It was not others who stopped Lin Pingzhi and Li Yuanzhi.

It was Ling Xuan, the younger brother of Taoist Laughing who was understood by Lin Pingzhi that day.

With two swords on his back and a white cloth tied on his forehead, Ling Xuan came to Lin Pingzhi.

His eyes were full of hatred.

Because of Lin Pingzhi, Daoist was ashamed when he laughed last time.

The current Ling Xuan hates Lin Pingzhi when he sees him.

"I'll take her to guard the grave."

Lin Pingzhi said lightly.

Yu Yutong is Li Yuanzhi's nominal husband and wife.

It was only natural for Li Yuanzhi to come to guard the tomb.

"Tomb guard?"

A sneer appeared on Ling Xuan's face.

"This kind of woman is qualified to be filial piety?"

The news that Li Yuanzhi left Wudang with Lin Pingzhi and left Yu Yutong behind has already been spread in Wudang.

It can be said that Li Yuanzhi's reputation has long been tainted.

Ling Xuan also looked down on Li Yuanzhi.

When Li Yuanzhi was told by Ling Xuan, embarrassment appeared on Li Yuanzhi's face.

Being slandered by others, how could she feel better in her heart.

If it were Lee Yun Gee, he would have done nothing.

Maybe she would even scold Ling Xuan angrily.

But that night.

She has not resisted the temptation.

did something that shouldn't be done...

In this way, she didn't even have the right to be angry.

Looking at Li Yuanzhi's drooping head.

Lin Pingzhi felt a little cold in his heart.

"Get out of the way, don't let me do it."

he said coldly.

Although Ling Xuan is still a teenager.

But to make Li Yuanzhi sad, he doesn't care if he bullies the children.


Ling Xuan drew out the double swords behind his back.

He stared at Lin Pingzhi with tears in his eyes.

"Get out of Wudang!"

With a roar.

The two swords in his hands slashed towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

The arrogant little kid really doesn't know how to live or die.

He raised his hand to push Ling Xuan back.

But there was a sword ahead of him.

There was a "clang".

The long sword stopped Ling Xuan's double swords.

"Junior Uncle Ling Xuan, Master asked me to take them there."

The person who spoke was Song Qingshu, the son of Song Yuanqiao, the Seven Heroes of Wudang.

As he spoke, Song Qingshu smiled and nodded towards Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi didn't do anything because of Song Qingshu's face.

"She can enter, but Lin Pingzhi cannot!"

Ling Xuan gritted his teeth and said in a hateful voice.

His gaze was fixed on Lin Pingzhi.

If eyes could kill, Lin Pingzhi would have been killed countless times by Ling Xuan.

Song Qing showed hesitation in his writing.

"Mr. you see this?"

He was a little embarrassed.

What he said just now was all false.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't know that Lin Pingzhi and Li Yuanzhi were here.

Secondly, Ling Xuan's seniority is higher than him.

Ling Xuan insisted, Song Qingshu had no choice.

He just wanted to see if he could negotiate with Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

There was a bit of cruelty in this smile.

"You, do you want to die?"

He looked at Ling Xuan and asked.

Ling Xuan was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, a severe chill rose from the soles of his feet and spread throughout his body.

"You...what do you want to..."

Fear appeared in Ling Xuan's heart.

The eyes looking at Lin Pingzhi were also flickering.

A look of disdain appeared in Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

"Kids are kids, get out of here!"

He waved his hand casually, and the internal force affected the air flow, directly flying Ling Xuan in front of him.

"let's go."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Li Yuanzhi and said.

Looking at Lin Pingzhi and Li Yuanzhi's leaving back, Song Qingshu shouted in his heart, he deserves to be his idol Lin Pingzhi, he is really domineering!

With pity in his eyes, he looked at Ling Xuan.

I saw blood dripping from the corner of Ling Xuan's mouth, lying on the ground with horror in his eyes, looking very embarrassed.


mourning hall.

Lin Pingzhi and Li Yuanzhi came here.

Under the guidance of Wudang disciples, Lin Pingzhi put incense sticks on Yu Yutong and Ma Zhen.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Li Yuanzhi and asked:

"Yun Zhi, no matter what, you are still a Wudang disciple."

He said very kindly.

"Now that Murong Fu is dead and their vengeance has been avenged, do you still want to go back to the Red Flower Society? Why don't you stay in Wudang and accompany your master."

Zhang Sanfeng just finished speaking.

Lu Feiqing on the side walked over.

"Yeah, Yuan Zhi, stay in Wudang, I'm worried that the Murong family will attack you."

he reassured.

Li Yuanzhi's eyes turned red, and he shook his head.

"No need."

she said lightly.

Originally, she was unwilling to stay in Wudang.

Yu Yutong is also dead now.

What is she doing in Wudang?

doesn't make any sense.

Besides, she still wanted to go with Lin Pingzhi.

Naturally, he would not agree to Zhang Sanfeng's words.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak.

He knew that Li Yuanzhi would not agree.

Time passes quickly.

People with high seniority in Wudang like Zhang Sanfeng did not stay here to wait.

It was late at night.

Li Yunzhi was the only one waiting in the mourning hall.

As for Lin Pingzhi, he, Yu Yutong and Ma Zhen are neither relatives nor relatives, so there is no reason to stay in the mourning hall to wait.

"Okay, you can come out now."

Li Yuanzhi knelt on the futon and said softly.

Not long after, Lin Pingzhi appeared at the gate of the mourning hall.

Lin Pingzhi felt helpless on his face.

"Hey, if it wasn't for my inconvenient status, I wouldn't have to hide outside."

He curled his lips and complained.

Li Yuanzhi turned his head, also showing helplessness.

"no way."

She is Yu Yutong's wife, so she can stay here.

But Lin Pingzhi is not even a Wudang disciple.

Staying here is sure to be talked about.

Zhang Sanfeng would definitely not let Lin Pingzhi stay.

This will only fall into the shoes of others and cause gossip.

Now Wudang disciples don't have a good opinion of Li Yuanzhi.

Lin Pingzhi could only hide outside.

Only now it's late at night.

Under Li Yuanzhi's call, Lin Pingzhi dared to show up.

"It seems that these seven days can only be like this."

As Lin Pingzhi said, he came to Li Yuanzhi's side, and gently put his arms around Li Yuanzhi's waist.

Li Yuanzhi leaned on Lin Pingzhi's chest.

"If I follow you in the future, how do you explain it?"

she asked softly.

In the words, there is a little worry.

Now that she is a widow, anyone who follows her will be criticized.

She was worried that Lin Pingzhi would be afraid of gossip and give up on her.

"Why do you need to explain?"

Lin Pingzhi said casually.

If he was afraid of gossip, he would not have happened with Luo Bing before.

"Anyone who dares to talk in a hurry will be killed."

As he spoke, Lin Pingzhi's face showed indifference.

He is not a bloodthirsty person.

But that doesn't mean he won't kill.

There is no need for those chattering people to live in this world.

Do you really think it was his previous life?

Those keyboard warriors in the previous life wandered outside the law.

This place is no different from the previous life.

If you dare to slander him in front of him, you will kill him directly.

Li Yuanzhi was moved in her heart, she leaned on Lin Pingzhi's chest, and her palms lightly pressed against Lin Pingzhi's chest.

"Why did you let Bao different? Wouldn't it be better to kill them all and pretend to be Wudang people?"

She said softly, her tone was very flat, as if she was a person who stayed out of the matter.

Lin Pingzhi was shocked.


Lee Yun Gee knows everything!

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