Just when Lin Pingzhi was still in doubt.A servant girl came over and said gently, "Mr. Lin, my master has summoned you to move to the front hall."

"Okay, I'll come right away." Lin Pingzhi pretended to agree, but in fact, he also admired these slaves secretly.It is said that these slaves were all bought into Shenshui Palace as maids since they were young.It's not so much a maid, it's better to say some female attendants.

Since childhood, she has been trained by Yin Ji, the lord of Shenshui Palace, the jellyfish.It can be said that he is proficient in eighteen kinds of martial arts.Because I heard in the world that some of those who were bought into the Shenshui Palace as girls would be brutally thrown out of the mountains.

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi realized that there really are many rules in Shenshui Palace, just like what the old man said.

After a while, follow the maid to the front hall.

The decoration of the front hall is a bit ordinary, and the steps are all made of white porcelain, but it may have turned yellow due to the changeable weather in the mountains. The two-week-old Hetian jade fence really gives people a low-key grandeur. I saw on the Internet that there are some vines wrapped around the eaves.

Why are there plants in this palace?

It was true that Lin Pingzhi raised his head and looked at everything around him.Yin Ji, the jellyfish, had already stepped onto the stage, as if she was a god-king, while Lin Pingzhi, who was in the audience, slightly raised his head and "worshiped".

"You will temporarily settle in Shenshui Palace these days, but there are some places you can't go!" Jellyfish Yin Ji stared at Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi touched his chin and asked, "Is it because of Hanzhang Palace?" At this time Lin Pingzhi said bluntly.As soon as the words were finished, the jellyfish Yin Ji flew into a frenzy, and landed in front of Lin Pingzhi from a height of about nine feet from the porcelain platform.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Pingzhi had no choice but to reply with a smile: "If you don't let it go, you won't let it go, I will just remember it."

"I advise you not to break the rules of this palace at will! Otherwise, you will regret agreeing to my second choice!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves and walked straight in front of Lin Pingzhi.There was a gust of wind behind him, playing with Lin Pingzhi's bangs on his forehead, and disturbing Lin Pingzhi's heart.

It's impossible for him to be honest.At this moment, Lin Pingzhi also had a new plan spontaneously in his heart.

A strange smile gradually occupied Lin Pingzhi's handsome face.

In Shenshui Palace in the evening, the remnants of the setting sun pierced through the clouds, like lightsabers trying to cut through the darkness that came first.

After dinner, Lin Pingzhi was really bored, so he planned to hang around outside the Shenshui Palace, waiting for the night to come, so that his plan could be carried out perfectly.

The night ate away at the remaining twilight from the edge of the sky, until the Shenshui Palace was completely shrouded in darkness.At this time, the Shenshui Palace in the mountains, surrounded by smog, made Lin Pingzhi shiver unavoidably.

"Hiss, I didn't expect this place to be so cold, I'll go back to the wing room to add some clothes."Lin Pingzhi got up and ran quickly to the residence, the clouds and mist rolled up behind him were like white ghosts in the night.

Back in the wing room, closing the door softly, Lin Pingzhi tiptoed to light up the oil lamp, and then took out the package from the cupboard.

I saw the bulging package, revealing the night clothes that Lin Pingzhi had prepared in advance.This is Lin's right-hand man every time he acts in the dark.However, the time is not yet ripe, and if you act too early, you will be discovered by those petite maidservants who possess martial arts, and you will cause big trouble at that time.

Lin Pingzhi murmured to himself that he had to wait until midnight before he could act.

Time passed minute by minute, and the flame of the oil lamp gradually shrank.At this moment, Lin Pingzhi's sleepiness had already crept into his eyes.


Lin Pingzhi was awakened instantly by this strange sound.After careful analysis, this weird sound seems to be coming from the corridor outside.

At this juncture, could it be discovered?At this moment Lin Pingzhi really didn't dare to take a breath.Standing on tiptoe, I came to the door, afraid of making any noise.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi gently pushed open the window with his fingers, exposing the gap of one eye, to spy on the situation outside.The huge leaves of the birch tree are still at this moment, as if the only thing that can make a sound in this world is Lin Pingzhi's thumping, tense heart.

"Hey..." A nightingale suddenly flew away from the bushes and dropped a feather. Lin Pingzhi's heart sank slowly like this feather.

"It's okay, it's okay," Lin Pingzhi muttered to himself.

It's almost time to go.I saw Lin Pingzhi skillfully put on the night clothes, and the system prompted that his body skills had been strengthened.After leaving the room, Lin did not forget to close the door behind him.

Immediately, he jumped vertically and escaped into the night.The direction of this trip is "Hanzhang Pavilion"!

After a while, Lin Pingzhi arrived outside the "Hanzhang Pavilion".

Late at night, the sky is already boundless darkness.Lin took a deep breath to calm himself down.He tugged at the neckline of his night jacket.I haven't worn it for a long time, and I feel that the size does not match my figure.

Suddenly, the door of the pavilion was opened.Lin lowered his body for fear of being discovered.Lin took a closer look!

Good guy!It's Jellyfish Yin Ji!Why is she here?It was only during the day that I saw Gong Nanyan.Why does Yin Ji the jellyfish come out of her room at night?

There must be something strange about this.

After the jellyfish Yin Ji left, Lin Pingzhi jumped with a soft sound, landed firmly on the ground, and then quickly came to the door.Listen attentively.

I only heard a woman's low voice inside saying, "Why today..."

After listening carefully, it is not difficult to find that this person is Nangong Yan.This also verified Lin Pingzhi's conjecture in the morning.

Why did Yin Ji, the jellyfish, keep Nangong Yan here secretly?And don't let me come near?

What kind of medicine is sold in this jellyfish Yin Ji gourd.

Just as Lin Pingzhi bowed his head in deep thought, unexpectedly his elbow bumped against the window.

A "squeak" broke the silence of the night.

Nangong Yan in the room was keenly aware of it, lowered her sexy and magnetic voice and said, "Who is outside? Is it you, Lin Pingzhi?"

I can't hide it now.Lin only had to bite the bullet and gently pushed the door open, and then quickly closed it.Under the faint candlelight, Lin Pingzhi slowly helped off his night clothes.

Before Gong Nanyan could speak, Lin Pingzhi asked, "Why are you here?"

With the dim candlelight, Gong Nanyan signaled Lin Pingzhi to sit down.

Gong Nanyan explained the situation in detail, and told Lin Pingzhi everything that happened before.

It turned out that after the previous farewell, the relationship between Xiong Niangzi and Jellyfish Yin Ji gradually cracked.Even at the back, Lady Xiong had a big fight with Yin Ji, the jellyfish, and left Shenshui Palace angrily.The jellyfish Yin Ji was furious and imprisoned Gong Nanyan in the Hanzhang Pavilion of this palace.

But the relationship between the two has become a little delicate.It seems that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, pins all her feelings on Gong Nanyan.Every few nights, he would come to Hanzhangge to date Gong Nanyan, and even stay until the next morning to leave.

It turns out that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, also has this need.Lin Pingzhi secretly realized.

At this moment, there was a coughing sound not far away, the vigilant Lin Pingzhi quickly picked up the night clothes on the table, put them on, and jumped out of the back window to escape.

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