Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 830 The person who killed your apprentice

"Lin Lang, who is this Taoist with a hundred damages?"

Mu Wanqing was a little nervous.

There was a little fear in her eyes.

"It seems to be very powerful..."

A resentful look appeared on her face.

Unable to restrain herself, she hugged Lin Pingzhi's arm.

Although Zhao Min did not speak.

But his eyes were also on Lin Pingzhi.

There was a bit of puzzlement in his eyes.

She has never heard of who the Hundred Damaged Taoist is.

Lin Pingzhi knew the original work.

Otherwise, at Lin Pingzhi's age, it is impossible to know about Baishang Taoist.

"Minmin, don't look at me. If Taoist Baishang says whoever has the closest relationship with everyone here, it's you."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min and said.

His words stunned Zhao Min.


She pointed at herself, very puzzled.

"I have never heard of the name of Baishang Daoist, how can it have anything to do with me?"

Zhao Min turned to look at Taoist Baishang.

A pair of willow-leaf eyebrows twisted together.

Lin Pingzhi also looked at Taoist Baishang and said:

"He has no direct relationship with you, but your subordinate Crane Biweng is the apprentice of Taoist Baishang. Taoist Baishang came out of the mountain, maybe he wanted to avenge Luzhangke..."

His words, the voice behind is getting smaller and smaller.

If it is to avenge the deer stick guest.

The target must be pointed at him.

Although there is no direct evidence pointing to him, he is the real culprit who killed Lu Zhangke.

But in He Biweng's eyes, it was Lin Pingzhi who killed him.

Then the goal of Taoist Hundred Damage is also very clear.

Kill Lin Pingzhi and avenge the deer stick guest!

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi slowly lowered his head.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a gleam flashed across his face.

Taoist Hundred Damage is an extremely challenging character!

If you can kill the Hundred Damage Taoist, you should be able to get a good system reward...

Zhao Min knew that this seemingly formidable Daoist with Hundred Damages turned out to be Master He Biweng.

Also a little surprised.

She never thought that He Biweng, who is quite useless, has such a powerful master.

How dare he go to Wudang alone, and call Zhang Sanfeng fat in front of him!

Simply incredible.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care that Taoist Baishang said he was fat.

"Bai Sui, you came to Wudang today, what's the matter?"

Those narrowed eyes stared closely at Taoist Baishang.

Although the words are very calm.

But on his palms, there is already an internal force gathering.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to the Taoist.

The triangular eyes of Taoist Baishang also narrowed slightly.

His scorching gaze carried a bit of cold murderous intent.

It made many Wudang disciples feel cold and shudder.

"Zhang Sanfeng, the grievances and grievances of the past must be settled today."

A sneer flickered on the corner of Taoist Baishang's mouth.

From his body, an inner force emanated.


There was a sound explosion from the inner force.

His feet on the Jianjianping were deeply embedded in the stone slab.

With him as the center, cracks appeared on the stone slabs within a three-meter radius.

An invisible wave of air hit the Wudang faction.

Most of the Wudang disciples lacked internal energy, and were directly blown away by the wave of internal energy of the Hundred Damaged Taoist.

"Hundred losses!"

Zhang Ruoxu shouted loudly.

From his body, an invisible internal force also appeared, colliding with the internal force of the Hundred Damage Taoist.

With Zhang Ruoxu's attack, the Wudang disciples could stand in place safely.

Zhang Ruoxu's expression was very serious.

His hands trembled uncontrollably.

Originally, he wanted to touch the Tai Chi twin swords behind him, but he couldn't.

In the situation of confronting Taoist Baishang, he still couldn't get distracted.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the situation with his eyes narrowed.

Unexpectedly, the Taoist Baishang was so powerful.

Fighting with Zhang Ruoxu's internal strength can make Zhang Ruoxu unable to draw his sword!

Doesn't that mean...

Is it easy for the Taoist to abuse him?

After all, he couldn't beat Zhang Ruoxu.

Now Taoist Baishang even has a faint tendency to suppress Zhang Ruoxu.

That one-hundred-damage Taoist is probably even more powerful!

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

It's difficult now...

at this time.

Zhang Sanfeng understood.

I saw his chubby hand move forward.

Using Tai Chi to "grasp the sparrow's tail", took over the internal force of the Taoist who suffered a lot of damage.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng's wide Taoist robe, without wind, automatically.

Lin Pingzhi slightly observed Zhang Sanfeng's expression.

Spotting Zhang Sanfeng's expression, he looked really relaxed.

In other words, Zhang Sanfeng had the upper hand in the face of the Hundred Damage Taoist.

From this point of view, Lin Pingzhi estimated that Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts should be even better.


Zhang Ruoxu looked at Zhang Sanfeng nervously.

His hands were already on the hilts of the Tai Chi twin swords.

Seems ready to strike at any moment.

"Ruoxu, don't worry, don't let Bai Huan think that we are bullying the less with more, and we are just a little bit less."

Zhang Sanfeng said very calmly.

From his face, there was no trace of tension at all, not even caution.

The voice just fell.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his shoulders.

Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

He discovered that Zhang Sanfeng actually returned all the damaged Taoist's inner strength in the way of four taels of Tai Chi.

"So... there is such an operation?"

It's outrageous...

The thorns can counter armor at most, and they can counter physical injuries. Zhang Sanfeng is the existence of cheating, right?

How can you play your inner strength?

Just when Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

The internal force has already bombarded Taoist Baishang.


The footprints of the Hundred Damaged Taoist were a little deeper.

A blush welled up in his face.

But did not vomit blood.

Lin Pingzhi could tell that Taoist Baishang was injured.

The blush on his face is enough to prove everything.

But for the sake of face, he didn't spit out the blood.

Instead, he got bored in.

In this way, the injury of Taoist Baishang will become more serious.

But in the eyes of such existence.

Lin Pingzhi guessed that this injury shouldn't be a big problem.

At least, in his perception.

Taoist Baishang's breath is very stable now.

The figure is also very stable.

Perhaps the little injury just now was really nothing to Taoist Baishang.

"Zhang Sanfeng, I can't believe that after so many years, your martial arts have already reached perfection!"

The triangular eyes of Taoist Baishang stared at Zhang Sanfeng fiercely.

Zhang Ruoxu, he didn't pay attention to it.

But Zhang Sanfeng really surprised him.

"I admit, I am not your opponent!"

He simply admitted defeat, and said it from the mouth of the Hundred Damaged Taoist.

It seems a little weird.

He was a different person from the aggressive him before.

"Hundred losses, you can survive, it is your blessing, leave, Wudang is not a place where you can run wild."

Zhang Sanfeng touched the beard under his chin with one hand, and waved the other hand casually.

Baishang Taoist's expression was very serious.

"Okay, I'll go, see you tomorrow!"

After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

But some people don't want him to go.

"Senior, later! The person who killed your apprentice Lu Zhangke is right there!"

This statement came out.

Lin Pingzhi's expression changed drastically.

If Taoist Hundred Damage knew that he was here.

How could it be so easy to let it go!

He turned to look.

As expected, it was that bastard Zhang Wuji!


Today's update is slightly less, some things are delayed, people are out of town, and more updates will be added after returning home!

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