Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 817 Zhao Min's call, let Han Ji come

experienced the previous things.

Zhao Min still had some resistance to Lin Pingzhi in his heart.

If it wasn't for Han Ji's appearance.

Perhaps it was because of curiosity, and a good impression of Lin Pingzhi.

She half pushed and half accepted Lin Pingzhi.

But now it's like this.

Zhao Min resisted inwardly.

She could only push Lin Pingzhi hard.

However, it was of no use.

Lin Pingzhi's chest was like a hard wall, she couldn't shake it at all.

Feel Zhao Min's resistance.

Lin Pingzhi hugged him even tighter.


He shouted softly, his voice full of affection.

Zhao Min trembled all over, she found that her heart throbbed a little when she heard Lin Pingzhi's call.

But thinking of the relationship between Lin Pingzhi and Han Ji, she gritted her teeth.

"let me go."

She growled feebly like a kitten.

Lin Pingzhi has many women, she knows it.

But the problem is, Han Ji is her little mother.

It's her father's concubine.

Lin Pingzhi has an unclear relationship with her little mother.

How should Zhao Min accept this?

Her eyes were flushed, and she waved her pink fist, beating Lin Pingzhi's chest feebly.

"Minmin, I really have nothing to do with her!"

Lin Pingzhi said meticulously.

Those eyes seemed to be telling the truth.

Zhao Min was stunned.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes carried a fatal attraction.

Let her be addicted to it.


Zhao Min's eyes became a little blurred.

Lin Pingzhi let go of his hanging heart.


The "truth" with a little dementor is really easy to believe.

Next, it can finally be done once and for all!

"Of course it's true, Minmin."

As Lin Pingzhi spoke, his lips directly held Zhao Min's.

In an instant, Zhao Min was instantly captured as if facing a city with thousands of troops.


Zhao Min murmured.

But the voice was vague.

In her eyes and heart, she was already Lin Pingzhi.

At this moment, she fell completely.

What Han Ji, what little mother.

It was all left behind by her.

She forgot everything except Lin Pingzhi in front of her.

At the same time that a large number does not allow the content of the second reply to appear.

The decadent Han Ji got a call.

"Ma'am, the princess invites you to go over."

The servant's voice sounded outside the door.

Han Ji was shocked.


Could it be that Zhao Min wanted to put her on trial.

What will be the result?

kill her here?

Probably not...

But if she doesn't go, where can she escape?

Follow Lin Pingzhi?

She is not reconciled.

"Okay, I'm going now..."

Bitterness appeared on Han Ji's beautiful face.

She adjusted her clothes a little.

Then he pushed open the door and prepared to follow the servant.

But after opening the door, there was no servant in sight.

Han Ji was taken aback, then smiled wryly.


Did even Zhao Min's servant know about this?

Or is it Zhao Min's order?

Otherwise, why didn't even the servant who led the way lead the way.

Although she knew where Zhao Min's room was.

But the problem is, this represents Zhao Min's attitude.

Han Ji was really panicked.

Walking on the road, she was very disturbed.

But before arriving at Zhao Min's courtyard, he found many servants of Zhao Min guarding outside.

When Han Ji appeared.

The expressions of the servants all seemed a little dull.

"Madam, please come in."

After speaking, they guarded again strictly.

Han Ji was a little puzzled.

Could it be...

Are there any major enemies coming up?

Or, what important things did Zhao Min talk about inside?

Otherwise, why are these guards so far away?

Han Ji was very puzzled by this.

But she didn't doubt Zhao Min's order.

She knows these servants.

He said he was a servant, but in fact, he was Zhao Min's private soldier.

They only listened to Zhao Min's orders, even Zhao Min's father, King Ruyang, couldn't control these people.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Han Ji suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and walked towards Zhao Min's residence.

But as soon as he stepped into the place where Zhao Min lived, he felt something was wrong.

Here is not what she imagined, many people are here to wait for Zhao Min's order.

Instead, there is no one.

She looked into the room, frowning slightly.

"It seems that she wants to talk to me about this matter alone..."

Han Ji's heart tightened.

Facing Zhao Min alone?

To be honest, she was still under a lot of pressure.

But there was nothing she could do.

Who made Zhao Min's power an existence that she couldn't match at all?


Han Ji stepped forward and was about to call Zhao Min.

But just now when he yelled out a word, he realized that something was wrong.

The voice in the room...

Is it...

Han Ji's eyes widened suddenly.

She wondered if she had heard wrong just now.


Take a deep breath.

She moved closer again, listening intently to the corner.

Suddenly, she found that there was really that kind of thing in the room.

The "creaking" bed was rhythmic, accompanied by Zhao Min's "hmm".

Zhao Min, who used to be aloof.

In this respect, he is no different from her?

Han Ji couldn't help being a little surprised.

In the room, Lin Pingzhi was applauding.

Perceived that Han Ji's arrival has arrived.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes focused, and his attack power began to double.

Zhao Min immediately dropped his helmet and armor.

"No way..."

Her face was flushed, her lips were slightly parted, and her eyes were very blurred.

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

That's what he wants.

Then it's his turn to speak!

Of course, he is not Wu Qi.

But I don't say "I'm big, bear with me", such words as the queen's mother-in-law sell melons and boast.

"What should I do?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min seriously.

But Big Lin did not reduce his offensive.

On the contrary, it seems to be encouraged, and it is even more vigorous.

Zhao Min bit her lower lip.

She endured physical "discomfort."

Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes.

Did Lin Pingzhi really not know what to do?

Just stop, or slow down?

Even if he can't slow down, can't he be more sympathetic to her, just be gentle?

Zhao Min felt that Lin Pingzhi might have done it on purpose.

But at this time, she already has the attitude of letting Lin Pingzhi slaughter her.

She looked into Lin Pingzhi's eyes, trying to make Lin Pingzhi feel sorry for her.

However, when she saw Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

But a thought suddenly popped up in my heart: Otherwise, let Han Ji help attract the firepower?

This idea expanded infinitely in her mind.


She finally couldn't take it anymore.

Before the whole person, completely paralyzed.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi and shouted weakly:

"Let Han Ji come, I..."

When Lin Pingzhi heard Zhao Min's words, the corners of Lin Pingzhi's mouth rose slightly.

Wait, that's it!

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded quickly.

Immediately afterwards, he used sound transmission to enter the secret, allowing Han Ji from outside the room to come in.

"Squeak" sound.

The door was pushed open.

When Zhao Min saw Han Ji appearing at the door.

Only then did I realize that something was wrong.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi also received a notification from the system.

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