Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 866 Yu Yutong's Funeral

He was worried that Li Yuanzhi would be wrong because of what he said about Wudang.

Thus reducing his favorability.

Fortunately, Li Yuanzhi's expression didn't change much.

This also made Lin Pingzhi heave a sigh of relief.

"What are you going to do now?"

He looked at Bao BuTong and asked.

Only by asking Bao different plans for the next step can you know whether it will affect you.

Bao BuTong had red eyes and gritted his teeth.

"I want to go back and ask Ms. Biao, Ms. Biao is very smart, we will do what she says to do!"

Now that Murong Fu is dead, Yanziwu has no leader.

The four great generals are difficult to assume great responsibility.

At this time, Wang Yuyan could only be pushed out to take over Yanziwu.

The only one they trusted was Wang Yuyan.

"Wang Yuyan..."

Lin Pingzhi was secretly startled.

This is bad news.

With Wang Yuyan's ingenuity, she might be able to deduce that this matter has something to do with Lin Pingzhi.

But Lin Pingzhi had no choice.

Now that Wang Yuyan is not here, he doesn't know what Wang Yuyan's attitude is.

The second is that things have been done.

It was too late to regret.

Yanziwu is far away from Wudang, if Wang Yuyan is not here, there is no way to condemn Lin Pingzhi in time.

Maybe things will be covered up in the past.

At least for now, in Bao BuTong's heart, he was sure that Wu Dang was the one to do it.

"Yes, please tell your cousin that the Wudang family has a great career, so don't be in a hurry to take action just because you are eager for revenge!"

Lin Pingzhi acted like he was thinking of Yanziwu.

In fact, he was afraid that Wang Yuyan would contact the Wudang faction.

The truth of the matter was restored.

At that time, his fox tail will be exposed.

Being hunted down by the Wudang faction is a trivial matter.

After all, you can escape.

But if Wang Yuyan's favorability drops, that's the real end.

The fairy sister who got it, how could she just let her slip away like this?

Bao Different looked very moved.

He clasped his fists and bowed towards Lin Pingzhi:

"Thank you Mr. Lin for reminding me. I will definitely tell Miss Biao that Yanziwu will never forget Mr. Lin's kindness, and I will definitely thank you in the future!"

With that said, he got up and walked outside.

Murong Fu's body was left outside.

He needs to bring the seriously injured Feng Feng E, as well as the dead Murong Fu, back to the south of the Yangtze River, back to Yanziwu!

Lin Pingzhi got up from the stool and walked out of the inn.

Looking at Bao's different backs.

I saw a car being pulled.

There was a heavy coffin on the car, and beside the coffin, Feng Baoxi, who was seriously injured and unconscious, was lying quietly on the side.

Feng Bo'e's broadsword was carried on his back together with the sword in different quilts.

At this moment, the high-spirited Bao BuTong looked so lonely.

His mission since childhood was to assist the Murong family.

Now Murong Fu is dead.

His life seemed to have lost its meaning.

The bag that is drifting away seems to be getting farther and farther away from the goal of life.

"Lin Lang, why are you so concerned about Murong Fu?"

Mu Wanqing frowned and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

She always felt that this was not like the usual Lin Pingzhi.

Li Yuanzhi stood aside, looked at Lin Pingzhi's side face and said:

"Maybe it's because of the Miss Cousin mentioned differently in that bag."

When he said this, although the tone was very normal.

But there was a bit of jealousy in her heart.

Li Yunzhi blamed himself in his heart.

Obviously brother Yu just passed away, so she should be sad, but why is she jealous because of Lin Pingzhi?

"Miss Biao?"

Mu Wanqing looked at Lin Pingzhi with anger in her eyes.

But think of Lin Pingzhi's character.

In the end, she could only suppress the anger in her heart.

"I'm going back."

Suddenly leaving a word, Mu Wanqing went back to the inn.

Lin Pingzhi was not surprised by Mu Wanqing's attitude.

After all, Mu Wanqing has always been jealous.

For the time being, he didn't intend to comfort Mu Wanqing.

With a character like Mu Wanqing, he needs to let it air out first.

After all, he is not Duan Yu in the original book.

When Mu Wanqing's anger subsides, he will go to make a drastic move at night and put Mu Wanqing on the ground.

"Yun Zhi, it seems that you are very smart, you can tell right away that I have the attitude just now because of that cousin."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

He also did not expect that Li Yuanzhi could see it.

If it is Zhao Min, he is no exception.

Lee Yun Gee's words...

Lin Pingzhi felt that maybe he underestimated Li Yuanzhi.


Li Yuanzhi just responded softly.

There doesn't seem to be much interest.

"What's wrong, Yuan Zhi."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Li Yuanzhi and asked.

He felt that there was something wrong with Li Yuanzhi's expression.

"I want to guard Brother Yu's tomb for seven days..."

Li Yuanzhi said with some self-blame.

This look of self-blame made Lin Pingzhi secretly startled.

I thought to myself, could it be that Yun Gee knows something?

But if she knew, why didn't she point it out?

"Okay, I'll be with you."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Li Yuanzhi and said.

My heart is full of doubts.

He felt that at first he might have imagined Li Yunzhi as a vase.

Now it seems that it is not so simple.


Li Yuanzhi nodded.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi and smiled slightly.

Accompanied by Lin Pingzhi.

The two returned to the inn.

time until the afternoon.

Zhao Mincai woke up slowly.

She had slept through the night.

But he was too tired from Lin Pingzhi in the early morning, so he fell asleep till now.

When she woke up, she couldn't help rolling her eyes when she saw Lin Pingzhi with a smirk on his face.

"Sleeping for so long, are you hungry? I'll get someone to bring the food."

Lin Pingzhi asked with a smile.

"What do you say!"

Zhao Min said angrily.

Lin Pingzhi ordered the waiter at the inn to bring the food.

Under Xiao Er's envious eyes, he also called Mu Wanqing and Li Yuanzhi over to have dinner together.

"You stay in this inn for a few more days."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing and said.



The second daughter questioned.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Li Yunzhi next to him, and explained:

"Yun Gee intends to guard the tomb for seven days, and I will accompany her during these seven days, so we will leave Wudang after seven days."

After Lin Pingzhi explained, Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing didn't say anything more.

They are just a little puzzled.

It doesn't mean that I don't want to stay.

What's more, it was Li Yunzhi's original husband Yu Yutong who died.

Lee Yun Gee is now a widow.

Wearing hemp and filial piety, this is the basic.

Although in the arena, many sons and daughters of the arena don't care about these.

Many people also understand.

But Lee Yun Gee's background is different after all.

And Lin Pingzhi also agreed, so they naturally had nothing to say.

Because it was late to eat.

Simply dinner will be waived.

Yu Yutong and Ma Zhen, as disciples of Wudang, naturally had their funeral held by Wudang.

Although not unprecedented grand.

But the whole Wudang also has an atmosphere of mourning.

Lin Pingzhi accompanied Li Yuanzhi on the way to Wudang, and he could feel that atmosphere.

From Lin Pingzhi's point of view, Yu Yutong was lucky.

The specifications of this funeral are not something mere Yu Yutong can enjoy.

All thanks to Ma Zhen.

Ma Zhen's status in Wudang is not low.

The specifications of the funeral are naturally not bad.

As for Yu Yutong?

Oh, one young disciple.

Is there any sect that holds a mass funeral when a disciple dies?

That sect has already gone bankrupt!

Just set foot on Wudang's Jianjianping.

In front of him is a group of Susu disciples.

The leader among them came to Lin Pingzhi and Li Yuanzhi aggressively.

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