Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 816 Breakthrough, Lin Ping visits

"Lin Pingzhi, you bastard!"

The sound of cursing sounded.

Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

What the fuck?

Han Ji!

How did she come?

Lin Pingzhi panicked, what the hell.

If Zhao Min knew that he was having an affair with Han Ji, it would be over.

Han Ji is Zhao Min's little mother!

The door was slapped with a "snap".

Because the door was from the room, Lin Pingzhi had already put the bolt on it.

Han Ji is another ordinary woman.

Although Lin Pingzhi used the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic to strengthen his physique.

But without martial arts, it is still impossible to break through the door with the bolt inserted.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Zhao Min.

It was found that Zhao Min's brows were tightly furrowed, and his face became a little dignified.

"What? Why don't you open the door?"

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi with a dark face and said.

Han Ji outside the door seemed to hear Zhao Min's voice.

She was also in a hurry.

"Okay! Lin Pingzhi, you were caught by Minmin, and you still dare to hide a woman in the house! Didn't you say that you want to come to me? Where are you! Where are you!"

Han Ji kept roaring outside the door.

The sound of "popping" knocking on the door kept ringing.

Accompanied by Han Ji's mouth, he kept shouting:

"You have the ability to hide women, and you have the ability to open the door!"

Lin Pingzhi felt his head was a bit big.

He couldn't care less about embarrassment.

If you don't open the door quickly, maybe Han Ji will say something.

Walking to the door, Lin Pingzhi opened it.

Han Ji widened her beautiful eyes and glared at Lin Pingzhi.

"Step aside!"

She pushed Lin Pingzhi hard.

But it didn't push.

"Why, Lin Pingzhi, the women you hid are still hiding their heads and showing their tails at this time? Is it ugly that you dare not see people? I didn't expect that, Lin Pingzhi, your eyesight has become so bad that you don't even let ugly girls go. !"

There was sarcasm and banter in Han Ji's eyes.

In fact, she was sour.

Because Lin Pingzhi said he wanted to come to her, but he didn't come.

This is to deceive her?

Or play tricks on her?

So she came to Lin Pingzhi for an explanation.

"You better get out of the way."

Zhao Min's voice sounded behind Lin Pingzhi.

Hearing these words, Han Ji looked at Lin Pingzhi's embarrassed expression.

I always feel that this voice seems a little familiar.


Lin Pingzhi sighed.

He moves away.

Immediately, Zhao Min and Han Ji looked at each other.

Zhao Min had a look of playfulness on his face.

But Han Ji's face was full of fear.

She is King Ruyang's concubine and Zhao Min's mother.

But her words just now revealed that she seemed to have some shady relationship with Lin Pingzhi.

"Min, Min, Minmin..."

Han Ji shouted timidly.

In the Ruyang Palace, Zhao Min's status was even equal to that of Ruyang King.

And she is just Ruyang King's concubine.

How can it be compared with Zhao Min?

If Zhao Min told King Ruyang, King Ruyang knew that her body was not clean.

Being divorced by King Ruyang is still a trivial matter.

Seriously, she might die straight away.

After all, no man likes to wear a hat on his head.

Especially the color of this hat is still green!


Zhao Min nodded slightly.

She stood up and walked towards the door.

When he walked to Lin Pingzhi's side, he took a look at Lin Pingzhi.


After a sneer, he brushed past Han Ji and left.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help smiling wryly.

What the hell is going on.

Was caught by Zhao Min's adultery with her little mother?

Or was he caught by Zhao Min's little mother, his adultery with Zhao Min?

It seems to count...

After Zhao Min walked away, Han Ji lay limp at the door.

She was scared out of her wits.

In the future, she will definitely not be able to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Maybe even die.

"What should I do……"

Han Ji looked at Lin Pingzhi weakly.

Lin Pingzhi is also very annoyed now.

How does he know what to do?

Is it cold?

Han Ji is nothing but the behavior of the brain.

It is very likely that there will be a gap between him and Zhao Min.

This is so special!


"Go back and rest first, I'll think of a way."

He can't blame Han Ji either.

No man who blames his own woman is promising.

Lin Pingzhi is a promising gentleman, so naturally he can't do this.

"Is it really okay..."

Han Jihong's eyes were red, and there was mist in the eye sockets.

Lin Pingzhi was helpless.

He wasn't sure it would work either.

But Han Ji was about to cry.

If that doesn't work, it has to work!

And, can a man?

"Don't worry, it can be done, you go back first."

Lin Pingzhi helped Han Ji up and said softly.

Han Ji nodded, looking very decadent.

She walked tremblingly towards her residence.

When Han Ji walked away, Lin Pingzhi stood at the door, deep in thought.

Now there are two problems.

One problem is that Zhao Min's favorability is likely to decline because of Han Ji's appearance.

There must be a certain means to restore the goodwill.

The second question is about Han Ji.

Zhao Min must have seen through the matter between Han Ji and him.

Either let Han Ji go with him, he will settle Han Ji in Yihong Sword Academy, or arrange to go to Fuzhou Fuwei Escort Bureau.

Either Zhao Min can be persuaded, so that Zhao Min can not tell King Ruyang about this matter.

Comparing the two, it must be the easiest and most convenient to go to Yihong Sword Academy or Fuwei Escort.

Convincing Zhao Min... this may be a bit difficult.

Unless... Zhao Min realizes it.

She needs a helper.

Just like Senior Sister Yue Lingshan and Junior Sister Yilin.

In the face of Lin Pingzhi's attack, form an offensive and defensive alliance.

Only in this way, not only Zhao Min can win.

Han Ji can also have the best place to go.

And by the way, he can experience family happiness.

"Although it is more difficult, but it is difficult, isn't there a challenge?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

He already had a decision in his mind.

Next, it's time to act!

Lin Pingzhi left the room and closed the door.

Under the control of Dementor Dafa.

He learned about Zhao Min's residence from the patrolling Mongolian officers and soldiers.

Lin Pingzhi, who came to Zhao Min's residence, repeated his old tricks.

Directly control all the Mongolian officers and soldiers near Zhao Min with the method of soul-stirring.

"Dong dong dong."

Lin Pingzhi knocked on Zhao Min's door.


Zhao Min's voice sounded in the room.

It sounded a little angry.

Lin Pingzhi felt that maybe Zhao Min was angry with him.

But he didn't respond.

Just keep knocking on the door.

"Who! Speak!"

Zhao Min was a little annoyed.

Who the hell dares to be so bold, knock on her door, and dare not give her name.

It seems that her subordinates are a little swayed.

Need to be punished!

"Boom boom boom!"

The knock on the door sounded again.

Zhao Min was already furious.


She pulled out the machete hanging by the bed.

Holding the scimitar, he walked towards the door.

No matter who is at the door.

If she dared to tease her like this, she would kill that man now!


Zhao Min held the scimitar in one hand, and opened the door with the other.

If you raise your hand, you will chop with a knife.

But suddenly, her elbow went numb.

The wrist also lost strength.

The scimitar in his hand fell to the ground with a "bang".

Just when Zhao Min was suspicious and wanted to see who this person was.

Strong arms had already wrapped around her waist.

A familiar smell has entered her nostrils.

Yes, Lin Pingzhi's taste.

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