Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 829 Damage to Taoists, past grievances!

"Master! Three bells toll! Wudang is in trouble!"

Yu Daiyan stared.

He looked at Zhang Sanfeng nervously.

On weekdays, the Wudang faction is harmonious.

When the bell rang today, something big must have happened.

Lin Pingzhi was also somewhat puzzled.

Wudang is one of the two great schools of martial arts.

What kind of person doesn't have eyesight, dare to come to Wudang faction to provoke.

It even rang three times.

Seems very unusual.

"Master Zhang, why don't you deal with the business first?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhang Sanfeng and asked.

Zhang Sanfeng patted his bulging stomach.

"Well, it's fine if you have kid Ruoxu here, you don't need me."

He waved his hand, seemingly casually.


Lin Pingzhi was speechless at Zhang Sanfeng's answer.

Although it sounds weird, it seems to make some sense.

Zhang Ruoxu's martial arts are unpredictable.

When he is not an opponent.

Presumably, it shouldn't be a problem to teach the provocateur a lesson.

"Old man, come here, I will support you as a teacher, and try to walk again."

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes narrowed.

It seemed that nothing could compare to the recovery of Yu Daiyan's feet.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing beside him, and shrugged helplessly.

Zhang Sanfeng himself didn't care.

It's hard for them outsiders to say anything.

Just when Zhang Sanfeng supported Yu Daiyan to adapt to walking.

Song Yuanqiao suddenly ran over.

Song Qingshu saw Song Yuanqiao and hurried over.


He saluted in a mocking manner.

When Zhang Wuji saw Song Yuanqiao, he also bent down and called "Uncle Song".

But Song Yuanqiao ignored them.

He went straight to Zhang Sanfeng's side.

When he saw Lin Pingzhi, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.

But it soon returned to normal.

"Master, your 'old friend' is visiting..."

Song Yuanqiao lowered his head and said to Zhang Sanfeng.

However, he seemed to realize something, and suddenly raised his head, staring at Yu Daiyan with blank eyes.

"Third Junior Brother...you, you, your legs..."

The trembling voice came from Song Yuanqiao's mouth, and even his lips trembled when he spoke.

One of his hands was hanging in the air, as if he wanted to support Yu Daiyan, but he didn't know where to put it...

"Elder brother, I'm fine."

Yu Daiyan's eyes were red, looking at Song Yuanqiao.

For nearly 20 years, his brothers and sisters have been taking care of him.

Finally, his leg healed and no longer needed other people to take care of him.

"It all depends on this young hero."

Yu Daiyan pointed at Lin Pingzhi.

He didn't know Lin Pingzhi's name.

It can only be called Shaoxia.

"Master Mingyue!"

Song Yuanqiao looked at Lin Pingzhi in shock.

His eyes were full of gratitude.

"Thank you, Young Master, for treating the third junior brother."

As he spoke, he wanted to kneel and kowtow to Lin Pingxia.

Lin Pingzhi was startled.

To be reasonable, although Song Yuanqiao's martial arts are not as good as his.

But regardless of seniority or status in the world, they are much higher than him.

Ask Song Yuanqiao to kneel down for him?

That really broke him!

"What is Song Daxia doing!"

Before Song Yuanqiao knelt down, Lin Pingzhi hurriedly stopped him.

Fortunately, Song Yuanqiao was not made to kneel in the end.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng said slowly:

"Yuanqiao, what an old friend, you should finish your sentence."

He seemed a little displeased.

But Yu Daiyan's recovery made him feel good.

Now he just frowned slightly.

"Ah! Master!"

Only then did Song Yuanqiao remember the purpose of coming here to find Zhang Sanfeng.

Seeing Yu Daiyan's recovery, he almost forgot his business for a moment!

"It's Hundred Loss, the Hundred Loss Taoist is here!"

A look of nervousness appeared on Song Yuanqiao's face.

As soon as the name of the Hundred Damaged Taoist came out.

Except for Song Yuanqiao, only Zhang Sanfeng and Lin Pingzhi's expressions changed.

Who is a Taoist who suffers a lot of damage?

If we talk about his reputation in Jianghu, perhaps many people have forgotten it.

But if it mentions his disciples, everyone must know about it.

The second elder Xuanming under Zhao Min is a disciple of Taoist Baishang!

Xuanming Divine Palm is exactly the unique skill of the Hundred Damage Taoist!

Song Qingshu and Zhang Wuji looked at each other.

None of them knew about the Hundred Damage Taoist.

This name is very unfamiliar.

Yu Daiyan was also at a loss.

He looked at Zhang Sanfeng who was supporting him, and asked:

"Master, who is the Daoist with Hundred Damages?"

Look at Zhang Sanfeng and Song Yuanqiao's dignified looks.

This is rare.

Presumably this Taoist who suffered a lot of damage is also a big shot!

Zhang Sanfeng did not speak.

"My third son, you should have a good rest first, and I will tell you about this later."

Supporting Yu Daiyan on the bed again, Zhang Sanfeng walked out first.

"Third Junior Brother, rest well!"

Song Yuanqiao also gave some advice, and hurriedly followed out.

Yu Daiyan looked at Lin Pingzhi and the others.

"If you want to go and see, go, I just try to walk alone."

he said with a smile.

From their expressions, Yu Daiyan knew that they were also curious about Taoist Baishang.

With Yu Daiyan's words, Lin Pingzhi didn't say much.

He took Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing and followed them out.

Song Qingshu and Zhang Wuji at the side also hurriedly followed.

Wudang Jianjianping.

A group of Wudang disciples surrounded Lianjianping tightly.

Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Ruoxu stood at the front.

In front of them stood an old Taoist with a thin face.

The old man's triangular eyes are full of the color of prey.

There is a playful look on the corner of his mouth.

"Zhang Sanfeng, you are still so fat."

He faced many masters of the Wudang School alone, but he still talked and laughed happily.

It was as if there were so many people in front of him that he didn't pay attention to them at all.

Song Qingshu, who was standing beside Song Yuanqiao, was very puzzled.

He felt that the Taoist who suffered a lot of damage seemed to be very arrogant.

Facing his master ancestor, he dared to say such a thing.

"Father, who is this Taoist who has suffered a lot of damage?"

Song Qingshu asked Song Yuanqiao.

Song Yuanqiao looked at Taoist Baishang with serious eyes.

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, he glanced at Song Qingshu, and then said:

"When I first became your master's disciple, the Baishang Daoist had a fierce reputation. Your master hadn't brought the Wudang School to glory at that time, and it was because of killing Baishang that he was recognized by many righteous sects. , I never thought that this hundred-damaged Taoist is still alive."

Listen to Song Yuanqiao's words.

Song Qingshu was taken aback for a while.

It sounds, but it is very powerful!

When he was young, he even confronted his master.

"Then, is Bai Hun here to seek revenge today?"

Song Qingshu looked at Song Yuanqiao and asked.

Song Yuanqiao shook his head, thought for a while, and nodded again.

"may be."

He also wasn't sure what Taoist Baishang came to Wudang for.

Beside Song Qingshu, listening to the conversation between the two father and son, Zhang Wuji had a different thought in his heart.

He looked at Baishang Taoist with enthusiasm.

If you can't stay in Wudang.

Perhaps, that is a good choice?

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