Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 714 Heavenly King Lao Tzu Xiang Wentian

Lin Pingzhi rushed to Jiangnan with Ning Zhongze and Ren Yingying and his party.

Along the way, Ren Yingying was very hostile to Ning Zhongze.

Without it, it is only because Ningzhong is a member of the Huashan School.

Of course, this is not the same as Lin Pingzhi's identity.

Lin Pingzhi is someone Ren Yingying likes.

But Ning Zhongze participated in the battle with the Sun Moon God Sect more than ten years ago.

Many disciples of the Sun Moon God Sect died under Ning Zhongze's sword.

Although she could see that the relationship between Lin Pingzhi and Ning Zhongze was not as simple as that between disciple and teacher.

But she didn't ask too much.

Ren Yingying didn't want to get involved in matters related to Ning Zhongze.

"Here we are, this is the inn I agreed with Uncle Xiang."

Ren Yingying stood at the door of an inn and said.

Xiang Wentian has been thinking about how to rescue Ren Woxing.

So he did not leave Jiangnan.

And Ren Yingying went to Huashan to move the rescuers.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom."

Ren Yingying followed the signal and knocked on the door.


Xiang Wentian opened the door.

When he saw Ning Zhongze, his expression suddenly changed.

"Ning Zhongze! Why are you here!"

He asked in shock, and then looked at Ren Yingying.

"Yingying, aren't you going to Mount Hua to find Mr. Mingyue? Why did Ningzhong come with you?"

Xiang Wentian had participated in the war more than ten years ago.

He also killed many Huashan faction people.

Lin Pingzhi felt that it was very unpleasant.

What is this called?

What do you mean Ning Zhongze followed?

Is my mistress following me?

"Is there any problem with my mistress following me?"

Lin Pingzhi said angrily.

It was only then that Xiang Wentian noticed Lin Pingzhi.

"Hahaha, it really is you!"

he laughed.

That day Xue Ju led people from the Sun Moon God Sect, as well as decent people from various famous sects, to surround and kill him.

It was Lin Pingzhi's shot that allowed him to escape smoothly.

At that time he was still wondering who it was.

Later, I met Ren Yingying and discussed it together.

The guess is Lin Pingzhi.

Even Xiang Wentian didn't expect that the Huashan School would have such a master as Lin Pingzhi!

"It's me, it's me, your little hero, little Nezha."

Lin Pingzhi nodded, and continued to speak.

Xiang Wentian didn't know how to respond to Lin Pingzhi's answer.

Ning Zhong knew that Lin Pingzhi was speaking for her.

Although he was secretly happy in his heart, he also felt that Lin Pingzhi's actions were indeed a bit abrupt.

After all, Xiang Wentian and her are "old acquaintances".

"Heavenly king, Lao Tzu Xiang Wentian, his martial arts are amazing. More than ten years ago, he had no chance to fight. Seeing you again today is also considered fate."

Ning Zhong clasped his fists at Xiang Wentian in a graceful manner.

Now she is on Lin Pingzhi's side.

Otherwise, a monster like Xiang Wentian.

She had already drawn her sword to face each other.

Xiang Wentian didn't expect that Ning Zhongze was not as jealous as the rumors said, and he felt relieved.

He was afraid that Ning Zhong would attack him.

As a result, people from the Five Sacred Sword Sect poured in one after another.

So much so that the plan to save the teaching director Woxing fell through.

"Nv Ning is very polite."

Xiang Wentian also clasped his fists in a friendly salute.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi's face softened a little.

"That's almost it!"

he grumbled.

Ren Yingying rolled her eyes at Lin Ping.

There is some jealousy in my heart.

snort!I know your mistress!

"Uncle Xiang, let's go in first."

Ren Yingying said.

A group of people stood at the door, really not looking good.

If other people noticed and recognized Xiang Wentian, there might be troubles.

"it is good!"

Xiang Wentian nodded.

After everyone came in, he closed the door.

"I've been to Meizhuang several times. The four friends from the south of the Yangtze River are really hard to deal with. In addition to their servant, Dianjian Ding Jian, even if I join forces with Yingying, there is no way out."

Xiang Wentian's expression turned ugly.

His name is Heavenly King Laozi.

Martial arts are really good.

But in the face of the Jiangnan four friends who have a high degree of tacit understanding, he really has nothing to do.

"Uncle Xiang, this time the four of us work together, and it's absolutely no problem to rescue Daddy!"

Ren Yingying clenched her fists and clenched her teeth.

I found out where my father was imprisoned.

She couldn't save her.

For Ren Yingying, who is a daughter, it was a torment.

"Don't be so troublesome, tell me how to get to Meizhuang, and I'll go in."

Lin Pingzhi said confidently.

The faces of the three changed.

"Brother Lin, you can't be so impulsive. The four Jiangnan friends have been famous for a long time, and with the one-word electric sword Ding Jian, it's not that easy to deal with!"

Xiang Wentian reminded.

His knowledge of Lin Pingzhi's person was still at the time when he saw Lin Pingzhi make a move.

Although he had to admit that Lin Pingzhi was a master.

And stronger than him.

But the four Jiangnan friends are mainly difficult to deal with.

The four methods of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are hard to guard against.

The injury he suffered from Xue Ju's sneak attack before was not completely healed, so that he was defeated.

Ren Yingying also pouted, a little unhappy.

"Lin Pingzhi, can you not be brave, how can you be their opponent!"

She is a little unhappy.

What are you trying to do?

What if something happened to her?


"Ping'er, it's better to be on the safe side."

Ning Zhong also reminded.

Although she has a deeper understanding of Lin Pingzhi's strength than Xiang Wentian and Ren Yingying.

But Ningzhong is not impulsive.

She is steady.

And I was also worried that something unexpected would happen to Lin Pingzhi.


Lin Pingzhi shrugged.

Is he pretending?

Yes, he was just pretending.

With his strength, he won the four friends of Jiangnan, which is an easy task.

After all, Dugu Nine Swords is the nemesis of the Four Friends of Jiangnan.

"When to set off?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Ren Yingying.

Ren Yingying looked at Xiang Wentian.

"You guys just arrived today, and you're exhausted by boats and cars. Take a good rest. We'll set off tomorrow morning."

Said to Wentian.

After all, it took a lot of time to rush from Shaanxi to Jiangnan.

If you want to rescue me, let me do it.

Moreover, he has to deal with the four friends from the south of the Yangtze River who are waiting for work, and Ding Jian, the one-word electric sword.

You can't just go forward like this.

Ren Yingying nodded.

She agrees with Xiang Wentian's words.

Although he can't wait to see his father.

But she also knows.

If you are not ready, it may be useless to go to Meizhuang rashly.

Ning Zhong looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Ping'er, recharge your batteries tonight, and tomorrow we will fight together to rescue his father for Miss Yingying."

Ning Zhong said so.

What else could Lin Pingzhi do?

The big deal is that tomorrow I will be [-]v[-].

After winning them.

Ren Yingying will know how powerful she is now!

As for Xiang Wentian.

Lin Pingzhi didn't like him too much.

People like Linghu Chong can have a deep friendship with Xiang Wentian.

But not myself.

I am fond of good names.

Of course, beauty doesn't matter.

Just when Lin Pingzhi was about to agree.

His ears moved and he heard a sound that interested him.

"and many more!"

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

He put his index finger in front of his lips.

Signal to silence them.

Ning Zhong and the others looked at Lin Pingzhi with some doubts.

"There are people from the Sun Moon God Sect outside."

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