Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 822 Disappeared strangely, the wafting voice

The fat Taoist had a kind face, with a slight smile on his face.

"Why did you come to Wudang on this trip?"

Although there are many pilgrims in Wudang Mountain on weekdays.

But he could tell at a glance that Lin Pingzhi's martial arts was not uncommon.

How can it be so simple for people with such high martial arts to come to Wudang Mountain to offer incense and petition?

He looked at Lin Pingzhi.

Apparently, he thought Lin Pingzhi was the leader of the three.

However, Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min.

He is not eager to come to Wudang Mountain.

On the contrary, Zhao Min came to Wudang Mountain in such a hurry, and didn't say what to do before.

"Why are you looking at me? Didn't you say that you want to heal the legs of the hero Yu Daiyan?"

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi and said, with a little grievance in his words.

Lin Pingzhi was taken aback.

Good guy, why doesn't he know that he is here to treat Yu Daiyan?

Even with the Divine Light Sutra, it is not a problem to cure Yu Daiyan.

But what does Yu Daiyan have to do with him?

Why did he want to cure Yu Daiyan?


Lin Pingzhi let out a sound of surprise.

Mu Wanqing beside him also stared at Zhao Min in a daze.

This seemed to be different from what she understood.

Didn't her Lin Lang never know what this woman named Zhao Min did in Wudang?

Why did Zhao Min say that Lin Lang was here to save Yu Daiyan from Wudang?

Zhao Min turned a blind eye to Lin Pingzhi and Mu Wanqing's suspicious eyes.

"Oh, Lin Lang, you care about the common people. You know about Yu Daiyan's legs, and you specially brought black jade intermittent ointment. Why did you forget?"

As she spoke, she took out a small box from her bosom.

He opened the box and saw that there was indeed a jade-black ointment inside.

Lin Pingzhi was dumbfounded.

what's the problem?

He looked at Zhao Min, Zhao Min did have a smile on his face, and kept blinking at Lin Pingzhi.

Although Lin Pingzhi didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Zhao Min's gourd.

But the fat Taoist is here, so he has no choice but to cooperate with Zhao Min.

"Oh yes! The scenery of Wudang Mountain is so pleasant that I almost forgot that it is necessary to cure Yu Daiyan's legs!"

Lin Pingzhi said as if suddenly enlightened.

He looked at the fat Taoist.

But the fat Taoist's gaze was fixed on the black jade ointment in Zhao Min's hand.

Lin Pingzhi thought, indeed this fat Taoist is a high-ranking officer in Wudang.

It seems that the relationship with Yu Daiyan is not shallow.

Otherwise, I wouldn't pay so much attention to this Black Jade Ointment.

"Daozhang, may I ask what your Dao name is?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at the fat Taoist and asked.

As long as one knows the Taoist name, it is not difficult to guess who this fat Taoist is.

"Tao number?"

The fat Taoist waved his hand.

"There is no Taoist name in the poor road, it's just a wild crane in the clouds, riding a bull every day, leisurely and leisurely."

There was a very shallow smile on his face.

Like Lin Pingzhi's question, in his opinion, it was just a joke.

Lin Pingzhi didn't think so.

He felt that the fat Taoist didn't want to talk about it.

Unfathomable martial arts, how could there be no Taoist name in the Wudang sect!

"Daozhang, can we go up the mountain?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at the fat Taoist and asked.

If the fat Taoist doesn't let them go up the mountain.

He also didn't have the confidence to break through the obstruction of the fat Taoist.

In the fat Taoist's eyes, there was a look of joking.

"Whether you go up the mountain or not starts with your step, why bother with the poor?"

After speaking, he rode on the green bull again.

Lin Pingzhi obviously noticed that when Qingniu stood up, his limbs were trembling.

"How many catties does this fat Taoist weigh... he can't even lift a fucking cow."

He groaned in his heart.

Suddenly, Mu Wanqing's voice of surprise was heard.


Lin Pingzhi looked at Mu Wanqing suspiciously.

"What's the matter, sister Wan?"

he asked puzzled.

Mu Wanqing's expression was dull, she raised her green finger in a daze, pointing forward.

Lin Pingzhi followed what Mu Wanqing pointed at.

But he saw that the place where the fat Taoist and Qingniu had stayed before was no longer there.


Lin Pingzhi was also a little surprised.

Why blink and disappear?

Is this the legendary Wudang Lai Yunzong?

But isn't that fat Taoist riding a bull?

Could it be that cows can also climb clouds?

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min and asked:

"Minmin, did you see how the fat Taoist disappeared?"

Zhao Min shook his head.

"I don't know."

Lin Pingzhi clicked his tongue.

He didn't expect that at the foot of Wudang Mountain, there would be supernatural events!


After taking a deep breath.

Lin Pingzhi was about the sudden disappearance of Fat Taoist.

Forget it.

He looked at Zhao Min with a suspicious look on his face.

"Minmin, what did you say you treated Yu Daiyan's leg?"

Zhao Min has been reluctant to reveal the purpose of Wudang Mountain. Is that the case?

He didn't understand it.

Helping Yu Daiyan heal his legs doesn't seem to be beneficial to Zhao Min at all.

Then what is the purpose of Zhao Min doing this?

Zhao Min rolled his eyes at Lin Pingzhi.

Then he said slowly:

"Wudang is a master of martial arts, with a great reputation in the world. If Yu Daiyan's legs can be healed in your name, it means that you have a good relationship with the Wudang faction, and you can also get the support of the Wudang faction in the future. Master Mingyue's reputation , naturally become more famous!"

This is Zhao Min's idea.

Not a single ounce of self-interest.

Just thinking about helping Lin Pingzhi spread his reputation.

And she knew about Yu Daiyan.

It happened to have black jade intermittent ointment.

Lin Pingzhi's heart was moved.

He didn't expect that Zhao Min would...

Is it for him?

Mu Wanqing next to her was a little surprised.

She didn't expect Zhao Min to have such a purpose.

This made her attitude towards Zhao Min become kinder.

After all, being able to do this for Lin Pingzhi, she couldn't regenerate hostility towards Zhao Min.

Zhao Min raised his head and looked at Lin Pingzhi's moved face, with a depressed expression.

"I wanted to hide it from you, but I will give you a surprise at the end, but when I met this fat Taoist, I felt that this fat Taoist was not simple, so I had to tell the truth."

As the princess of Mongolia, her eyesight is naturally not bad.

Judging from the attitude of the fat Taoist when he spoke, and the fact that he used internal force to support Mu Wanqing earlier.

She knew that this fat Taoist was definitely not someone who would take nothing for granted.

It should be Wudang high-level.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He agreed with Zhao Min's idea.

Indeed, this fat Taoist is not simple.

at this time.

At the foot of Wudang Mountain, the fat Taoist's voice wafted.

"Young people, it's not good to talk about the elderly behind their backs!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

He looked around quickly, even pushing his perception to the limit.

But still don't know where Fat Taoist is looking at them.

This made Lin Pingzhi somewhat suspicious, who exactly is Fat Taoist?

Why so elusive?

Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing were also very puzzled.

Hasn't the Fat Taoist already left?

Why is the sound still reaching their ears?

"Little guys, go up the mountain quickly, there will be many pilgrims later, and the mountain road will be crowded and difficult to walk."

Fat Taoist's voice came again.

This time with a little urging.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

Originally, he planned to come to Wudang again in the future.

Now, since Zhao Min made a mistake, he brought him here.

Let's go to Wudang and experience the demeanor of Zhang Zhenren in Wudang!

In an instant, find out who this fat Taoist is!

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