Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 824 Crazy Yu Daiyan, start diagnosis and treatment

"not good!"

Lin Pingzhi was startled.


He pushed open the door directly.

Sure enough, Yu Daiyan fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed.

And he was holding a sword in his hand, as if he was about to stab at his thigh.

"Hero Yu!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted loudly.

He hurried over to stop Yu Daiyan.

He snatched the sword from Yu Daiyan's hand.

But Yu Daiyan's unshaven face was full of sadness and loss.

"Hero? Is there any hero who is a useless person like me?"

Yu Daiyan laughed at himself.

His eyes were full of mockery.

Lin Pingzhi was suddenly speechless.

Indeed, Yu Daiyan has not been in the rivers and lakes for nearly 20 years.

Call it a hero.

It's just because of the fame of Wudang Seven Heroes.

Yu Daiyan also noticed Lin Pingzhi at this time.

"Who are you? Are you not a Wudang disciple?"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

Although he lived in the room for a long time, most Wudang disciples have seen him.

What's more, what Lin Pingzhi was wearing was not the clothes of Wudang disciples.

Lin Pingzhi touched his nose.

"Hero Yu, I'm not a Wudang disciple, I'm here to heal your legs."

He didn't expect to be recognized by Yu Daiyan just like that.

But he wasn't too embarrassed.

After all, the purpose of his visit this time is to cure Yu Daiyan.

Presumably Yu Daiyan would be very grateful to him.

"Treating legs..."

Yu Daiyan's expression was a little dull.

His eyes were full of disbelief.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He was about to tell Yu Daiyan with a smile that he would be able to walk again soon.

But Yu Daiyan shook his head.

"Impossible, impossible..."

He kept repeating this sentence.

In the past 20 years, he never thought that one day his leg could be cured.

If he can be cured, he will not have passed 20 years with his feet off the ground.

Now Lin Pingzhi suddenly came over and told him that he was helping his leg.

How can he believe it?

"Hero Yu!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted while supporting Yu Daiyan's shoulder.

"Don't give up on yourself, I'm here to cure you!"

The current Yu Daiyan, in Lin Pingzhi's view, has given up on himself.

After all, 20 years have passed like this.

Perhaps, Yu Daiyan felt that death was the real relief.

But Lin Pingzhi will not let Yu Daiyan die.

Originally, the relationship with Zhang Wuji was very stiff.

If Yu Daiyan can't be cured with help, the relationship with Zhang Sanfeng will ease.

Then maybe, the Wudang faction will stand on the opposite side of him in the future.

Facing the famous Zhang Sanfeng, Lin Pingzhi didn't know how to deal with him.

Yu Daiyan's expression gradually eased.

He seemed to be moved by Lin Pingzhi's words.

However, just when Lin Pingzhi thought he had achieved his goal.

Yu Daiyan's expression changed.

"No! You came to see my joke, right!"

He roared at Lin Pingzhi.

"You come to see my jokes, you want to see the useless people raised by the Wudang sect, so as to slander Wudang, right! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

The roaring Yu Daiyan punched Lin Pingzhi several times.

Although Yu Daiyan's legs were broken.

But Yu Daiyan has been cultivating inner strength continuously for 20 years.

With strong internal strength, he is definitely the best among the seven masters of Wudang.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He is not a fool, he wants to stand here stupidly and be beaten by Yu Daiyan.

"Hero Yu, calm down!"

Lin Pingzhi evaded Yu Daiyan's fist, while persuading him.

But Yu Daiyan couldn't listen at all.

His eyes were full of madness.

Perhaps, he regarded Lin Pingzhi as a villain.

Think of it as wanting to see him as a joke, and use him to humiliate Wudang.

Fortunately, Yu Daiyan's legs couldn't move.

As long as Lin Pingzhi distanced himself from him, he couldn't get close to Lin Pingzhi.

You can only wave your fists and feet out of thin air.


Seeing Yu Daiyan's appearance, Lin Pingzhi couldn't help sighing.

If he hadn't obtained the Divine Illumination Sutra, perhaps he would not be much better than Yu Daiyan.

"Hero Yu, get a good night's sleep."

He looked at Yu Daiyan and said softly.

The voice just fell.

His figure appeared behind Yu Daiyan like a phantom, and he hit Yu Daiyan on the back of the neck with a hand knife.

Yu Daiyan's figure was stagnant.

His eyes bulged, and he seemed a little surprised.

But before he could say anything, he fainted.

Wait until Yu Daiyan's riot stops.

Lin Pingzhi carried Yu Daiyan to the bed.

Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing also came into the room.

Mu Wanqing frowned, with a displeased expression.

"Lin Lang, you treat him kindly, but this guy wants to kill you."

Mu Wanqing said angrily.

She wished she could directly cut Yu Daiyan alive with two sabers.

"Sister Wan, you don't need to worry."

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

He thought Yu Daiyan's behavior was normal.

In the original book, didn't Zhang Wuji also persuade for a long time?

What's more, Zhang Wuji is still Yu Daiyan's nephew.

What is he, Lin Pingzhi?

It has nothing to do with Yu Daiyan.

Only in this way.

Zhao Min pouted.

She was also a little displeased with Yu Daiyan's behavior.

However, she still took out the box containing the Black Jade Ointment again.

"I'll give you Black Jade Intermittent Ointment, heal him, and meet Zhang Sanfeng, then leave."

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi and said.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

He didn't take the Black Jade Ointment given by Zhao Min.

"Minmin, as I said, I don't need to use black jade intermittent ointment to cure him. Have you forgotten our bet?"

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

He was thinking about the request he would make to Zhao Min in the future.

For example, things like sleeping with a big quilt.

Zhao Min has already tried with Han Ji and Mu Wanqing.

But Zhao Min might not be able to accept some people.

For example, his miss Rong sister.

After all, the two sides are opposing existences on the battlefield.

At this time, the bet comes into play.

Zhao Min frowned.

She didn't speak, just anointed the black jade intermittently and took it back.

Mu Wanqing frowned.

She couldn't believe it.

Yu Daiyan has been injured for nearly 20 years.

Can it really be cured without Black Jade Ointment?

She always felt a little unbelievable.

But Zhao Min didn't speak, so she didn't speak either.

Just on the side, watching quietly.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He wanted to start treating Yu Daiyan.

Let's see if it can be cured by using the scriptures of God.

If it can't be cured, I'm afraid he really needs to use Black Jade Intermittent Ointment.

Although he thinks that it should be able to be cured by Shenzhaojing.

As the internal force penetrated deep into Yu Daiyan's veins.

Lin Pingzhi discovered that not only were Yu Daiyan's upper body muscles intact, but they were also very strong.

As for the tendons of the legs, they were already tightly blocked.

There is no way to do it even with the help of the divine scriptures.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi has other internal strengths.

First help Yu Daiyan to open up the tendons, and then use the nerve to repair it.

Just then.

A voice came from outside the door.

"Uncle Yu, look who I brought!"

Lin Pingzhi recognized that it was Song Qingshu's voice.

As for the people brought by Song Qingshu...

He probably guessed who it was!

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