Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 821 Fat Taoist Riding a Green Bull, Rude

The people in the inn were full of curiosity about the sounds from the guest room above.

That "crunching" sound.

Especially rhythmic.

It even made them feel the urge to peep.

But thinking of Lin Pingzhi's decisive killing before.

They are cowardly.


Looking at the guest room upstairs, they swallowed.

At the beginning, they envied Lin Pingzhi for being able to have two beauties at once.

But gradually, they felt sorry for Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing.

Although no sound can be heard.

But the rhythm of "creaking" kept ringing in their heads.

If it takes half an hour, after all, one against two, they also think it is normal.

But soon, they realized something was wrong.

An hour has passed...

Two hours have passed...

Four hours have passed...

Six hours have passed...

Its daybreak……

Unknowingly, they actually listened to this "creaking" sound all night?

Then they realized something was wrong.

is this man?

In their eyes, Lin Pingzhi looked so thin.

But is it so powerful?

Straight to the bottom?

A little more time passed.

The sound finally stopped.

At this moment, the people listening in the inn felt exhausted.

They, the spectators, feel so tired.

Presumably, Lin Pingzhi may have been exhausted, right?

Just when they were resting on the table.

Lin Pingyi carried one on his shoulder and came down from the guest room upstairs.

Looking at the tired-looking crowd.

He looked puzzled.

What's wrong with these people?

How does it feel like your body is being hollowed out?

This is going to Goulan to finish playing, and gather here?

Could it be that this place is full of brothers who have carried guns together?

"Shopkeeper, please take care of the corpse, I don't have it now."

Lin Pingzhi looked at the ground and said to the corpses of the three big men he killed yesterday.

Although I don't know what happened.

But in this hot day, if the corpse is left for a long time, it will stink.

The shopkeeper looked at Lin Pingzhi with two panda eyes.

"Okay... okay."

He replied feebly.

Under everyone's decadent and shocked gazes, Lin Pingzhi left the inn with Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing on his shoulders.


I don't know who was the first to snore.

Others in the inn couldn't help but sigh too.

After a busy night, I am still full of energy...

Is this really human?

Simply not human!

Some people, looking down at the gap between their thighs, are full of envy, jealousy and hatred.


Lin Pingzhi, who had already left the town, did not know what the people in the inn thought of him.

Under yesterday's aggressive attack.

Under Lin Pingzhi's dominance, Zhao Min finally told him the destination of this trip - Wudang Mountain!

At that time Lin Pingzhi stopped attacking in surprise.

Fortunately, Mu Wanqing's call made him return to the beauty again.

Not the purpose of going to Wudang Mountain.

Zhao Min didn't say anything.

No matter how hard Lin Pingzhi asked, she was unwilling to speak.

However, Lin Pingzhi guessed that the purpose should be different from the original book.

In the original book, Zhao Min's purpose in going to Wudang was to destroy the Wudang faction.

And he even bribed Song Qingshu.

But this time, she took Lin Pingzhi to Wudang.

Not only did he not lead his subordinates, but in this world, the Wudang faction was in the camp of the Southern Song Dynasty.

It is unrealistic for her to destroy the Wudang faction.

Lin Pingzhi deduced in his heart, carrying the second daughter on his shoulders, and drove on with the fragrance of the night.

The speed is much faster than Zhao Min leading him.

The next day.

Lin Pingzhi brought Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing to Wudang Mountain.

"I have to say, Zhang Sanfeng chose this place well! The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the scenery is pleasant!"

He looked around, sighing.

Zhao Min rolled his eyes at Lin Ping.

"You call Zhang Sanfeng by his name here, and be careful not to be beaten to death by the Wudang faction."

she said angrily.

Originally, she planned to hide it from Lin Pingzhi, but in the end she was pressed by Lin Pingzhi, and she felt a little displeased.

Lin Pingzhi shrugged.

"The Wudang faction is also a master of martial arts, isn't it so stingy?"

Although Wudang has villains.

But Zhang Sanfeng's reputation is quite good.

Lin Pingzhi, who has read many classics about Zhang Sanfeng, still has a good impression of Zhang Sanfeng.

"Lin Lang, there is a fat Taoist priest coming over."

Mu Wanqing pointed to one side.

Lin Pingzhi followed what Mu Wanqing pointed at.

Sure enough, a fat Taoist priest appeared in front of his eyes.

How would you describe this priest?

Full face?Not really.

It looks chubby, and even a little cute.

The loose Taoist robe on his body was pulled up.

Riding a green bull on his crotch.

The green bull's pace was slow, and the two bull's eyes were wide open.

It seems that this fat Taoist is not light, and the green cow is tired enough.

"Hey, cow, cow, why are you so slow? It's really useless to feed you on weekdays."

The fat Taoist rubbed the green bull's horns, as if to blame.


Qingniu barked unwillingly.

Under Lin Pingzhi's gaze.

The fat Taoist rode on a blue bull and passed Lin Pingzhi and the others.

Lin Pingzhi was taken aback.

The Taoist ignored him?

Is it self-confident, or is there nothing in the heart?

He doesn't know.

But it doesn't matter if you ignore it.

His goal was not the fat Taoist priest.

Instead, he wanted to talk to Zhang Sanfeng.

By the way, to complete Zhao Min's goal,

Although, Zhao Min still didn't tell him what the purpose of coming to Wudang Mountain was.

However, Lin Pingzhi and Zhao Min didn't speak, while Mu Wanqing's temper was rather irritable.

"Hey, Fat Taoist, can't you see us?"

She shouted at the fat Taoist priest.

The fat Taoist turned a blind eye, still riding the green bull, ready to go up the mountain.

Lin Pingzhi was a little embarrassed.

"Sister Wan, don't be rude!"

He hurriedly stopped Mu Wanqing.

At the same time, he said to the fat Taoist priest with his back:

"My wife is rude, please invite Daoist Haihan!"

His voice just fell.

The fat Taoist patted Qing Niu on the head.

Qing Niu stopped on all fours and crouched down slowly.

"Why, there aren't many polite young people."

The fat Taoist said, getting down from the green cow.

He looked at Lin Pingzhi, his eyes narrowed into a smile.

Lin Pingzhi clasped his fists at the fat Taoist priest as a salute.

Polite, he understands.

But what made his attitude so respectful.

It is because the fat Taoist's martial arts are unfathomable!

When the fat Taoist priest passed by just now, he tried to sense the breath of the fat Taoist priest.

However, he found that his breath was long and continuous.

It is definitely not something that an ordinary person can have.

"What did the Daoist say? Wanmei has a hasty temper and disturbed the Daoist. Please don't blame the Daoist."

Lin Pingzhi said to the fat Taoist priest.

At the same time pull Mu Wanqing.

"Sister Wan, please apologize."

Mu Wanqing was a little reluctant.

But her Lin Lang had already spoken, so she couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry, Daoist."

She bowed towards the fat Taoist priest.

The fat Taoist raised his hand.

Mu Wanqing's originally bowed body stood upright.

Lin Pingzhi was startled.

Such a strong internal control!

This fat Taoist priest is by no means an idler!

Judging by his attire, he must be from the Wudang sect!

Then who would he be from the Wudang sect?

An old knife-handled wooden Taoist?

He has seen Zhang Ruoxu before, it must not be.

Daoist Chongxu had also dealt with him in Mount Tai.

Could it be... Zhang Sanfeng!

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