Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 875 Shenshui Palace meets Gong Nanyan

At Su Rongrong's insistence, Chu Liuxiang and her chased after her, thinking to see if Yin Ji, the jellyfish, would take Lin Pingzhi to Shenshui Palace.

But it happened that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, gave Lin Pingzhi two choices.

"The first choice, if you don't come with me, then I have no choice but to knock you out and take you away."

"Why go to that kind of place with you, if I don't go to your place?" Lin Pingzhi said with a bit of timidity in his arrogance.

The first choice that Yin Ji, the jellyfish made, really surprised Lin Pingzhi.In fact, Lin Pingzhi also knew that with Lin's current skill, although he was healed in time after several fights, it would take only a few minutes for him to be knocked out by the jellyfish Yin Ji and take him away.

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi couldn't help shivering, and a drop of sweat fell gently on his forehead.

At this moment, the thoughtful Lin Pingzhi met the eyes of the jellyfish Yin Ji, and the atmosphere suddenly became very strange.

It seems that the two of them are trying to figure out the other's mind.

Before Yin Ji, the jellyfish, could speak, Lin Pingzhi said first, "I choose the second one!"

Good guy, Chu Liuxiang and Su Rongrong never expected that Lin Pingzhi changed his mind so quickly when they were full of suspicion.

Yin Ji, the jellyfish, added unhurriedly, "For you to be sensible, the second choice is to take the initiative to follow me."

At this moment Lin Pingzhi was secretly delighted.As the old saying goes, a good man does not suffer from immediate losses.If there will be another conflict, with Su Rongrong's force and the wounded soldier Chu Liuxiang, even if I increase my three-level skill, I'm afraid that the veins will be broken by the jellyfish Yin Ji's palm, and my soul will be wiped out.

"Then come back to Shenshui Palace with you, you can't let me go in vain," Lin Pingzhi hinted.

The wind, blowing through the woods, took away the remaining heat.The raised leaves swayed wantonly with the wind and waves.A leaf happened to land on the thick shoulder of the jellyfish Yin Ji, and slid down to that plump figure.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes lit up as soon as he finished speaking, and he thought about going back to Shenshui Palace to entangle with the jellyfish Yin Ji in love.

While in a trance, Chu Liuxiang patted Lin Pingzhi, and his eyes reminded Lin Pingzhi that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, had set off to return to Shenshui Palace.

Lin Pingzhi glanced away.

The ghostly figure flickered, and the leaves fell on the ground.The jellyfish Yin Ji's footsteps slid gently across the branches. Although the branches fluctuated up and down, they did not break.The jellyfish Yin Ji's lightness skill lies in avoiding the intersection of the branches and branches of the tree, so that she can use her strength better to step on the branches and fly.

Every time the jellyfish figure flashes through the woods, half of the birch branches tremble, while the other half of the branches are as steady as stagnant water.The trembling leaves next to each other stretch faintly, like a straight line, heading towards the depths of the dense forest in an instant.

"Wait for me!"

With a stride, Lin Pingzhi leaped forward and headed into the depths of the dense forest.Chu Liuxiang and Su Rongrong were left behind.

The wind held up, and the silence outside the woods was a bit eerie.

Chu Liuxiang said, "I won't go to Shenshui Palace for now." Chu Liuxiang glanced at Su Rongrong.

At this moment, Su Rongrong seemed to have been seduced by Lin Pingzhi, but there was a bit of anger hidden between her brows and eyes.

Seeing that Su Rongrong didn't respond, Chu Liuxiang pretended to be emotional and said, "Lin Pingzhi is actually just a person who is interested in sex. He was eager to save people just now, but he didn't get Rongrong's approval. Hey"

"What are you talking about Chu Liuxiang?" Su Rongrong turned her head to vent her dissatisfaction with Chu Liuxiang.

"Lin Pingzhi is a good man. In order to save Xiangshuai, he was severely injured by the jellyfish Yin Ji. Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise you would not be able to justify it." Su Rongrong explained.

But how did Su Rongrong know that Lin Pingzhi and Chu Liuxiang's two-faced relationship, how could they save their lives if they didn't have a deep relationship? It wasn't because Chu Liuxiang had this beautiful woman in front of him in his heart.

"All right, all right, let's stop bickering here," Su Rongrong said impatiently.

Jin Yang gradually climbed up the branches and filled the gaps between the leaves with the morning light, forming a series of shadows.

A tree shadow covered Chu Liuxiang's expression, but Su Rongrong didn't see it. At this moment, Chu Liuxiang's eyes had long lost the liveliness of the past and became extremely indifferent.

When the screen changed, Lin Pingzhi followed the jellyfish Yinji to the outside of Shenshui Palace.

The looming dome is like a hibiscus bathed in water. In the glistening water, it looks like a peerless beauty raising her eyebrows.

As the eyes move forward, the forget-me-not grass on both sides of the road grows by the water, lazily hanging down the slender branches and leaves, dotted with dots of yellow flowers, and the dull yellow flowers are like sesame seeds on the high points, blooming all over the branches, blowing across the water with the breeze , Like a young woman admiring herself with a mirror.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi was fascinated by the beautiful scenery, and he didn't notice that he was getting closer and closer to the outside of Shenshui Palace.

Located among the misty mountains, it adds a touch of mystery to Shenshui Palace.I saw the white palace, revealing stacks of glazed tiles, like a fairy palace.The slightly mottled pavilions are surrounded by emerald green pool water, covered with duckweed.Through the gap between them, you can see a few goldfish dancing wantonly in the clear water.

After entering the palace, it is not so much a palace as a pavilion.I saw beautiful trees lush and green, with a clear stream flowing from the depths between the stone crevices to the bottom of the stone crevices.Stepping to the main hall, there is a five-foot-high porcelain table in the center, and the bronze bells beside it complement each other, supporting the long history of the palace.

While Lin Pingzhi was observing the flowers, trees, plants and trees in Shenshui Palace, he didn't notice that Yin Ji, the jellyfish, was watching his every move on the high platform.

"Follow me!" Jellyfish Yin Ji pulled Lin Pingzhi back to reality.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the sound in astonishment.Then pick up the pace.

Stepping into the verandah of the main room, everything is small and unique; there are trees, mountains and rocks everywhere in the courtyard.Just now entering the main room, a few maidservants in plain clothes are cleaning the courtyard.

When Lin Pingzhi looked at the garden of the main house of Shenshui Palace, he saw an ordinary side room with a plaque engraved with "Hanzhang Palace" hanging on it.The door was locked tightly, but at this moment a maid was coming out of the room, carrying the long clothes she had changed into.

Just when Lin Ping was on the front end, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, scolded, "Stop!"

Lin Pingzhi was startled, and secretly despised in his heart, ""Didn't you call me here, and I'm not allowed to visit?"

Turning his head, Lin Pingzhi caught a glimpse of a pair of eyes in the window watching all this from the corner of his eye.But Lin Pingzhi realized that those eyes seemed to have been seen somewhere.

While pacing, Lin Pingzhi had a flash of inspiration, it was her, it was Gong Nanyan!

But why did Yin Ji, the jellyfish, not let him get close to Gong Nanyan? Not even that room.

Immediately afterwards, a cold voice pierced into Lin Pingzhi's ear, "Here the rules are kept in a cage, if you don't pay attention, you will be kicked out if you violate the regulations."

Looking back, Lin Pingzhi saw that the voice came from behind the viewing rockery, and the person hiding behind the rockery was an old man.

The sharp eyes seem to be able to directly hit the heart of the person watching.

"Are you Lin Pingzhi?" The old man asked first.

"Precisely, how dare I ask this wise man?" Lin asked in confusion.

"It's just a bad old man," the old man said, and walked into the depths of the courtyard, leaving Lin in a mess in the wind.

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