Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 825 Song Qingshu broke in, Zhang Wuji apologized

Song Qingshu saw that Yu Daiyan's door was open.

Suspicious in my heart.

"Strange, isn't Master Yu always keeping the door closed?"

Curious, he walked into the room.

However, the person who appeared in front of him made his expression change drastically.

When he saw Mu Wanqing, he was a little shocked, not knowing who this beautiful woman was.

When he saw Zhao Min, he was terrified. Why did the princess of Mongolia appear in Wudang?

When he finally saw Lin Pingzhi, he suddenly became excited.


Lin Pingzhi is his idol!

Seeing Lin Pingzhi in the Wudang faction, how could he not be excited!

Lin Pingzhi also realized that Song Qingshu saw him.

"meet again."

He looked at Song Qingshu and smiled.

Song Qingshu looked at Lin Pingzhi excitedly and nodded repeatedly.

"Young Master came to Wudang, what is the matter? Why did you appear in Master Yu's room? What happened to Master Yu? Did he fall asleep?"

He has several questions in a row.

Lin Pingzhi didn't have time to answer.

Zhang Wuji, who was beside Song Qingshu, looked at Lin Pingzhi with red eyes.

His heart was full of hatred towards Lin Pingzhi.

"Don't even think about it, Master Yu was knocked out by him!"

Zhang Wuji said angrily.

His martial arts are much higher than Song Qingshu's.

Whether it is fainting or falling asleep, for him, it is easy to tell.

Yu Daiyan just passed out, not falling asleep.

Song Qingshu froze for a moment.

Yu Daiyan was knocked out by his idol?

"My lord, is what Wuji said true?"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi curiously and asked.

In his opinion, Lin Pingzhi, son of Mingyue, is a very good person.

He is a gentleman.

How could it be possible to do such a thing?

There must be a reason!

He doesn't believe it's true.

"Well, yes, he was indeed knocked out by me."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

That's the truth, there's nothing to argue about.

Song Qingshu's eyes widened.

Is it true?

"Why? Why did you knock Master Yu unconscious?"

He didn't understand and asked quickly.

Lin Pingzhi was about to explain.

But Zhang Wuji said directly first:

"Don't even think about it! He brought Zhao Min, a witch, to the Wudang faction, what good intentions can he have!"

Zhang Wuji looked at Lin Pingzhi bitterly.

He was quite jealous of Lin Pingzhi in his heart.

Why is Lin Pingzhi so attractive to women?

He came to the Wudang School with two young and beautiful women.

Although he didn't know Mu Wanqing.

But in Zhang Wuji's view.

If Lin Pingzhi didn't steal his limelight at Guangmingding.

Now whether it is Zhao Min or Mu Wanqing, they should follow him!

But it was because of Lin Pingzhi!

Because of Lin Pingzhi's intervention, everything was taken away from him!

Lin Pingzhi pouted.

He could feel Zhang Wuji's hatred for him.

But here is the Wudang faction.

If you die here, Zhang Wuji, this idiot.

It is estimated that he will not be able to escape from the Wudang faction safely.

Still have to hold back!

I have to find a chance to kill this bastard.

"Zhang Wuji, are you itchy?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhang Wuji and said.

Although you can't kill, it doesn't mean you can't fight!

As long as he doesn't cripple Zhang Wuji.

Then there is no problem.

Could it be that peers fight.

Is Zhang Sanfeng still going out?

That's too lacking in guru demeanor.

"What do you want to do!"

Zhang Wuji suddenly became nervous.

He always felt that Lin Pingzhi was threatening him.

"Don't forget, this is the Wudang faction!"

Knowing that Zhang Wuji was not Lin Pingzhi's opponent, he could only use Wudang as a shield.

"Cut." Lin Pingzhi let out a sound of disdain.

This is Wudang, how could he not know?

It's like he's an idiot.

If it wasn't Wudang here, he wouldn't have beaten Zhang Wuji, but killed him directly.

"Of course I know, this is Wudang, and I'm here to heal Mr. Yu's leg. Zhang Wuji, if you delay Mr. Yu's leg treatment, can you bear the responsibility?"

He looked at Zhang Wuji and joked.

cure leg...

Both Song Qingshu and Zhang Wuji were taken aback.

The expressions of the two are different.

In Song Qingshu's view, idols are worthy of being idols.

Knowing that Uncle Yu's leg has been injured for many years, he came to treat Uncle Yu's leg.

But in Zhang Wuji's view.

But I feel that this is impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Uncle Yu's leg has been injured for nearly 20 years. How can you cure it? Even several great doctors can't help, how can you cure it! Tell me, what is your plan for coming to Wudang!"

Zhang Wuji's eyes were red, staring closely at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

Listening to Zhang Wuji's words, Song Qingshu also thought in his heart, is what Wuji said right?


His idol, Lin Pingzhi, is the famous Mr. Mingyue, how could he come to Wudang to assassinate Master Yu?

"Wuji, did you make a mistake?"

Song Qingshu looked at Zhang Wuji and asked.

He felt that it was impossible for Lin Pingzhi to harbor evil intentions.

Zhang Wuji looked a little crazy.

He didn't expect that Song Qingshu would speak for Lin Pingzhi.

"Qingshu! You forgot, that witch princess locked us all up!"

Zhang Wuji pointed at Zhao Min and shouted at Song Qingshu.

Zhao Min was pointed at by Zhang Wuji, and he kept saying that she was a witch.

Her complexion also became a little ugly.

I even regretted it a little, when I was in Wan'an Temple.

Did not kill Zhang Wuji directly.

"Zhang Wuji!"

Lin Pingzhi snorted coldly.

It doesn't matter if you talk about him or slander him.

But Zhao Min, how can he say that!

"What are you doing!"

Zhang Wuji was a little flustered.

He could feel the killing intent emanating from Lin Pingzhi.

At this moment, Zhao Min felt warm in his heart.

Lin Pingzhi's care for her was evident.

As the Princess of Mongolia, she has also been in contact with many people.

Naturally, one can clearly feel that Lin Pingzhi's attitude is not just pretending, but really real.

When her heart was warm, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Lin Pingzhi.

I want to see what Lin Pingzhi will do.

Lin Ping's hand waved lightly.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade appeared in his hand.

"Zhang Wuji, if you don't apologize, I'll cut off your tongue right now!"

Said, "clang" sound.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade has been unsheathed.

Zhang Wuji was taken aback.

He stared blankly at Lin Pingzhi, a little terrified.

Even Lin Pingzhi's martial arts can't be kept up by flattery.

If Lin Pingzhi really attacked him, he would definitely have no chance of winning.

At this time, the only helper he could think of was Zhang Sanfeng.

It is impossible to rely on Song Qingshu alone to help him.

"I...I apologize..."

Zhang Wuji said quickly.

He bowed his head towards Lin Pingzhi and said:

"I was the one who was abrupt, please don't blame..."

Faced with the threat of death, Zhang Wuji had no choice.

Although he was very reluctant.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"Not apologizing to me, but apologizing to Minmin!"

he said coldly.

Zhang Wuji was taken aback.


To the witch princess Zhao Min?

It's okay to apologize to Lin Pingzhi, after all, Lin Pingzhi is a righteous person.

But Zhao Min?

That's a Mongol!

Let him bow his head to a Mongolian, how could he raise his head in the future?

What's more, Song Qingshu is still here!

Thinking of this, a stern look appeared in his eyes.

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