Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 717 The five of you are all spicy chicken

"I'm a little curious about what you said."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Ren Yingying and said:

"Don't be a fool, tell me directly?"

It's really uncomfortable to be whetted.

Lin Pingzhi felt aggrieved.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi like this, Ren Yingying felt a little proud.

snort!Make you so many women!

Let you not look for me for so long!

piss you off!

"Why are you in a hurry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, you'll know later."

Ren Yingying said proudly.

Lin Pingzhi was helpless.

Also had to give up.

Xiang Wentian came to the gate of Meizhuang.

"Bang bang bang" knocked on the door.

a long time.

Only then did someone come to open the door.

The person who came was a middle-aged man with a thick callus on his tiger's mouth and lightning in his eyes.

Needless to say, Lin Pingzhi also knew that this person was the housekeeper of Meizhuang.

One word electric sword Ding Jian.

"The owner has ordered that you don't need to report when you come again, just follow me."

Ding Jian nodded slightly as a salute.

Under the leadership of Ding Jian.

Lin Pingzhi and others walked through the rockery and the garden.

Finally came to an attic.

"Four masters, Xiang Wentian is here."

Ding Jian bowed to the middle-aged man in the attic and said.

The fourth owner, Dan Qingsheng... Lin Pingzhi said in his heart.

It does look a little suave.

Although it's far behind me.

Dan Qingsheng looked at Xiang Wentian contemptuously.

By the way, I just glanced at Lin Pingzhi and Ning Zhongze.

"Xiang Wentian, are they the rescuers you invited?"

A youth, a woman.

How powerful can it be?

They are the four friends of Meizhuang, one is stronger than the other.

In one-on-one competition, it is not so easy to win four games.

Xiang Wentian just smiled and didn't speak.

If it wasn't for saving Ren Wuxing.

With Xiang Wentian's personality, he would have already gone up to work hard in normal times.

Seeing that Xiang Wentian didn't speak, Dan Qingsheng felt a little bored.

He glanced at Lin Pingzhi and the others.

"Which one of you will go first? You can go to see my third brother only after you defeat my splashed ink and hemp swordsmanship."

The Confucian robe on Dan Qingsheng's body, because it stimulates internal energy, will automatically move without wind.

His hand rested on the hilt of the sword on the table.

There was a "clang".

The three-foot Qingfeng is in your hand.

"I'll come first."

Ren Yingying volunteered.

Among the four, she is the weakest.

If you want to win all four games, naturally you can't use the form of Tian Ji's horse racing.

According to her plan with Xiang Wentian.

The first battle was between Ren Yingying and Dan Qingsheng.

The second battle is Ning Zhongze, against Bald Pen Weng.

The third battle is Xiang Wentian, against Black and White.

The fourth battle is also the most difficult one. Lin Pingzhi will face Huang Zhonggong.

They didn't know that Ning Zhongze's martial arts had improved a lot.

Compared with Xiang Wentian, it is not bad at all.

Otherwise, Ningzhong may be assigned to the third battle.

"and many more."

Lin Pingzhi stood up.

"This battle, I will come."

Dan Qingsheng didn't know Lin Ping's identity, so he was naturally fearless.

On the other hand, Xiang Wentian and Ren Yingying were a little flustered.

"Lin Pingzhi, what are you doing!"

Ren Yingying was a little annoyed.

As the most powerful Lin Pingzhi in martial arts, it is the best choice to keep him to deal with Huang Zhonggong.

Although her martial arts is the weakest among the four.

But her Uncle Xiang taught herself the moves of Danqing Shengsplashing ink and hemp swordsmanship.

It is most suitable for her to take the shot.

"You murdered me?"

Lin Pingzhi stared at Ren Yingying closely, and asked seriously.

Ren Yingying suddenly panicked.

Because she was too worried about her father letting me go, Ren Yingying's tone just now was really aggressive.

She knew that Lin Pingzhi liked her and would tolerate her.

But she wasn't the kind of woman who, just because of Lin Pingzhi's liking, would go out and do anything wrong.

Asked by Lin Pingzhi.

Ren Yingying felt a little guilty.

"Pingzhi, I didn't mean that..."

Ren Yingying said in a panic.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi resentfully.

I was afraid that Lin Pingzhi would be angry.

In this, of course, there is a reason why Lin Pingzhi left in anger, which made it impossible to rescue his father.

But more, she was worried about the reduction of Lin Pingzhi's affection for her.

This is what Ren Yingying does not want to see.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Ren Yingying meticulously.

"It's Lin Lang."

His tone was beyond doubt.

Ren Yingying was a little nervous.

Also a little shy.

She and Lin Pingzhi spent most of their time together fighting each other.

Ren Yingying couldn't utter such an intimate title.

But listening to Lin Pingzhi's unquestionable tone.

Ren Yingying dared not stop calling.

Enduring the shyness in her heart, she lowered her head and shouted softly:

"Lin Lang..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

"That's good."

He pinched Ren Yingying's face.

Dan Qingsheng next to him had an ugly expression on his face.

I asked you to challenge me, why are you showing your affection in front of me?

Sprinkle me dog food?

Before I, Dan Qingsheng, lived in seclusion, I was also a good player in the brothel.

How many women are fascinated by me?

Although, those women are not as good as the saintess of the Sun Moon God Sect.

"Have you had enough? Don't waste time!" Dan Qingsheng scolded, "If it wasn't for Yan'er, do you think you would be given this chance to challenge? Do you still want to meet Master Ren?"

He couldn't wait any longer, and wanted to hold Zhang Xu's "Straightforward Tie" in his hand to observe.

He does not mean that.

Lin Pingzhi heard the name "Yan'er" from Dan Qingsheng's words.


Lin Pingzhi was a little puzzled.

Could it be Qu Feiyan?

It was an acquaintance he knew, and he also knew Xiang Wentian and Ren Yingying.

Apart from Qu Feiyan, he couldn't think of anyone else.

Qu Feiyan had been following Ren Yingying before.

Ren Yingying went to Huashan to look for him, but she didn't bring Qu Feiyan with her.

So Lin Pingzhi speculated.

The smoke in Dan Qingsheng's mouth should be Qu Feiyan.

"Lin Lang... let me do it."

Seeing Lin Pingzhi in a daze, Ren Yingying didn't know what he was thinking.

Consider the purpose of this time.

She stood up anyway.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head slightly.

"No, you don't need to take action." He said with a chuckle, "My woman, let me guard you. How can I just sit idly by and ignore you when you put yourself in danger?"

Dan Qingsheng smiled contemptuously.

What an infatuated man.

Willing to fight for Ren Yingying.

"No need to flirt, it's the same for any of you who appear on the stage." Dan Qingsheng said very comfortably, "You should trust the sword in my hand, it will only stay in front of your vitals, but will not penetrate, so don't There will be danger, stop it."

As he spoke, he pulled a sword flower.

From the looks of it, it looks a bit chic.

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly.

Good guy.

Such a confident person is rare!

"Fourth owner, I have a question." Lin Pingzhi asked.


Dan Qingsheng said bluntly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Drag, keep dragging.

See what excuses you can use to procrastinate.

"Excuse me, can one person only fight once? For example, if I beat you, can I continue to fight?"

Lin Pingzhi asked with a smile.

These words made Dan Qingsheng a little annoyed.

"What do you mean? You only use your tongue? Beat me? You think I'm too spicy!"

Dan Qingsheng pointed at Lin Pingzhi with his sword, and angrily reprimanded him.

Lin Pingzhi waved his hands again and again.

"Sorry, that's not what I meant."

As he said that, he smiled even more:

"I mean, all five of you are hot chickens."

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