Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 831 Zhang Wuji's decision, fear!

Zhang Wuji's words shocked everyone.

Song Qingshu stared at Zhang Wuji dumbfounded, never thinking that Zhang Wuji would say such a thing.

Song Yuanqiao was a little taken aback.

He looked at Zhang Wuji and murmured:

"Wuji, you..."

I want to say the following words, but I don't know how to speak.

Lin Ping is kind to him.

In Wan'an Temple, nearly a hundred people from the Wudang sect were saved.

Now Zhang Wuji is doing this.

It really chilled him.

Even Zhang Sanfeng looked at Zhang Wuji in shock.

"Wuji, stop talking nonsense!"

A gloomy look appeared on Zhang Sanfeng's chubby face.

He didn't expect Zhang Wuji to say such a thing at this moment.

However, Zhang Wuji ignored Zhang Sanfeng and others.

I saw him walking towards Taoist Baishang.

A trace of doubt also flashed in the triangular eyes of Taoist Baishang.

It seems to be thinking, who is this Wudang disciple?

Why did you say this.

"Who are you?"

Taoist Baishui frowned slightly and said.

He doesn't know most of the young juniors.

"Dare to ask senior, can you still accept disciples?"

Zhang Wuji didn't answer Taoist Baishang's words, but directly asked if he would accept disciples.

Baishang Taoist was able to suppress Zhang Ruoxu, which shows that his martial arts are amazing.

Although compared with Zhang Sanfeng, there is still a gap.

But who is Zhang Sanfeng?

Not as good as normal.

"Accept apprentices?"

The Hundred Damaged Taoist was stunned.

Hearing Zhang Wuji's words, Zhang Sanfeng was so angry that his beard stood on end.

"Wuji! Don't go astray!"

He yelled to stop it.

But the expression in Zhang Wuji's eyes was very firm.

"Wrong path? From my point of view, this is the broad road!"

As Zhang Wuji said, he walked behind Baishang Taoist.

Baishang Taoist listened to what Zhang Sanfeng and others said, his eyes rolled in their sockets.

"Wuji? Could it be that you are Zhang Cuishan's son Zhang Wuji?"

He looked sideways at Zhang Wuji behind him, and asked aloud.

Zhang Wuji was also a little shocked when he heard what Taoist Baishang said.

"You know my dad?"

Zhang Cuishan became famous when he was young, even though he was known by Taoist Baishang, it is normal.

But as Zhang Cuishan's son, Zhang Wuji was also a little surprised.

Seeing Zhang Wuji's admission, Taoist Baishang had a playful smile on his face.

"Okay! Zhang Cuishan's son wants to worship me as a teacher of Taoist Baishang, okay! I'll accept you as an apprentice!"

He said with a smile, looking very happy.

"Hundred losses!"

Zhang Sanfeng roared.

His eyes that had been narrowed into slits now widened.

It can be seen that he is not in a good mood at this time.

"You can't accept it!"

That was the son of his apprentice.

How can you worship Baishang Taoist, a traitor, as your teacher!

Taoist Baishang looked at Zhang Sanfeng fearlessly.

"Zhang Sanfeng, if you say you can't accept it, you can't accept it? Why do you make the decision for me, a Taoist who has suffered a lot?"

A look of disdain appeared on the face of the Taoist.

Perhaps his martial arts are not as good as Zhang Sanfeng.

But Zhang Wuji's apprenticeship made him hit Zhang Sanfeng hard.

"Why don't you just ask your disciple if he wants to worship me as a teacher, and if he doesn't want to, I won't force him!"

Baishang Taoist shrugged and said indifferently.

From Zhang Wuji's previous attitude, he knew that Zhang Wuji probably couldn't stay in Wudang.

Worshiping him as a teacher is just to find a new asylum.

He is still well aware of this.

"Wuji, tell me."

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Taoist Baishang shouted confidently.

Zhang Wuji walked out from behind Taoist Baishang.

He looked at Zhang Sanfeng with no trace of guilt on his face.

"Master Ancestor, when I captured Senior Brother Song, I knew that Wudang would not tolerate me. I worship Baishang Daoist as my teacher. When I learn real martial arts, I will avenge myself if I want to avenge myself!"

As he spoke, his gaze was fixed on Lin Pingzhi.

Taoist Baishang glanced at Zhang Wuji, followed Zhang Wuji's gaze to look at Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi felt a "thump" in his heart.

The gaze of Taoist Baishang gave Lin Pingzhi the feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake.

It made his heart feel creepy.

Seeing this, Zhao Min immediately wanted to speak.


She wanted to say, your apprentice, He Biweng, is her subordinate, and Taoist Baishang should obey her orders.

However, before he could speak, he was interrupted by Lin Pingzhi.


Lin Pingzhi shouted.

Now he doesn't want Zhao Min's identity to be exposed.

After all, this is the Wudang sect.

There are also many people who are hostile to Zhao Min.

Moreover, a Taoist who has suffered a lot will not necessarily give Zhao Min face.


The Hundred Damage Taoist was a little disdainful.

"You killed Xiaolu, which means your martial arts are not bad. Who is your master?"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

He looked up and down.

It seemed that he wanted to see Lin Pingzhi thoroughly.

"I used to learn from Yue Buqun, but now I am not a disciple of Mount Hua!"

Lin Pingzhi said neither humble nor overbearing.

Although Yue Buqun's martial arts is not very good.

But the name of the Huashan School is still quite big.

"Yue Buqun?"

The Hundred Damaged Taoist was stunned.

"Is Huashan already in charge of Yue? Where is Feng Qingyang?"

When Feng Qingyang was mentioned, Taoist Baishang's eyes became serious.

Even with a little dignified.

Lin Pingzhi guessed that Taoist Baishang might have fought against Feng Qingyang.

Maybe he was still in Feng Qingyang's hands and suffered a lot.

But Feng Qingyang's trace, he promised not to reveal it.

"Hehe, guess what?"

Lin Pingzhi sneered.

Taoist Hundred Damage suddenly turned dark.

"It seems that you can do Dugu Nine Swords, otherwise you don't have the confidence to talk to me like this."

He stared at Lin Pingzhi closely, feeling as if he wanted to crush Lin Pingzhi to ashes.

But considering that Feng Qingyang and Zhang Sanfeng are here.

Taoist Baishang still didn't decide to make a move.

Lin Pingzhi also knew that he would damage the Taoist priest, so he was afraid.

"Really Zhang is here, do you dare to do it?"

He was dismissive.

If you can rely on this, you will be inspired to make a move.

Perhaps after Zhang Sanfeng seriously injured Taoist Baishang.

With Xiao Li's flying knife, he might have a chance to kill Baishang Taoist.

In this way, the serious problem in the heart can be solved.


Baishang Taoist laughed instead of anger when he heard the words.

"Young man, don't use such dirty methods. This old man won't bully you. When I teach Zhang Wuji out, he will kill you!"

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, very confident.

Although Zhang Wuji's martial arts are not very good.

But he could tell that Zhang Wuji had a good foundation.

With his teaching, he will definitely be able to make rapid progress very quickly.

Dealing with Lin Pingzhi is no problem!


Lin Pingzhi snorted coldly.

He didn't say any more.

If it is really just let Zhang Wuji do it.

Then he tortured Zhang Wuji to death in minutes.

What really scares him is the Taoist who has suffered a lot.

Zhang Sanfeng took a few steps forward, only three steps away from Baishang Taoist and Zhang Wuji.

"Wuji, do you really want to go with a hundred losses?"

There was sadness in his eyes.

Zhang Wuji is the son of his fifth disciple.


Zhang Wuji responded.

He didn't say anything else, just turned his head to the side.

A sneer appeared on the Taoist's face.

"Okay, Zhang Sanfeng, don't feel bad, you have so many disciples and grandchildren, it doesn't matter if one Zhang Wuji is missing."

he said contemptuously.

Zhang Sanfeng has a Wudang sect, but he only has two disciples, Lu Zhang Ke and He Bi Weng.

Now that Luzhangke died, Zhang Wuji happened to be replaced!

"Go, let's go down the mountain!"

The Hundred Damaged Taoist waved his hand.

Take Zhang Wuji and leave.

Lin Pingzhi was also planning something in his mind.

He whispered something in Zhao Min's ear, and then left from the crowd while no one was paying attention.

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