ji waved her sleeves and put her hands behind her back.

"Okay, I just want to ask the master of the famous Shenshui Palace. In the last battle, I know you let me go, but this time, please use your best." Lin Pingzhi retorted road.

"Practice is fine, but if you lose, you have to stay here honestly, don't do anything wrong and play tricks on the palace rules." Jellyfish Yin Ji warned Lin Pingzhi with a serious expression.

"What if I win?"

The jellyfish snorted and sneered, then jumped up and landed firmly on the ground.Then he turned around and was about to leave, before he took two steps, he said, "First think about how to win and I'll talk about it."

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi looked at the back of the jellyfish Yinji with a blank face.

He muttered to himself, "This is too arrogant!".Then with a light stride, he jumped off the roof.

In the evening, Lin Pingzhi sat alone in the garden pavilion of Shenshui Palace, watching the afterglow of the setting sun pouring on the colorful flowers.

With a "cough cough", a person came from the square bridge behind Lin Ping.It was none other than the old man.

These days in Shenshui Palace, Lin Pingzhi feels very boring. Fortunately, there is also the "Sweeping Monk" of Shenshui Palace who relieves his fatigue every day and teaches secret books and exercises. Only then can Lin Pingzhi spend the time in this palace. Mental loneliness.

Lin Pingzhi stretched and stood up, respectfully offering his seat to the old man.

"I heard that Mr. Lin provoked Yin Ji, the jellyfish, the lord of the palace earlier. Could it be that Mr. Lin has a plan in mind?" The old man raised his weather-beaten face as soon as he sat down. Deep dark eyes.

Lin Pingzhi smiled and replied, "It's not a trick, it's just that these days are too boring, and I want to pass the time by practicing." Lin Pingzhi rubbed the back of his head.

"Hahaha, this is not your rigorous style of dealing with things." The old man looked up to the sky and laughed, stroking his mottled and graying beard from time to time.

As the sun sets, a group of flowers, two people, and a pavilion, under the afterglow of the setting sun, the shadows slowly elongate, and the two chat openly, as if they had been friends for a long time.

As night fell slowly, Lin Pingzhi returned to his residence, quietly closed the door, lit the oil lamp, and took out a cheat book from his clothes, which read "Northern Ming Magic".

These days, the old man taught Lin Pingzhi this martial arts secret book.Although he obtained this cheat book, Lin Pingzhi can't make a fool of himself because it is easy to arouse the suspicion of Yin Ji the jellyfish, and there are too many eyeliners in the palace. Books absorb knowledge from books.

Just when Lin Pingzhi was immersed in the various moves in the book, he didn't know that the flickering candlelight inside the door aroused the suspicion of the maidservants who patrolled at night.The two maidservants thought to themselves; it's so late, why is Mr. Lin still not resting?

Just as the two stepped forward to take a closer look, the call of a nightingale came from the grass not far away.

In the wing room, Lin Pingzhi, who was immersed in the "Beiming Divine Art", was suddenly awakened by the cry of "Nightingale", and hurriedly hid the secret book under the mattress.He tiptoed to the door to peek outside.

Earlier, the old man "Sweeping Monk" and Lin Pingzhi had agreed on a secret signal, and the cry of the nightingale was a danger signal.

Lin Pingzhi tidied up his clothes, opened the door as if nothing had happened, yawned, and pretended to be woken up by the disturbing birds chirping at night, muttering and cursing, "I don't feed you some food during the day so that you can disturb my sweet dreams, Sooner or later, I will catch you."

Then, as if pretending to be startled by the two maidservants outside the Ge courtyard, he asked, "What are you two doing here? Are you also showing consideration for me to catch that nasty nightingale?"

Just looking at the two maidservants looking at each other, they replied, "Disturb Master Qingmeng, and please Master Ling to rest well." After finishing speaking, she bowed her head and left in a resentful way.

The cunning Lin Pingzhi's perfect acting skills really fooled the night watchmen.Then he nodded at the grass and gave a ghostly smile, then turned and went back to the wing.

Gradually, blue-black clouds appeared in the sky, and about half an hour later, the rising sun climbed up the smoky mountains in the distance, awakening the rare animals, exotic flowers and plants in the mountains.

"Da da" two crisp knocks on the door did not wake up the sleeping Lin Pingzhi.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, my Palace Mistress calls you to go to the front hall to discuss some matters." Outside, a young maidservant with a ball head and plain clothes unique to Shenshui Palace called out.

Mr. Lin turned over unhurriedly, opened the door sleepily, and looked helplessly at the little maid who had just reached his waist.

"Okay, I see, you go back and tell your master that I'll be right there."

After dismissing the little maidservant, Lin Pingzhi stretched his waist and gestured the moves of "Beiming Shengong" twice. His hands rose from the dantian, his knees were slightly bent, and then the back of his left hand turned outwards, slowly turning the joints, and his right hand moved from the bottom to the bottom. On the other hand, he drew a half circle in the air, which is regarded as the luck of waking up in the morning and exercising his tendons.

At noon, Lin Pingzhi left from the wing room to the front hall.

Along the way, Lin Pingzhi searched for the jellyfish Yin Ji, and at the same time admired the passing maidservants.Lin Pingzhi thought, "These maidservants were bought into the palace from a young age to take care of the trivial matters in the palace, but the question is where do they come from, are they all abandoned orphans?"

After thinking about it, he came to the front hall unconsciously.Passing through the front hall a few days ago, Lin Pingzhi was attracted by a blue and white porcelain vase, which happened to be a good time to enjoy it today.

The blue and white porcelain vase is placed next to the carved window on the right hand side of the front hall, surrounded by a circle of Qinchi, which is also surrounded by white porcelain railings.It is about two feet away from the fence to the blue and white porcelain.It was just right, enough for Lin Pingzhi to stand on tiptoe.

Just as Lin Pingzhi reached out to reach for the blue and white porcelain vase, he suddenly said "I advise you not to touch the blue and white porcelain vase." Before Lin Pingzhi could look back to see who it was, his foot slipped and fell into the pool .

Lin Pingzhi didn't even touch the water in the pond, which really made people laugh.

At this moment, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, pursed her lips and laughed, and ordered her maidservant to pull Lin Pingzhi up from the pond.Then the maid took him down to change into clean clothes and then came to the front hall.

Lin Pingzhi cursed secretly in his heart, "It's really unlucky, it's her every time, and I have never been embarrassed in front of everyone."

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