Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 877 Capture Gong Nanyan's Heart

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi turned his head and inadvertently found that the old man was hiding in the dark during the day, watching silently.

Although it was in the dark, Lin Pingzhi could still catch things hidden in the darkness with his extraordinary eyesight.Just like what his senior brother once said to him, "If the other party is a hunter hiding in the dark, let us hunt those who hide in the dark."

After a while, Yinji the jellyfish came back to "Hanzhang Pavilion", but compared to before, she had a few more pastries.It seems that they deliberately take these snacks and share them with Gong Nanyan, so that they can comfort the lonely midnight together.

"Da da" the jellyfish Yin Ji knocked on the door, and it was Gong Nanyan who had just calmed down and opened the door.

However, the vigilant jellyfish Yin Ji, after entering the wing, scanned the silent Geyuan behind her.

"Hey, hey" it was that nightingale again.

The nightingale stayed on the oldest willow tree in the courtyard.Under the willow tree, a figure slowly emerged—Lin Pingzhi.

Just now Lin Pingzhi fled in a hurry from the back window of the wing room, but he did not return to his residence, but went around and turned back.

What exactly do I want to do, I have to figure it out today.Lin Pingzhi muttered to himself.

At this time, in the wing room, a strong sense of ambiguity filled the bed covered by the faint candlelight.

The candlelight flickered, and the figures of the jellyfish Yin Ji and Gong Nanyan were like two flying nightingales, accompanied by the creaking of the bed, making a soft moan.

But what they didn't expect was that Lin Pingzhi could see all the lingering love between the two in the wing room at this moment.

Lin Pingzhi was dumbfounded, he had never seen the "lily thing", he was burning with desire, the depths of his eyes were gradually occupied by the cold orange candlelight, and he was fascinated.

Unexpectedly, the old man was already standing behind him, gently dragging Lin Pingzhi behind a corner screen, covered his mouth, and signaled him not to make a sound.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the old man with horror all over his face, his wrinkled face, those piercing eyes, under the extremely faint moonlight at this moment, burst out with deep gaze.

Lin Pingzhi had never seen such a destructive gaze.I secretly thought that this person might be like the sweeping monk in Shenshui Palace.

Why does this old man always meet me by appointment.

Before Lin Pingzhi broke free from the vicissitudes of the old man's hand, the two maidservants patrolled the courtyard vigilantly.

It turned out that the old man was secretly protecting him!But why did the old man, who only met Lin Pingzhi once, remind him several times or appear in a dangerous moment in time.

After the night watch maid left, a strange scene appeared vividly.

Outside the wing room, Lin Pingzhi and the old man.In the wing room, the jellyfish Yin Ji and Gong Nanyan indulge in love.

The night is already deep at this moment, and the waning moon climbed up the ridge of "Hanzhang Pavilion" quietly, emitting weak moonlight silently.

The moonlight shone in this small courtyard, as if it also announced that the two people outside the wing room were about to arrive at Maoshi.

With a "squeak", the carved wooden door of "Hanzhang Pavilion" was slowly opened.Lin Pingzhi stayed close to the wall, not daring to make a sound.After the sound of footsteps gradually disappeared, he poked his head out slightly and scanned the corridor.

Then he quickly came to the door and knocked lightly.In the wing room, Gong Nanyan sat on the bed in a daze, hugged her knees, and curled up in a corner.

Lin Pingzhi walked up to him slowly and sat beside him silently.Gong Nanyan said in a low voice, "Have you left yet? Have you seen what happened just now?"

Lin Pingzhi smoothed the mattress in embarrassment, and replied, "No! I am definitely not a peeping thief."

In the wing room at this moment, the light was mixed, the yellowed oil lamp, and the fish-white moonlight shining in from the window were intertwined.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the white porcelain floor calmly, but his restless heart made his face burn.Unexpectedly, Gong Nanyan began to sob at this moment, and the quiet wing room seemed to explode at this moment.Lin Pingzhi hurriedly comforted Gong Nanyan.While comforting her, he looked out of the window to the veranda from time to time.

After Gong Nanyan's out-of-control emotions stabilized, Lin Pingzhi's hanging heart also relaxed.

"After that time, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, put me under house arrest in Shenshui Palace. The weapons didn't allow me to contact outsiders, and even the patrolling maids couldn't communicate with each other." Gong Nanyan cried.

Lin Pingzhi was furious.Don't let me get close to here, it turns out that it is Jinwu Zangjiao, who is afraid that I will snatch Gong Nanyan away, but she should never have thought that I have sneaked into this place a long time ago.

Lin Pingzhi comforted, "Jellyfish Yin Ji is in charge of Shenshui Palace, the lord of the first palace, but she is doing such shameful things!" Before the words fell, Lin Pingzhi hooked Gong Nanyan's shoulder dishonestly , gently embraced her in his arms.

Lin Pingzhi left angrily after the sky turned pale.After the purpose of this trip is achieved, it also lays the emotional foundation for the nightly tryst with Gong Nanyan in the future.

After returning to his own room, Lin Pingzhi carefully put the night clothes into the bag and hid them in the depths of the closet, and then fell asleep peacefully

When he woke up, it was already afternoon, Lin Pingzhi sat up and realized that someone had entered the house, there were snacks and drinks on the table, he got up and searched around, luckily nothing was missing, so he sat down with a long sigh of relief. Enjoy your food.

But in the blink of an eye, a corner of the note leaked out from under the fruit plate.Lin Pingzhi took it out and wrote on it, "You must not set foot in Hanzhang Pavilion in the near future."Just when I was wondering who left it, a nightingale was simply drawn on the back of the note.

It's him.The old man that night.

Staying in Shenshui Palace these days, Lin Pingzhi is really free and has not been restrained too much.Every day is also a leisurely viewing of flowers and birds, so uncomfortable.In fact, every move of Lin Pingzhi was monitored by the maidservant of Shenshui Palace.

Yin Ji, the jellyfish, ordered the maids in the palace to keep an eye on whether Lin Pingzhi was approaching the "Hanzhang Pavilion".If Lin Pingzhi dared to step into the cabinet, he would be expelled immediately.

Lin Pingzhi was not stupid, he secretly kept an eye on the eyeliner in the palace.

But enjoying a leisurely life for a few days, Lin Pingzhi couldn't sit still, and clamored to tell those maidservants that he wanted to practice kung fu.He also threatened them that if they failed, they would go down the mountain.

Unable to resist this cynical outsider, the maidservant reported to the palace lord, jellyfish Yin Ji.Jellyfish Yinji thought, "I'd like to see what you want to do?" and followed the group to Lin Pingzhi's residence.

I saw Lin Pingzhi standing calmly on the ridge, not noticing that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, was already standing below and watching him, playing moves on his own.

"Lin Pingzhi, what on earth are you going to do? Are the conditions here not satisfactory to you?" Yin Ji, the jellyfish, scolded first.

Lin Pingzhi just stopped, and said to the following, "It's good, but it's too leisurely, and martial arts will be ruined."

The jellyfish glared angrily at these words, and warned Lin Pingzhi sternly, "You better come down for me, Shenshui Palace is not a place for you to mess around!"

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