Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 868 Zhao Minzhang Palace, acquaintance

Because of Li Yuanzhi's words, Lin Pingzhi's heart was shaken.

The strength of his arms around Li Yuanzhi's waist involuntarily increased a bit.

Li Yuanzhi pressed against his chest even tighter.

"Actually, I know everything..."

An orchid-like voice rang in Lin Pingzhi's ears.

Feeling Lin Pingzhi's accelerated heartbeat, Li Yuanzhi raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"You don't have to be nervous, look at your heart, it's beating very fast."

She lightly stroked Lin Pingzhi's chest.

It's like comforting a pet.

"You know, you still let me do this?"

Lin Pingzhi lowered his head, looked at Li Yuanzhi in his arms and asked.

The reason why he did it so covertly, and even found a scapegoat, was because he was worried that Li Yunzhi would find out and that Li Yuanzhi would leave.

Unexpectedly, now it seems that everything seems so redundant.

"My heart is so small that it can only accommodate one person."

With a smile on the corner of Li Yuanzhi's mouth, he said softly.

Maybe Yu Yutong treated her very well in the past.

But she has fallen in love with Lin Pingzhi.

Of course, she didn't want to kill Yu Yutong.

She also found out about Lin Pingzhi's murder of Yu Yutong later.

As for why he didn't leave Lin Pingzhi.

Because Lin Pingzhi is in her heart.

Even if Lin Pingzhi killed Yu Yutong, she would not be willing to leave Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

He didn't know whether he should feel that Li Yunzhi was cruel, or that Li Yuanzhi had deep feelings for him.

Will there be a day when someone else walks into Li Yunzhi's heart?

Will he become the next Yu Yutong?

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi felt a little cold in his heart.

It is true that he likes beautiful women.

But now there is no favor card.

It's really hard for him to make the women around him think of him wholeheartedly.

"Are you worried?"

Li Yuanzhi said softly.

She moved slightly.

(.People.) Clinging tightly to Lin Pingzhi's chest.

"Perhaps you will think that I am a snake and a scorpion, but I have always been curious about you since I found out about your existence from the master."

Li Yuanzhi looked up at the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth, and kissed it lightly.

Lin Pingzhi didn't take the initiative to respond.

Lee Yun Gee did not continue.

After parting lips, Lee Yun Gee said:

"Yuan Zhi swears here that he will love you alone from now on, if he changes his mind, he will die badly."

When she made this oath, she felt sad in her heart.

She can completely hide from Lin Pingzhi and pretend not to know that Lin Pingzhi killed Yu Yutong.

But she couldn't get over that hurdle in her heart.

She didn't want to hide it from Lin Pingzhi.

So she confessed.

Unexpectedly, Lin Pingzhi would become indifferent.

Hearing Li Yuanzhi's oath, Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

He didn't expect that Li Yuanzhi would swear a poisonous oath.

In this world, the role of oaths is obvious.

As long as the person who made the oath breaks the oath, there will be no good end.

At this moment, the worry in Lin Pingzhi's heart disappeared.

It was replaced by emotion.

He hugged Li Yuanzhi tightly, looked at her rather sad face, and said softly:

"Wang Yuyan is very smart. If Bao Budong also died, she would definitely come in person. Bao Budong was kept to let Bao Budong pass on false news, and at the same time to stop Wang Yuyan from coming to Wudang to inquire."

He answered Li Yunzhi's question at the beginning.

This is also the recognition of Lee Yun Gee.

Li Yuanzhi understood what Lin Pingzhi meant.

She knew that Lin Pingzhi accepted her!

Lin Pingzhi, who has no estrangement from Li Yuanzhi, is facing Ruanxiang in his arms.

How could it be possible to sit still!

He supported Li Yuanzhi's rear orifice with one hand.

The hands began to squeeze vigorously.

Li Yuanzhi's cheeks immediately fluttered.

Lin Pingzhi's dishonest hand made her emotional instantly.

Her eyes flickered, looking at Lin Pingzhi full of charm.

"Follow me well from now on."

Lin Pingzhi moved closer to Li Yuanzhi's ear, heaved a sigh of relief, and said softly.

At the same time, he lightly bit Li Yuanzhi's earlobe.

Li Yuanzhi trembled all over.

"no no……"

There was some eagerness in her words.

Although she has Lin Pingzhi in her heart.

But where is this place?

This is the mourning hall of her former husband.

"Not here..."

Li Yuanzhi rejected Lin Pingzhi with what little reason he had left.

She might have teased Lin Pingzhi before.

But she didn't want to do further things in this mourning hall.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Yu Yutong's tablet.

He didn't know why, but he felt a faint excitement in his heart.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why some people like to play fancy operations.

Now it seems that it can really make people more excited!

"Here, it's pretty good!"

As Lin Pingzhi said, he pushed Li Yuanzhi onto the futon.

With a slight tug, the belt fluttered in the air.


It was revealed in front of Lin Pingzhi.


Lin Pingzhi swallowed his saliva.

At this moment, he moved his index finger.

Unable to control himself, Lin Pingzhi rushed forward.

The night is charming.

Many Wudang disciples inexplicably have spring in their dreams.

They don't know what's going on.

But this kind of thing, they also feel a little shame, they are bored in their hearts, and dare not tell other colleagues.

Seven days passed in a trance.

During these seven days.

Li Yunzhi has been waiting in the mourning hall.

The Wudang disciples who delivered meals to Li Yuanzhi became more and more confused day by day.

If you were an ordinary person, if you waited in the mourning hall for seven days, your complexion should be getting worse every day.

But he found that Li Yuanzhi's complexion was getting better day by day.

Even more beautiful and moving.

Although this kind of abnormality made him surprised.

But he only dared to hide it in his heart.

After all, Li Yunzhi's identity is quite special in Wudang now.

With Li Yunzhi's departure.

Yu Yutong and Ma Zhen died and were gradually forgotten.

Wudang still restored the prosperity of the past.

Lin Pingzhi brought Li Yuanzhi back to the small town, intending to join Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing.

He seemed to know that Lin Pingzhi and Li Yuanzhi were coming back today.

Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing had already packed their things and sat in the inn, waiting for Lin Pingzhi's arrival.

"I have to go back to the palace."

Zhao Min said in a deep voice.

She followed Lin Pingzhi for a while.

During this time, she also confirmed Lin Pingzhi's feelings for her.

Next, she must go back to Ruyang Palace.

She must firmly hold the power of the Ruyang Palace in her hands.

If these forces are in the hands of her brother.

Maybe her brother will use these forces to deal with Lin Pingzhi.

This is something she doesn't want to see.

"I will go with you."

In all honesty, Lin Pingzhi hated Zhao Min.

The matter of Guangmingding came to an end.

Next, he has nothing urgent to do.

It is also good to follow Zhao Min to Ruyang Palace.

Needless to say, Li Yuanzhi naturally wanted to follow him.

He looked at Mu Wanqing and asked:

"Sister Wan, what about you?"

Mu Wanqing glanced at Zhao Min, then at Lin Pingzhi, and finally gritted her teeth and said:

"I am coming too!"

Just when Lin Pingzhi was about to announce that he was going to Ruyang Palace.

Zhao Min shook his head.

"Not yet, you can't go now."

She didn't want to see Lin Pingzhi confront her father.

There are some things she still needs to arrange.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

He was just about to ask why, but a familiar voice sounded behind him:

"Master Lin, it's really you!"

The voice is like Yingyan, it is very pleasant to hear.

Lin Pingzhi looked back in doubt.

The moment he looked at the person coming, he was full of doubts.

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