After changing his clothes, Lin Pingzhi came to the front hall again, but his eyes never left the blue and white porcelain vase that made him fall into the water.Jellyfish Yinji noticed that Lin Pingzhi was deeply attracted by the blue and white porcelain vase at this moment.He coughed twice, implying Lin Pingzhi.

"Want to know what's inside?" Jellyfish Yin Ji looked at Lin Pingzhi with a gentle look.The sudden tenderness surprised me.He faltered and said, "Don't be tricky."

"The inside is exactly the treasure of Shenshui Palace—Tianyi Shenshui"

This divine water is called "heavy water" by the disciples of Shenshui Palace. It is colorless and odorless, and it is the most powerful poison in the world.

So that's the case, luckily he didn't touch the extremely poisonous Tianyi Shenshui, otherwise, he didn't know how he died.Thinking of Lin Pingzhi, he couldn't help but shudder.

But Lin Pingzhi asked in puzzlement, "This is Tianyi Shenshui, why don't you put heavy soldiers in charge?"

Hearing this, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, laughed disdainfully, and explained, "How many people in the Jianghu want to get Tianyi Shenshui, but how many people succeed in stealing it, and the end is extremely miserable."

Could it be that the Shenshui Palace had already prepared the antidote when refining the Tianyi Shenshui?

While Lin Pingzhi was still thinking, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, interrupted his train of thought and said, "Did you forget something?"

Lin Pingzhi looked blankly at Yinji the jellyfish.The four eyes meet each other, one up and one down, quite a dramatic picture.

"Didn't you provocatively say a few days ago that I have no one to practice martial arts with you in this huge Shenshui Palace?" Jellyfish Yin Ji reminded.

"Oh...yes, don't tell me it's true. With my body, I just like to fight and kill." Lin Pingzhi echoed soberly.

In fact, the reason why Lin Pingzhi dared to say such provocative words was because he wanted to test the skill of Yin Ji, the jellyfish, and by the way, secretly learn that unique skill - surging like a tide!

There are rumors in the world that there are two top palms in the world, one is the "tyrant of the world" known as the "soul of iron", and the one who owns this move is the head of the Iron Blood Banner Sect - Tie Zhongtang.Another big palm technique is the unique cheat book of jellyfish Yin Ji - surge like a tide.

Lin Pingzhi thought, if I can learn this trick, I am afraid that I will have to evolve from the state of perfection to the state of transformation, which is the state that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, may be in now.This is a qualitative leap!

Lin Pingzhi's complacent expression at this moment is really embarrassing.

"Then you decide the date of the competition." Jellyfish Yin Ji got up and left without paying any attention.

"Then...then three days later!" Lin Pingzhi shouted at the back of the jellyfish Yin Ji.In fact, Lin Pingzhi was not sure about this martial arts competition, if Yin Ji, the jellyfish, missed or hit too hard, I'm afraid his five spirits and six souls would be scattered by that palm!

"No, these days I have to completely master the Beiming Divine Art!" Lin Pingzhi clenched his fists tightly, because this martial arts competition is a rare opportunity for him to improve.

Then he turned around and left the front hall, not forgetting to take a look at Tian Tian Yishenshui before leaving.

As the night fell, the drizzle of rain outside the window, under the weak moonlight, pierced the earth like embroidery needles.The thoughtful Lin Pingzhi was pacing under the veranda when he suddenly heard a burst of rustling.

The sound of the flute in the scene at this moment floated melodiously into the mid-air, shuttled among the silver threads, and danced in this deserted rainy night. A fresh flute sound, like the sound of nature, slowly penetrated into Lin Ping's ears Inside the outline, lingering in my heart.

The mellow Xiao's voice really made Lin Pingzhi calm down a lot.Following the melodious and quiet sound of the flute, Lin Pingzhi realized that the sound came from Hanzhang Pavilion.

At this moment, Gong Nanyan was standing by the window sill, holding a bamboo shovel lightly in both hands, and murmured a poem affectionately, "Several times I sit under the flowers and play the flute, and the silver man and the red wall look into the distance. The stars are not like last night, For whom is the wind and dew standing at midnight?"

After finishing speaking, he looked up at the treetops covered with silver lights and silver threads.

At this moment, Gong Nanyan and Lin Pingzhi are like lovers in two different places, under the bright moon together.But this melancholy thought is like a deep gap, and I can only rely on the sound of the downcast flute as a lonely comfort.

The rain is still falling, and it seems to be getting more ferocious.The sound of hitting the banana leaves can better reflect this desertedness.

"Miss, haven't you rested yet?" Suddenly an old male voice came from outside the window.

Gong Nanyan straightened her temple hair, and replied without seeming surprised, "Not yet, my mind is a little confused."

A rickety old man slowly walked out from the darkness, and it was the same old man who had secretly helped Lin Pingzhi in the past few days.

"Don't disturb Miss's bedtime with worrying things." The old man comforted.

"It's okay, old man Bai, you should go to bed earlier." Gong Nanyan turned her back to the old man, and slowly wiped away the tears on her face.

"Miss, please be patient for a few more days, and on the day when Lin Pingzhi competes with the jellyfish Yin Ji, I will take you away from this place!" The old man promised eloquently.

It turned out that the old man approached Lin Pingzhi as a pawn to help Gong Nanyan escape from Shenshui Palace!After the martial arts competition, when the vitality of the two parties was damaged, they were released from the perverted claws of the jellyfish Yin Ji and placed under house arrest.

If only this could work like this.Gong Nanyan, who was originally a daughter, was imprisoned in Hanzhang Pavilion by the jellyfish Yin Ji as an emotional substitute for the male lady because she had the same height and beauty as the male lady.

But Yin Ji, the jellyfish, doesn't satisfy her emotional needs, and most of the time she comes to Gong Nanyan to do that lily thing in the dead of night.Yin Ji, a jellyfish who was originally a daughter, has desires like a man.

A while later, in order to avoid the maidservant who was on patrol at night, the old man also quietly left Hanzhang Pavilion.

The next morning, the old man came to Lin Pingzhi's residence early and quietly waited for Lin Pingzhi to wake up.About Chen Shi, the door of Lin Pingzhi's wing room slowly opened, Lin walked out from inside, but seeing the old man, he quickly came to the old man and said, "What does the old man want from me?"

The old man patted Lin Pingzhi on the shoulder lightly, signaling him to meet in the deserted back garden.

Lin Pingzhi nodded in understanding, and after the old man left first, he looked around vigilantly, for fear that anyone would notice their strange actions.Then go back into the room and jump out of the back window.

Along the way, Lin Pingzhi was also very curious. Normally, private meetings were usually held in the evening or under the cover of night. Why did he appear outside his residence abnormally today? Could it be that something happened or he was arranged by the jellyfish Yin Ji? Eyeliner found something suspicious?

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi quickened his pace uncomfortably and headed for the meeting place.

Coming to the deserted back garden, Lin Pingzhi habitually closed the dilapidated iron gate. At this moment, the old man was already sitting there quietly, with his back to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi became more and more uneasy, as if a storm was coming, but the most urgent task right now was the contest with the jellyfish Yin Ji, but something happened at this juncture.

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