Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 823 Yu Daiyan's leg, a bet with Zhao Min

Lin Ping and his group did not hesitate.

Now that Fat Taoist has explained.

It's better to go up the mountain earlier.

Compared with Huashan, Wudang Mountain is not too steep.

Although the mountain road is winding, fortunately it is not steep.

Lin Pingzhi didn't need to worry about whether Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing would be overwhelmed.

Soon, the three came to the Wudang faction.

On the Jianping of the Wudang School, stood a Wudang disciple.

It seems that they are here to greet Lin Pingzhi and others.

"Three, are you here to heal Master Yu's leg?"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

When he said this, his expression was a little strange.

There was even a hint of disdain in his eyes.

It has been nearly 20 years since Yu Daiyan was injured.

Injuries that have not been healed for 20 years.

Now there are three young men who say they want to heal his Uncle Yu's leg?

What a joke!

If it wasn't for that confession.

He can't wait to expel the three people in front of him from the Wudang faction.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know what the Daoist was thinking.

He looked at the Taoist in front of him, clasped his fists and said:

"Yes, please ask the Taoist priest to lead the way."

Now that someone has greeted you.

Then cure Yu Daiyan first.

As long as Yu Daiyan's legs get better, he will naturally leave a good impression on Zhang Sanfeng.

At that time, it is not a bad idea to ask Zhang Sanfeng for advice.


The disciple nodded slightly.

There was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Whether it is Lin Pingzhi, Zhao Min or Mu Wanqing, they are actually under 20 years old.

It's normal for him to look down on him.

Under the leadership of the Taoist.

Lin Pingzhi and others came to a room.

"Get out! Get out!"

There was a roar in the room.

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

The person in the room must be Yu Daiyan.

His irritable personality is probably due to his inability to move his legs.

The Taoist pouted, and looked around the room with some fear.

Then he looked at Lin Pingzhi with disdain:

"Although Master Yu's legs and feet are inconvenient, he is skilled in swordsmanship and has a bad temper. If you are injured by him, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Lin Pingzhi nodded slightly.

"Understood, thank you, Daoist."

he said with a smile.

He also understands Yu Daiyan's irritable personality.

After all, having lost both legs, she can no longer use her feet to feel the ground affectionately.

Whoever it is, the temperament will change drastically.

Rao was his spinal injury before.

When he could only lie on the bed, he was also discouraged.

At that time, he lost hope in life.

Yu Daiyan has not walked for 20 years. The pain is even worse than him!

The Taoist nodded casually, and glanced at Lin Pingzhi contemptuously.

He went to the door.

"Da da" knocked on the door twice.

However, in the room, Yu Daiyan shouted loudly.


Accompanied by shouts, a long sword stabbed out from the door.

The Taoist was shocked.

When did Uncle Yu actually make such a murderous move?

He couldn't believe it.

Just when he thought he was about to die.

A palm appeared in front of his eyes, and directly sent the flying sword thrown by Yu Daiyan flying.

The Taoist was taken aback.

So fast... really fast.

He never expected that Lin Pingzhi, whom he despised, could be so fast.

In the blink of an eye, he was saved.

"Thank you...thank you..."

The Taoist stammered.

Lin Pingzhi's martial arts were beyond his imagination.

He still thought that Lin Pingzhi was too young.

Now it seems that the young Lin Pingzhi is much stronger than him.

He was a little skeptical.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

The Taoist explained something, then turned and left.

His mission is to bring Lin Pingzhi and others to Yu Daiyan.

He couldn't guarantee what would happen next.

Since Lin Pingzhi's martial arts are higher than his.

Then if he stayed here, he would get in the way.

Yu Daiyan in the room seemed to know that Lin Pingzhi and others outside the room were still there.

"Didn't I say get out! Don't force me to kill!"

Yu Daiyan's roar sounded.

Lin Pingzhi touched his nose.

He looked at Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing in embarrassment.

"Stand back."

Asking them to back off, Lin Pingzhi was mainly worried that he would accidentally affect them when he started fighting with Yu Daiyan.

Mu Wanqing listened to Lin Pingzhi's words very much, and retreated obediently.

However, Zhao Min was unmoved.

"Heiyu intermittent ointment is with me, without black jade intermittent ointment, how do you treat his legs?"

She looked at Lin Pingzhi and said, and took out a box containing black jade ointment from her bosom.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"There is no need for Black Jade Ointment."

He has the Divine Illumination Sutra, but he still needs Black Jade Intermittent Ointment?

Isn’t it more convenient to use God to illuminate the scriptures?

Black jade intermittent ointment also needs to cut the flesh on the legs, and apply the ointment on the bones.

Even if the pain sensory nerves don't hurt, he looks disgusting.

"No need?" Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi with a strange expression, "What do you mean? Without Black Jade Ointment, how did you heal his leg?"

She was a little unhappy.

This black jade intermittent ointment is a treasure.

Even if she is the princess of Mongolia, she only has this box.

For Lin Pingzhi, she was willing to take out black jade ointment to help Lin Pingzhi establish a good relationship with the Wudang faction.

But now Lin Pingzhi turned down her kindness?

What does it mean?

Don't love it anymore?

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min whose expression became increasingly ugly.

Knowing that Zhao Min misunderstood.

"Minmin, don't be angry, how about we make a bet?"

Lin Pingzhi approached Zhao Min with a playful smile.

Zhao Min's face darkened, Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes, and did not speak.

"Oh, believe it or not, I can heal his leg without black jade ointment?"

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

The words are full of confidence.

"Do not believe."

Zhao Min replied without thinking.

Heiyu intermittent ointment is the only way to treat Yu Daiyan's legs.

Without Black Jade Ointment, how could Yu Daiyan be cured.

"That's it." Lin Pingzhi put his arms around Zhao Min's waist, leaned in front of Zhao Min and said, "If I can cure it, you promise me a request. If I can't cure it, I promise you a request? Is that okay?"

When Zhao Min heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Any request?"

Hearing that Lin Pingzhi agreed to her request.

She was immediately interested.

"Let me tell you, your sister Wan is listening here, you must not go back on your word!"

Zhao Min pouted and said.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"Well, you can ask for anything!"

There's no way he could lose.

After all, his injury was healed by divine illumination.

How could it be impossible to treat Yu Daiyan?

Yu Daiyan could at least sit still.

He could only lie down at that time!

So after curing Yu Daiyan, what should he ask of Zhao Min?

Lin Pingzhi hadn't thought about this point yet.

But he knows that he will win!

Letting go of Zhao Min's shoulders, Lin Pingzhi looked at her and smiled slightly:

"Let's see how I can cure him!"

He walked to the door and knocked on the door again.

However, he did not get a response from Yu Daiyan.

The voice heard was not Yu Daiyan's roar.

Instead, there was a "bang".

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