Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 818 Let Ouyang Feng recover?Master Crane Pen Weng

"Ding, host strategy Zhao Min, reward: soft hedgehog."

The voice of the system sounded in Lin Pingzhi's mind.

Lin Pingzhi was taken aback.

Soft hedgehog?

Huang Rong also has one!

Now this one is for Zhao Min?

But now Han Ji is here too.

It is not suitable for Zhao Min.

Who knows if Han Ji is not jealous on the surface, but in fact she will be.

If you are secretly jealous in your heart.

That's not easy.

"Han Ji, come in."

Lin Pingzhi waved to Han Ji.

Zhao Min tilted his head and looked at Han Ji, a little puzzled.

Why did Han Ji just appear?

But soon, she reacted.

Now she is naked.

in this case!

Doesn't Han Ji want to join this battle?

Zhao Min felt extremely shy.

In her eyes, she saw that Han Ji turned naked just like her.

"This time you are two sisters."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

Immediately, the hungry tiger pounced on food, and a big battle started.

Of course this is again a large number, no descriptive fragments are allowed.

The moonlight is desolate, and the moonlight is very dark.

It was as if he had no face to watch this battle.

The next morning.


Zhao Min let out a scream.

She looked at Han Ji and Lin Pingzhi lying beside her, her mind spinning rapidly.

That's when I remembered what happened.

"Lin Pingzhi!"

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi bitterly.

She pinched Lin Pingzhi fiercely with a life-threatening pinch that any woman can do.

However, how could Zhao Min be able to defeat Lin Pingzhi's defense?

But Lin Pingzhi woke up when Zhao Min exclaimed.

When being pinched by Zhao Min, he also "hissed" cooperatively, taking a deep breath.

"Lin Pingzhi, you bastard!"

Zhao Min's little powder fist crazily smashed towards Lin Pingzhi's chest.

Lin Pingzhi held Zhao Min's wrist.

"Minmin, what you said is too much. What do you call me an asshole? You asked her to come here."

He said confidently.

Zhao Min recalled the madness of last night, Xiafei's cheeks suddenly jumped.

She remembered that she wanted Han Ji to come.

But as soon as the words came out, Han Ji appeared at the door. What does this mean?

Isn't it Lin Pingzhi's early arrangement?

Zhao Min gave Lin Ping a hard look.

"I see, don't you just want Han Ji to live?"

She pouted.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak, just looked at Zhao Min.

"Understood, she will be fine. I will tell my father. She will live in Ruyang Palace as my younger sister in the future. Don't worry."

Zhao Min said coldly.

Lin Pingzhi's face softened a little.

On the bed, Han Ji, who lay facing the wall, slowly opened her eyes.

There was mist in her eyes.

"In exchange, I need you to accompany me to a place."

Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi beside him and said.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

"Huh? Where are you going?"

He looked at Zhao Min, a little puzzled.

The corner of Zhao Min's mouth showed a smug look.

"You will know when you go, don't ask now."

Under Zhao Min's urging.

Lin Pingzhi and Han Ji also got up from the bed and got dressed.

"Sister Han Ji, I will let someone escort you back to Ruyang Palace."

Zhao Min looked at Han Ji and said.

Han Ji looked a little hesitant, and she looked at Lin Pingzhi.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi didn't say anything.

She could only nod:

"Okay, sister Minmin."

It turned out that she was Zhao Min's little mother.

Now, she has become Zhao Min's little sister.

It's really a trick of good fortune.

this afternoon.

Wan'an Temple, which originally gathered nearly [-] officers and soldiers, was empty in an instant.

"Princess, why don't you kill Lin Pingzhi?"

Jiumozhi looked at Lin Pingzhi beside Zhao Min with hatred.

He really wanted to cut Lin Pingzhi alive.

But Zhao Min didn't speak, and he had nothing to do.


Lin Pingzhi sneered and said nothing more.

With the current relationship between him and Zhao Min.

Wanting to kill Jiumozhi and the others should not be too simple.

But the reason why he didn't do this was because Zhao Min's subordinates still needed people.

What's more, killing Jiumozhi, isn't that simple?

Zhao Min looked very indifferent.

"To shut up."

she whispered softly.

Jiumozhi was shocked all over, he quickly lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Beside Jiumozhi, He Biweng kept staring at Lin Pingzhi.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes full of hatred.

Lin Pingzhi killed Lu Zhangke, and he wanted to avenge Lu Zhangke.

But he understood that he was not Lin Pingzhi's opponent at all.

He could only bury his hatred deep in his heart.

Wait for a suitable opportunity to give Lin Pingzhi a fatal blow.

"You all go back."

Zhao Min waved his hand, looked at Jiumozhi and the others and said.

Jiumozhi suddenly panicked.

"Princess, absolutely not! How can you go alone with Lin Pingzhi!"

He hurriedly asked Zhao Min.

In his eyes, Lin Pingzhi was extremely vicious and might attack Zhao Min.

In particular, Zhao Min didn't bring them with him.

Doesn't that mean that Lin Pingzhi has taken the initiative?

A look of disdain appeared on Zhao Min's face.

"National teacher, you said that you seem to have beaten Lin Pingzhi."

Jiumozhi was no match for Lin Pingzhi.

Zhao Min still knew this.

In other words, none of Zhao Min's subordinates was Lin Pingzhi's opponent.

When Jiumozhi heard the words, his face turned dark immediately.

Although this was the truth, Zhao Min lost all face when he said it directly.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhao Min ignored Jiumozhi's gaze, looked at Lin Pingzhi beside him and said.

Lin Pingzhi in order to be in front of Zhao Min's men.

To save face for Zhao Min, he didn't hug Zhao Min directly.

He nodded slightly.

"it is good!"

In response, he followed Zhao Min and left Wan'an Temple.

Only Zhao Min's subordinates remained in Wan'an Temple.

Led by Jiumozhi, Hong Antong and Ding Chunqiu looked at each other.

Crane Biweng's expression was extremely ugly.

He clenched his fists tightly, and his whole body trembled due to the excessive force.

Jiumozhi glanced at Yang Guo who was on the stretcher behind him, turned his head again, and said in a deep voice:

"Damn it! Lin Pingzhi probably used some ecstasy to make the Princess unwilling to kill him!"

When Hong Antong heard the words, he felt the same in his heart.

He has already taken refuge in Lin Pingzhi, so he naturally knows how powerful Lin Pingzhi is.

Ding Chunqiu's expression was very bitter.

"It seems that we alone cannot kill Lin Pingzhi."

He sighed.

Although Jiumozhi didn't want to admit it in his heart, he had to admit that Lin Pingzhi was really too powerful.

"If Xidu Ouyang Feng can recover, that would be fine..."

If you say that in Mongolia, the one with the highest martial arts is naturally Yang Guo's father, Ouyang Feng.

But Ouyang Feng's muscles and veins were broken, it would be too difficult to recover!

Just when Jiumozhi finished speaking.

Crane Biweng trembled all over.

"Maybe, I have a way!"

Jiumozhi and the others quickly looked towards He Biweng.

"You have a way? What way?"

He Biweng's words undoubtedly made them feel the possibility of killing Lin Pingzhi.

"Have you ever heard of one?"

Crane Biweng's eyes flickered.

"My master, a Taoist who suffers a lot of damage!"

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