Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 874 Not injured, 2 choices!

Chu Liuxiang hesitated.

His brows were furrowed, and it could be seen that he was very hesitant.

"Rongrong, my injury is still not healed, and his martial arts are stronger than mine, so it should be fine."

Chu Liuxiang looked at Su Rongrong and said.

Jellyfish Yin Ji's martial arts is higher than his.

If he went to save Lin Pingzhi, it would be tantamount to sending him to death.

Hearing this, Su Rongrong looked at Chu Liuxiang in astonishment.

"Xiang Shuai, Mr. Lin is here to save you, how can you refuse to save him?"

She felt a little heartbroken, Chu Liuxiang in her heart shouldn't be like this.

If it wasn't for Lin Pingzhi being invited by her to rescue Chu Liuxiang.

Lin Pingzhi will not be caught by the jellyfish Yin Ji.


Chu Liuxiang looked at Su Rongrong in astonishment.

Logically speaking, Su Rongrong should think about him.

Why was he asked to save Lin Pingzhi this time?

"I didn't say I can't save it, but this matter has to be discussed in the long run!"

Chu Liuxiang changed his words.

In order not to let Su Rongrong's affection for him decrease, he still decided to save Lin Pingzhi.


Su Rongrong looked at Chu Liuxiang with joy hidden in her eyes.

As long as Chu Liuxiang is willing to save Lin Pingzhi!

"Let me think about it."

Chu Liuxiang pinched her chin, thought for a moment and said:

"With our strength, it's unrealistic to save people. We need to find a little red, a butterfly, and a dead rooster to help!"

Su Rongrong froze for a moment.

Then a look of joy appeared on his face.

Yidianhong is a well-known swordsman with superb swordsmanship!

Butterfly is Hu Tiehua, and his martial arts are also very good.

And Ji Bingyan, the dead rooster, is even a millionaire.

With their help, she felt that saving Lin Pingzhi would definitely not be a problem.

"Okay! Let's go find them quickly!"

Su Rongrong said anxiously.

Chu Liuxiang glanced at Su Rongrong, feeling a little sad.

He discovered that at some point, Su Rongrong had already cared so much about Lin Pingzhi.

Although he and Su Rongrong are just confidants.

Su Rongrong had affection for him before, but he didn't accept it.

But now there are other men in Su Rongrong's heart.

Chu Liuxiang actually felt a little jealous.

"it is good."

He didn't say much.

He just glanced at Su Rongrong, who was looking forward to it.


Lin Pingzhi, who was carried by the jellyfish Yinji, looked at the jellyfish Yinji's legs that kept moving.

I feel a little pity in my heart.

In this world, why are there no hot pants?

Or a miniskirt.

If Yin Ji, a jellyfish, wears hot pants or a miniskirt, it will be unimaginably hot.

It will definitely be so hot that his nose bleeds.

What a pity, what a pity...

Lin Pingzhi felt emotional in his heart.

Yin Ji, the jellyfish, seemed to notice that Lin Pingzhi's breathing seemed to have become a little heavy and rapid. While moving, she looked down at Lin Pingzhi in her hand, and her steps slowly stopped.

She put Lin Pingzhi next to a tree.

Lin Pingzhi was a little puzzled as to what Yin Ji the jellyfish wanted to do.

Aren't you going to take him as a hostage?

Why did it stop?

Do you want to kill him?

Lin Pingzhi felt a little nervous.

At the same time, he was secretly vigilant, guarding against the jellyfish Yin Ji's sudden attack.

Jellyfish Yin Ji's martial arts is not bad.

From Lin Pingzhi's point of view, the level of transformation environment must be there.

But it's not clear who is better than his elder brother Qiao Feng.

"what are you going to do?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at the jellyfish Yin Ji warily and asked.

He found that after the jellyfish Yin Ji put him down, she kept staring at him.

"You were injured just now?"

Jellyfish Yinji looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

There seemed to be a little more concern in the words.

This made Lin Pingzhi a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

Logically speaking, Jellyfish Yin Ji shouldn't have spoken to him in such a tone.

But now that it was like this, Lin Pingzhi became even more suspicious.

However, he thought that the vigilance in his heart would drop a lot by then.


Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

Just now he was palming the jellyfish Yin Ji, and he did suffer some injuries.

But it's all right now.

Naturally, there was no injury.

Jellyfish Yin Ji didn't speak, but frowned at Lin Pingzhi.

"Let me see."

After speaking, she walked behind Lin Pingzhi.

He slapped Lin Pingzhi's back with his palm.

Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised.

But still no action.

He wanted to see if Yin Ji, the jellyfish, was really so kind and wanted to heal his wounds.

Jellyfish Yinji's palm touched Lin Pingzhi's back.

A wave of internal force came from the palm of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Lin Pingzhi could feel a wave of internal force rushing through his body.

The many magical skills in his body subconsciously mobilized the internal force, trying to block the internal force of the jellyfish Yinji.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi reacted in time and forcibly restrained the internal force in his body.

Otherwise, once it collides with the internal force of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Given the strength of Jellyfish Yinji's internal strength, it is very likely that his body will suffer great damage.

What's more, the jellyfish Yin Ji has no killing intent.

He also let the jellyfish Yin Ji do it.

The internal force of the jellyfish Yin Ji retreated after circulating in his body for a week.

"Are you all right?"

Jellyfish Yinji looked at Lin Pingzhi and said.

There was some consternation in her eyes.

Lin Pingzhi faced Lin Pingzhi earlier, and Lin Pingzhi was blown away by her.

Lin Pingzhi even vomited blood.

She felt that Lin Pingzhi must have been injured.

But just now, her internal energy had circulated in Lin Pingzhi's body for a week, but she found that Lin Pingzhi was fine.

This puzzled her.

"I said I'm fine."

Lin Pingzhi shrugged and said.

He has learned so many magical skills, it's not a display.

Whether it is the Nine Yins and Nine Yangs, or the Divine Illumination Sutra.

There are also Yijinjing and Xiuijing.

It's all magical powers of healing!

The previous injury to the palm had already healed.

"Why don't you resist?"

Jellyfish Yinji looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

If he didn't get injured when facing her, it means that Lin Pingzhi's martial arts are not bad.

Even if Lin Pingzhi wanted to escape, he could do it.

But Lin Pingzhi did not resist.

This made Yin Ji, the jellyfish, suspicious.

"I want to resist, but I see that you don't seem to want to kill me."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

He stood up, looked at Yin Ji, a jellyfish who was about the same height as him, and asked:

"Why do you think of arresting me? Are you so sure that Chu Liuxiang will come to rescue me?"

Even he didn't believe that Chu Liuxiang would come to rescue him.

After all, he and Chu Liuxiang are just two-faced fate.

It's okay to be polite on the surface.

But when it comes to things like life and death, Chu Liuxiang, who was slapped in the face by him before, may not come.

Even if it was him, it was because of Su Rongrong that he went to save Chu Liuxiang.

Plus Chu Liuxiang's fame.

Jellyfish Yin Ji did not answer Lin Pingzhi's question.

"Give you two choices."

She looked at Lin Pingzhi with a cold face and said.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

He looked at the jellyfish Yin Ji with some doubts.

He wondered which of the two choices Jellyfish Yin Ji would give him.

Is it the temple, or the temple?

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