Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 826 Zhang Wuji's Sudden Riot, Kneel Down!

"Sorry, I apologize."

A smile appeared on Zhang Wuji's face.

Lin Pingzhi felt something was wrong.

Why is this smile so permeating?

Song Qingshu turned to look at Zhang Wuji.

He also felt that the smile on Zhang Wuji's face seemed a little unnatural.

On the contrary, it is like a conspiracy.

"Wuji, are you... all right?"

Song Qingshu asked with some concern.

His father Song Yuanqiao told him.

It is said that Zhang Wuji has suffered outside since he was a child.

We must take good care of him so that Zhang Wuji can feel the warmth of home in Wudang School.

So Song Qingshu was very concerned about Zhang Wuji's expression now.

"Oh? Is it?"

Zhang Wuji asked back.

There was a look of mockery in his eyes.

"Because Lin Pingzhi must die here."

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze when he heard the words.

He felt that Zhang Wuji was somewhat normal.

Zhang Wuji was still so nervous before, afraid that he would make a move.

But now dare to say, let him die here?


Lin Pingzhi was a little startled.

He didn't know where Zhang Wuji's courage came from.

Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing didn't think much about it.

When they heard Zhang Wuji's words, they thought that Zhang Wuji wanted to attack Lin Pingzhi.

In Mu Wanqing's hands, two swords had appeared.

As long as Zhang Wuji dared to attack Lin Pingzhi.

She is not polite!

Zhao Min also tightly held the saber at his waist.

Looking at the expressions of Lin Pingzhi and the two women, Zhang Wuji felt disdain in his heart.

I thought to myself, these ignorant people!

Really thought that if he wanted to kill Lin Pingzhi, he had to do it himself?

Hehe... childish!

how can that be possible!

He has a plan to kill with a knife in his heart!

There must be no place to bury Lin Ping's death!

Song Qingshu looked at Zhang Wuji suspiciously.

"Wuji, what nonsense are you talking about? Mr. Mingyue saved our Wudang faction!"

He said rather excitedly.

If it's against Lin Pingzhi, it doesn't mean that.

Wudang Pine will revenge?


This point, no matter who it is, will not want to see it.


Zhang Wuji sneered.

"Saving the Wudang faction doesn't mean saving me! I hate him! So he must die!"

His eyes were red, staring at Lin Pingzhi.

At this time, he no longer wanted to pretend.

All the dissatisfaction with Lin Pingzhi roared out.

Song Qingshu listened, his eyes gradually became astonished.

He didn't expect that Zhang Wuji had secretly hated Lin Pingzhi for a long time.

But these secret hatreds are because of a woman named Zhu'er, who left him because of Lin Pingzhi.

But it was because Lin Pingzhi stole his limelight in Guangmingding and blocked "Gong Ziyu", the leader of the Azure Dragon Society.

The combination of the two made the dark side in Zhang Wuji's heart expand infinitely.

So much so that he now hates Lin Pingzhi.

Hearing Zhang Wuji's roar.

Lin Pingzhi was also a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Zhu'er had separated from Zhang Wuji.

But he didn't take Zhang Wuji's hatred to heart.

"So you hate me so much, but what can you do?"

Lin Pingzhi raised the corner of his mouth and said with a confident smile.

Counting it, Zhang Wuji only has the Nine Suns Divine Art.

The great shift in the universe that should have been obtained in the original book has not been obtained.

Why did Zhang Wuji oppose him?

With one mouth?

Lin Pingzhi was very disdainful.

Zhang Wuji saw Lin Pingzhi's disdain.

But he wasn't offended.

"Do you think that I can't beat you, so I can't let you die?"

Zhang Wuji looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

His expression became a little crazy.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Still nodded.

"Yes, you are not my opponent at all, what can you do?"

He was a little curious.

Zhang Wuji dared to expose it.

Definitely have confidence.

But Lin Pingzhi was so conceited that his martial arts were superb, he didn't take Zhang Wuji seriously.

"How to do?"

Zhang Wuji laughed.

He clamped Song Qingshu's neck.

"Tell me, if I kill Brother Song here, will you still be able to leave the Wudang faction?"

When he said this, Zhang Wuji's face was full of viciousness.

His sudden behavior caught everyone by surprise.

Lin Pingzhi was taken aback.

Neither he nor Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing thought that Zhang Wuji would actually plan to use Song Qingshu.

In this way, plant the blame on him, and let the top Wudang faction take action to "revenge" Song Qingshu!

Song Qingshu was also aware of Zhang Wuji's thoughts.

He was instantly furious.

"Wuji! Are you crazy!"

Song Qingshu growled.

He struggled to break free from Zhang Wuji's grip.

However, Zhang Wuji possessed the Nine Suns Magic Art, so he couldn't break free at all.

He never thought of it.

Zhang Wuji would actually do such a thing.

He regards Zhang Wuji as his brother, yet Zhang Wuji wants to kill him?

And the purpose of killing him was to frame Lin Pingzhi?

Zhang Wuji was so vicious.

You can even have this idea!

Outside, what exactly did Zhang Wuji go through?

Zhang Wuji couldn't listen to Song Qingshu's rant.

He stared at Lin Pingzhi with a mad look.

"Lin Pingzhi, are you afraid? If you don't want Master Sanfeng to kill you, just kneel down immediately and admit that you are not as good as me!"

Zhang Wuji roared at Lin Pingzhi.

Song Qingshu looked at Lin Pingzhi, a little nervous.

He didn't know if Lin Pingzhi would kneel down.

As long as Lin Ping knelt down, he would survive.

Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing's eyes were shining with determination.

"No! You can't kneel!"

The two girls shouted in unison.

Make Lin Pingxia kneel down?

This is impossible!

Lin Pingzhi was their man.

The boy has gold under his knees.

How can you kneel down so easily?

What's more, it's still against Zhang Wuji, such a waste!

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak, but looked at Zhang Wuji calmly.

Although he thought about killing Zhang Wuji.

But I really didn't expect that Zhang Wuji's mind had become so vicious.

Is this still the protagonist of Yitian Tulongji?

Could it be that if the opportunity was robbed, the protagonist's halo would be gone?

Lin Pingzhi was thinking, with a calm expression.

It made Zhang Wuji even more insane.

"Lin Pingzhi! What do you mean! Do you kneel or not? If you don't kneel, I will kill Senior Brother Song, and then tell Master that you killed Senior Brother Song! You will definitely die!"

Zhang Wuji roared.

He hated Lin Pingzhi's indifferent look.

Shouldn't Lin Pingzhi be frightened?

Shouldn't be upset?

Shouldn't the fear of death arise?

Why are you so indifferent!

He doesn't agree!

Lin Pingzhi must kneel before him!

"Do you kneel or not!"

Zhang Wuji roared again.

He clamped Song Qingshu's neck with his hands, exerting force instantly.

Song Qingshu was suffocated due to the compression of the trachea, so that his face was flushed and his eyes were a little protruding.

Lin Pingzhi stared at Zhang Wuji.

He could see that Zhang Wuji would really kill Song Qingshu.

Although he is in Song Qingshu, he is not a good friend.

But Song Qingshu has always been very respectful to him.

Besides, it is very likely that what Zhang Wuji said was true.

Song Qingshu died.

The Wudang faction is likely to push the blame on him.

After all, he is an outsider.

Zhang Wuji is a member of the Wudang sect.

"Kneeling, isn't that just kneeling? Can't I just kneel?"

Lin Pingzhi said jokingly.

Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing became very nervous when they heard the words.

"No! You can't kneel!"

They didn't want Lin Pingzhi to kneel down to a villain like Zhang Wuji.

Song Qingshu's eyes were full of emotion.

He didn't expect that the idol Lin Pingzhi would choose to kneel down to Zhang Wuji in order to save him.

As Lin Pingzhi approached step by step.

Zhang Wuji became suspicious.

"No! Don't come over, just kneel down there!"

He shouted towards Lin Pingzhi.

Any closer, and he felt that it would be dangerous.

And Song Qingshu is bound to kill him.

Otherwise, if the matter is exposed, he will have no way to stay in the Wudang faction.


Lin Pingzhi pointed to the ground in front of him.

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