Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 716 Acquaintance?Dark child?

It was another night of ramming.

"Ning Xia, why do you look a little bad? Could it be that you didn't have a good rest last night?"

Xiang Wentian asked with concern.

This trip to Meizhuang involves the rescue of Ren Woxing.

Ning Zhong is one of them.

He didn't want any accidents to happen to Ning Zhongze's state.

As a result, their rescue failed today.

Lin Pingzhi also said it yesterday.

Sang Sanniang and Bao Dachu are going to escort Ren Woxing to Heimuya this time.

If their rescue fails.

There will be no chance to come back next time.

That's why Xiang Wentian was so concerned about Ning Zhongze's situation.

Ning Zhong was a little panicked.

After all, the relationship between her and Lin Pingzhi, on the surface, is still the identity of the teacher's wife and the disciple.

Some things are inconvenient to say.

"My teacher's wife has a problem. She recognizes the bed. Except for Huashan's bed, she is not used to sleeping in other beds."

Lin Pingzhi helped Ningzhong find an excuse.

Ning Zhong nodded quickly.

"Yes, I accept the bed."

she said quickly.

"Don't worry, I won't have any problems here today."

Ning Zhong promised.

After all, she was strengthened many times by Lin Pingzhi.

Compared with Xiang Wentian, his martial arts strength is not weak at all.

Although she hadn't slept all night, her mental state was not as good as Lin Pingzhi's.

But it will not affect the combat effectiveness.

Ren Yingying glanced at Ning Zhongze.

He glanced at Lin Pingzhi again.

She always feels weird.

But she couldn't tell exactly where the blame was.

Xiang Wentian nodded.

It doesn't affect the fight.

"Then let's go. Based on my understanding of Bao Dachu and Sang Sanniang, they won't get up so early. If they can rescue the leader before they arrive at Meizhuang, then with the skill of the leader, they will definitely be able to take them down." , ask what's going on!"

Said to Wentian.


Meizhuang, in the book of Swordsman.

It is the beginning of the climax and the end of the story.

In the original book, Linghu Chong was here to heal his internal injuries, and his strength skyrocketed.

Later, Linghu Chong married Ren Yingying, and Feng Jian retired from the world, and he also chose Meizhuang.

Lin Pingzhi in the original book was imprisoned at the bottom of West Lake, where Ren Woxing was imprisoned in the past.

Looking at this huge manor, Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Fortunately, Linghu Chong died.

Otherwise, I am really worried that I will be locked up here.

As for Mei Zhuang, there are five masters in total.

The first is the butler of Meizhuang.

Ding Jian, the one-word electric sword, had a great reputation in Jianghu at first, and later retired to Meizhuang and became the housekeeper of Meizhuang.

Then came the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the four owners of Mei Zhuang.

Huang Zhonggong, the owner of the great villa, loves playing the piano and is good at swordsmanship. His unique skill is the seven-string invisible sword.

The second owner, Hei Hei Zi, is fond of Go. He is scheming, and his unique skills are Xuan Tian Zhi and hidden weapons of chess pieces.

The owner of San Zhuang is a bald penman. He is fond of calligraphy and loves to make judges' pens.

The fourth village owner, Dan Qingsheng, is fond of painting, drinking and swordsmanship, and his unique skill is the splashing ink and hemp swordsmanship.

"During the period when Yingying went to Huashan, I found Zhang Xu's "Straightforward Post" and Fan Kuan's "Xishan Travel Map" to see if they would give this face."

Xiang Wentian pointed to his bag and said.

"Uncle Xiang, I heard that Huang Zhonggong is fond of qin. I have a copy of Ji Kang's "Guangling San". In addition to this piano score, Huang Zhonggong must not be able to refuse."

Ren Yingying handed a piano score to Xiang Wentian.

Lin Pingzhi stared at Ren Yingying closely.

God damn "Guangling San", this is obviously the "Swordsman" that I gave her.

But also, "Guangling San" is absolutely famous.

The same is true for future generations, who only hear their names and do not listen to their voices.

With Huang Zhonggong's insight.

It is also normal to recognize "Swordsman" as "Guangling San".

It's just that this Xiaoao Jianghu was given to Ren Yingying by herself!

Ren Yingying didn't say a word to herself.

Ren Yingying seemed to know Lin Pingzhi's conjecture.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi nervously.

"Look what I'm doing..." Ren Yingying said with a guilty conscience.

Ren Yingying, who was stared at by Lin Pingzhi like this, was also a little embarrassed.

After all, it was the piano score that Lin Pingzhi gave her.

Although it was given to the "wife", not to her personally.

But she was also a little guilty.


Lin Pingzhi chuckled lightly.

Xiang Wentian didn't think much about it.

I just feel that this is the love between Lin Pingzhi and Ren Yingying, the young couple.

"Okay, it's right to finish it first. In the future, the Japanese Defense Minister, there are many opportunities for you to flirt."

Xiang Wentian said with a smile.

Ning Zhong also chimed in.

"The elder is right, it's important to do business first."

Although she is very confident in Lin Pingzhi's martial arts.

But after all, the Jiangnan Four Friends are existences that can make the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, Xiang Wentian, deflated.

This made Ning Zhongze feel a little worried.

"Okay, but I want to ask, what is the arrangement for the elder?"

Lin Pingzhi thought he was going straight in.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Wentian made such a move.

Could it be that he wanted himself to play the role of Linghu Chong in the original novel and have a sword fight?

Did Xiang Wentian have nothing else in his mind except this idea?

And look at Wentian.

He is also quite proud of himself.

As if, this is the ultimate strategy.

"Of course there are arrangements!" Xiang Wentian smiled triumphantly, "After this period of time, An Zi, who has been in ambush, finally got the permission of those guys this time. To be the priest."

Lin Pingzhi didn't understand.

If so, why do we need so many people?

"Elder Xiang, you have prepared the gift, so why do you need us?"

Isn't this playing them late?

Everything is ready, let him come?

Xiang Wentian shook his head.

"Do you think I don't want to? Those old guys from before made another request. Although the gift is good, but after all, Dongfang Bubai dare not disobey the order, so they proposed to have a competition. It happened that the four of us played one game!"

Although Lin Pingzhi was a little sympathetic, Xiang Wentian's IQ seemed to be really not online.

Really this is the way.

But four people, one game per person?

Lin Pingzhi didn't understand again.

"If I'm the only one here, wouldn't there be one missing?"

Ren Yingying didn't know, but Ningzhong would follow.

If so, then they are one less.

Unable to take a written test with the four owners of Meizhuang.

Who is their fourth person?

"The fourth is the Anzi I mentioned earlier."

Xiang Wentian said with a smile.

Dark child?

Lin Pingzhi was dumbfounded.

What kind of dark boy is this, so awesome?

"This Anzi is an acquaintance of yours."

Ren Yingying added mysteriously.

Dark child?acquaintance?

Lin Pingzhi was a little puzzled.

Can become the dark child of the four friends of Meizhuang.

That is naturally not something that ordinary people can do.

It's just that Ren Yingying said she was an acquaintance of hers?

Who is it?

Li Jiayi?

No, he is the dark son of Hanjiang City.

Qu Wuyi has never met Ren Yingying.

It was impossible for Li Jiayi to appear here.

Then, what Ren Yingying said, An Zi, was still her acquaintance.

who can that be?

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