Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 832 Immortal caresses my head, knotting my hair for longevity!

Taoist Baishang went to Wudang, this incident really made the originally peaceful Wudang lively.

However, with the departure of Taoist Hundred Damage.

Wudang has returned to its former tranquility.

It's just that Zhang Wuji's departure made Zhang Sanfeng look a little dignified.

Even if you go back to Yu Daiyan's room.

The smile on his face was also bitter.

Although Yu Daiyan has not had contact with the outside world for nearly 20 years.

But that doesn't mean he's stupid.

"Master, why are you smiling bitterly?"

Yu Daiyan, who cared about Zhang Sanfeng, asked.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, but did not speak.

Just walk over to the side stool and sit down.

Seeing this, Yu Daiyan didn't continue to ask Zhang Sanfeng, but looked at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu hesitated.

But Yu Daiyan's eyes were a little sharp.

"Qingshu, tell me."

he said aloud.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, then looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

Although Zhang Sanfeng looked a little dull.

But it didn't stop him.

"Third Martial Uncle...Wuji, he worshiped Taoist Baishang as his teacher..."

As Song Qingshu said, he told Yu Daiyan what he had learned from his father, Song Yuanqiao, about the Hundred Damaged Taoist.

"Wuji he..."

Yu Daiyan didn't know what to say for a while.

There was silence for a moment.


He sighed, looked at Zhang Sanfeng and said:

"Master, don't blame yourself. Wuji has been wandering outside all year round, so his temper is inevitably a little twisted. When he grows up, maybe he can rein in the precipice and turn around!"

Now that the matter has come to this point, he doesn't know how to comfort Zhang Sanfeng.

"I hope so."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded.

He still remembers that day.

Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu were questioned by the six factions about the whereabouts of the Dragon Saber.

In order not to leak Xie Xun's trace.

They were forced to die.

For Zhang Cuishan, he felt guilty.

So I want to make up for it from Zhang Wuji.

But unexpectedly, his arrangement made Zhang Wuji go astray now.

At this time, he didn't know what to do.

I just hope it can be like what his third disciple Yu Daiyan said.

Wuji can turn back when he grows up.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng was not very interested, Yu Daiyan didn't want to continue to mention Zhang Wuji.

Instead, he turned his eyes to his benefactor Lin Pingzhi.

However, glance around.

The two women beside Lin Pingzhi were there.

But Lin Pingzhi was nowhere to be seen.

This made Yu Daiyan a little curious.

"You two girls, do you know where Mr. Lin is?"

Yu Daiyan asked curiously.

The Hundred Damaged Taoist has already left.

Logically speaking, Lin Pingzhi should also be back.

Zhang Sanfeng also reacted to Yu Daiyan's words.

Lin Pingzhi was not here.

Where did he go?

For a moment, including Song Qingshu, everyone's eyes turned to Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing.

Mu Wanqing was also puzzled.

After she remembered what Lin Pingzhi said to Zhao Min, she left alone.

At this time when Yu Daiyan asked, she also looked at Zhao Min beside her.

There was a trace of hesitation on Zhao Min's face.

"This one……"


There are many small teahouses at the foot of Wudang Mountain.

The daily guests of these small teahouses are all pilgrims who come to Wudang to offer incense.

After the pilgrims go up the mountain to burn incense, they usually rest in these teahouses and then go home.

At this time, most of the pilgrims had already dispersed.

Many teahouses are also ready to close.

But there is a teahouse, but there are two people sitting.

It was Taoist Baishang who had just come down from Wudang, and Zhang Wuji.

"Wuji, you want to kill Lin Pingzhi by worshiping me as your teacher?"

The triangular eyes of Taoist Baishang looked at Zhang Wuji seriously.

This is his guess.

Indeed, it would be inconvenient for him to attack Lin Pingzhi.

Best, let Zhang Wuji take the shot.

"That's right!"

Zhang Wuji gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

That was his purpose, and he had nothing wrong with admitting it.

In Wudang, he had no way to attack Lin Pingzhi.

After all, Lin Pingzhi is Wudang's benefactor.

And saved Yu Daiyan again.

Zhang Sanfeng must also have a good impression of Lin Pingzhi.

If he was in Wudang, he would never be able to kill Lin Pingzhi in his lifetime.

He is not willing!

"it is good."

Taoist Hundred Loss took a sip of tea.

"Follow me back to Mongolia as my teacher, and pass on your Xuanming Divine Palm to my teacher, so that you can kill Lin Pingzhi with one palm!"

Xuanming Divine Palm is his specialty in martial arts.

Luzhangke and Hebiweng just learned a little bit.

"Mysterious Divine Palm..."

Zhang Wuji was shocked when he heard this.

When he was a child, he was tortured by the Xuanming Divine Palm.

"what happened?"

Taoist Baishang looked at Zhang Wuji with something wrong.

This is his future apprentice, so he naturally needs to care about it.


Zhang Wuji shook his head.

All the past, the past is the past.

Next, his goal is to follow Taoist Baishang and learn martial arts well.

Get to the point where you can kill Lin Pingzhi as soon as possible.

The expression of Baishang Taoist had just relaxed, but suddenly his face tightened.

"Come out, sneaky, what's your idea?"

As he spoke, his triangular eyes looked towards a corner of the teahouse.

Zhang Wuji was a little puzzled when he heard this.

What do you mean?

Is someone following them?

He looked in the direction that Taoist Baishang was looking at.

But I saw a man walking out from the corner.

He is eight feet tall, wearing a cloud robe and a sprite mask.

A sword was pinned to his waist.

There seems to be no gap between the crimson hilt and the crimson scabbard.

This person is none other than "Gong Zi Yu", the head of the dragon of the Azure Dragon Society.

Zhang Wuji's eyes froze.

Taoist Baishang may not know Gong Ziyu.

But he does.

At Guangmingding, he was defeated by Gong Ziyu.

"It's you!"

Zhang Wuji exclaimed.

Taoist Baishang was a little puzzled.

He looked at Zhang Wuji and asked:

"Who is he?"

"Gong Ziyu" gave him the first impression that he was not an ordinary person.

Although he was confident in his own martial arts, Gong Ziyu's composure made him a little serious.

Zhang Wuji looked at Baishang Taoist resentfully.

"Master...he is Gong Ziyu, the head of the Dragon Society."

Guangming was on top, but he was tortured to the point of embarrassment.

How could he forget it.

After killing Lin Pingzhi, the second person he wanted to kill was "Gongzi Yu"!

"Blue Dragon Club..."

The Hundred Damaged Taoist pondered.

"Will Bai Yujing's Qinglong know..."

In the old days, Baiyujing was very powerful, and no one in the rivers and lakes was his opponent.

At that time, he had also heard of Bai Yujing's name.

Although I haven't seen the real face.

But when he heard the name Qinglonghui, he still thought of Bai Yujing.

"So you've heard of Bai Yujing before."

Lin Pingzhi leaned against the beams and pillars of the teahouse, his eyes fixed on Taoist Baishang.

"Baiyujing in the sky, twelfth floor and five cities. Immortals caress my top, tie my hair and receive longevity."

He read slowly.

Suddenly raised his head.

"I want to kill him, do you want to stop me?"

Pointing at Zhang Wuji, he asked the Taoist Baishang.

Whether Zhang Wuji can be killed depends on Taoist Baishang, whether he will give Qinglong this face!

Zhang Wuji trembled when he heard this.

He looked at the Taoist Baishang in horror.

I was afraid that the Taoist would abandon him!


ps: I am going to move back to Shenzhen today

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