Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 715 The new leader of the Sun Moon God Sect

People from the Sun Moon God Religion?

Xiang Wentian stared wide-eyed.

He gripped the sword he had set aside.

In Xiang Wentian's eyes.

Now the Sun Moon God Sect is under the control of Dongfang Bubai.

Therefore, the people of the Sun Moon God Sect are the enemy!

On this point, Xiang Wentian is certain.

But Lin Pingzhi heard that there were people from the Sun Moon God Sect.

He didn't know.

He has some doubts about this.

Is this just a joke?

Although he knew that Lin Pingzhi was stronger than him.

But he didn't think that Lin Pingzhi's martial arts could surpass him by much.

Lin Pingzhi could hear it, but he couldn't.

He has some doubts about this.

He stared at Lin Pingzhi closely, wanting to see what Lin Pingzhi would say.

Lin Pingzhi felt a little strange listening to the conversation between the man and the woman.

"According to what they said, their purpose this time, like ours, is to go to Meizhuang."

Xiang Wentian disagreed with Lin Pingzhi's words.

Isn't it because you were not allowed to fight five by yourself?

As for lying like this now?

"Who are those two?"

Xiang Wentian looked very serious.

In fact, they were preparing to expose Lin Pingzhi's lies.

After all, he basically knew everyone in the Sun Moon God Sect.

Lin Pingzhi didn't think much about it.

He didn't know what Xiang Wentian was thinking.

"It should be called San Niang and Da Chu."

Lin Pingzhi said thoughtfully.

He remembered the original book, it seemed like this.

When I first heard it, the man seemed to call the woman Sanniang, and the man with the feet was Da Chu.

So Lin Pingzhi felt that it should be them.

Xiang Wentian's expression changed.

"Sang Sanniang and Bao Dachu?"

he asked hastily.

Lin Pingzhi nodded unhurriedly.

"It should be them," he said.

Only this time did Xiang Wentian believe that Lin Pingzhi really discovered the Sun Moon God Sect.

"What did they say?"

Xiang Wentian hurriedly asked.

Now that I know it's really them.

He was also curious about what the two of them said.

"Specifically, tomorrow they are going to propose Ren Woxing and bring him back to Heimuya, saying that the Protestant religion mainly executed him."

Speaking of it.

Lin Pingzhi froze suddenly.

New leader?

Has Dongfang Qingling announced her identity?

its not right!

She should be practicing the last volume of the Sunflower Canon right now.

But if the new leader isn't her, who could it be?

Lin Pingzhi's words came out.

On the other hand, Xiang Wentian showed an expression that was indeed the case.

"I got some news through some loyal brothers who are the leader of the church, saying that the church is not peaceful recently, and it seems that something big has happened."

Xiang Wentian said with a gloomy face.



Ren Yingying's face was ugly.

She is the saint of the Sun Moon God Sect.

To control the idle people outside the school.

She really doesn't know about the internal affairs of the Sun Moon God Sect.

"Uncle Xiang, when did it happen?"

Ren Yingying asked quickly.

"When you went to Huashan."

Answered to ask the sky.

"It seems that there should be some movement in the church recently. Is it possible that Dongfang Bubai is going to punish some moth?"

He was very puzzled.

The Sun Moon God Sect has not made any big moves for a long time.

Such a big thing happened this time.

And what is the specific thing.

They don't know yet.

However, Sang Sanniang and Bao Dachu wanted to take Ren Woxing back to Heimuya for execution, which absolutely cannot be allowed to happen.

Rescuing Ren Woxing in Meizhuang is easier than rescuing Ren Woxing in Heimuya.

There are tens of thousands of congregants in Heimuya.

If you want to kill in, I don't know how long it will take to kill.

Lin Pingzhi ignored Xiang Wentian's expression.

he was thinking.

What happened to Blackwood Cliff.

Dongfang Qingling, will something happen?

The new leader takes over.

If the new leader is Dongfang Qingling.

Presumably by his own face.

Let him let me go, she should be willing.

After all, there is no direct hatred between Ren Woxing and her.

But if it's the new leader, it's not up to me.

Who would that be?

This is a big problem……

Who is it that can defeat Dongfang Qingling and become the new leader of the Sun Moon God Sect?

This is a question worth pondering.

No, I have to ask.

Lin Pingzhi stood up and was about to go outside to arrest Sang Sanniang and Bao Dachu for questioning.

"Where are you going, Ping'er?"

Ning Zhong hurriedly called Lin Pingzhi to stop.

"I'm going to arrest those two people and ask them."

Lin Pingzhi replied directly.


Xiang Wentian also stopped him.

"Sang Sanniang and Bao Dachu are both the top ten elders of the Sun Moon God Sect. Although their martial arts are not particularly powerful, if they are allowed to escape, they may be in danger as the leader of the sect."

He was afraid that even one of them, Sang Sanniang or Bao Dachu, would escape.

They will all rush to Meizhuang and let the four friends in the south of the Yangtze River kill Ren Woxing directly.

If that's the case, it's not worth the candle.

Lin Pingzhi frowned slightly.

He is confident, if he makes the shot.

It is no problem to take those two people down directly.

After all, he was really curious about who the new leader was.

I also want to know, Dongfang Qingling, if anything happened!

"No, I can't wait, I'm going to get them now."

Lin Pingzhi was ready to go out after speaking.

"Ping'er, don't be impulsive."

Ning Zhong quickly dissuaded him.

"According to what you said, they must also go to Meizhuang. We will meet them in Meizhuang tomorrow. If any one of them is allowed to escape, it may be true to what the elders said. The leader Ren is in danger of being killed. "

She felt that something was wrong with Lin Pingzhi.

It seems that some are impulsive and some are irritable.

Of course Ren Yingying hoped that her father would be safe and sound.

So she agrees with Xiang Wentian's point of view.

Although she was curious why Lin Pingzhi was so interested in the Sun Moon God Sect.

But for her father's safety, she also shouted out to persuade:

"Listen to uncle, I'm really afraid that something will happen to my father."

As she spoke, tears flickered in the corners of Ren Yingying's eyes.

Lin Pingzhi stood stiffly on the spot.

Although very worried about Dongfang Qingling.

Ning Zhongze and Ren Yingying are also his women.

He couldn't ignore their thoughts just because of Dongfang Qingling.

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded in a deep voice.

into the night.

Lin Pingzhi was a little anxious lying on the bed.

He really wanted to know what happened to Dongfang Qingling.


There was a knock on the door.

Lin Pingzhi looked towards the door of the room.

It's Shi Niang Ning Zhongze.

"Ping'er, there seems to be something wrong with you today, why are you so concerned about the Sun Moon God Sect?"

Ning Zhong asked with concern.

Lin Pingzhi stood up.

He walked to Ning Zhongze's side and hugged Ning Zhongze in his arms.

"Master, I can't tell you the specific reason, but the movement of the Sun Moon God Sect, I think it's a bit abnormal."

Lin Pingzhi said solemnly.

"I don't know who this new leader is."

Ning Zhong was also curious.

It stands to reason that with Dongfang's invincible martial arts, nothing should happen.

So, what happened in the Sun Moon God Sect?

"Don't think about it, Ping'er. Tomorrow in Meizhuang, I will ask...Ping'er, be more gentle with your hands."

Ning Zhong gave Lin Pingzhi a blank look.

She really just came here to comfort Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's mouth flashed a triumphant smile.

He pushed gently.

Ning Zhong lay on the bed.

"Master, I'm here."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and rushed over.

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