Faced with the other party's unconditional trust, Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, knowing that Xiaoyaolang was such a person.

He asked the other party again: "What is Mr. Xiaoyao doing here?"


Xiaoyao Lang pointed at himself, then smiled heartily, turned around to take a sip of wine, and said: "The sky is big and the earth is big, and you can walk around freely.

I, Xiaoyaolang, have no fixed place to live, so I walk around, otherwise how can I be called Xiaoyaolang male? "


Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

The two sides seemed to hit it off as old friends. They had just met each other, but they were able to chat so freely and naturally, without being unfamiliar at all.

at this point.

On the contrary, it is more in tune with the cold-blooded pursuit of life.

"Master Mingyue, you better be careful."

At this time, Xiaoyao Lang reminded again: "Recently, there is some unrest in the world, and it seems that all the contradictions are directed at you.

But I, Xiaoyaolang, don't think you are the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. "

"Thank you Brother Xiaoyao for your trust."

Lin Pingzhi clasped his fists and nodded with a smile.

Being so caring at the first meeting makes people feel that the world is not all indifference and swords and swords.

As long as you meet the right person, you can still feel the warmth.

Just when Xiaoyaolang's voice just fell.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura came from a distance, cutting off the tops of the surrounding trees.

At the same time, he galloped towards Lin Pingzhi.

Obviously, they came to trouble Lin Pingzhi.

He just said to be careful, but someone attacked him immediately, and Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes.

He immediately jumped out of the way, and the others were unharmed.

It can be seen that the person's purpose is only Lin Pingzhi, and he has no malice towards the rest of the people.

The sudden change made everyone vigilant, and they all looked in the direction of the breath.

I saw an old man with some black hair standing on the top of the tree, with a rather indifferent expression.

With his hands behind his back, the man stared straight at Lin Pingzhi, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"You are Master Mingyue?"

The old man opened his mouth slowly, his tone full of indifference.

When everyone saw him standing on a leaf, he was still so secure.

And that leaf wasn't weighed down.

It can be seen how profound his lightness kung fu and internal kung fu are, definitely not ordinary people.

They were all worried about Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know the old man in front of him, but he also knew that he was very powerful.

He was very polite, clasped his fists and said: "Young Fuwei Escort Lin Pingzhi.

Dare to ask senior Minghui? "

"Why, you killed my disciple, and you don't even know the old man's name?"

The man sneered.

It does seem to be aimed at revenge.

Lin Pingzhi knew it.

It must be that those sects who were murdered made a mistake again and blamed themselves for all the crimes.

That man behind the scenes is really hateful.

Lin Pingzhi vowed to find it out and tear it apart.

He smiled slightly and said: "Senior may have made a mistake, the tragedies that happened in Jianghu recently have nothing to do with me.

In fact, the younger generation was framed. "


Zhuge Qingqing stood up to speak for Lin Pingzhi: "Master Mingyue is definitely not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

We've seen it with him these days. "


Xiaoyao Lang also thinks so.

He didn't know who the old man in front of him was, but he was willing to speak for Lin Pingzhi.


The man on the top of the tree laughed, and there was something ironic about it.

He looked at the young people in front of him, as if he saw his immature self when he was young.

Maybe it was out of good intentions, or maybe I wanted to be sarcastic.

He opened his mouth slowly: "Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, don't you understand such a simple truth?

Remember, a person's appearance can always be faked, it must not be believed. "

His purpose in saying this was nothing more than to say that Lin Pingzhi was pretending to be virtuous.


It really made him right, a little bit wrong.

However, it has nothing to do with the recent cases, Lin Pingzhi is indeed innocent.

"Ha ha."

Hearing what the other party said, Lin Pingzhi also knew that there was no need to continue sophistry.

He looked at the old man and said, "Senior, if that's the case, then I don't think there is any need to continue explaining.

You came here today with a desire for revenge, so the younger generation will ask for some advice. "

After speaking, let everyone else back down.

"Okay, cool."

The man yelled good, and said: "This is a very painful point, and it is worthy of your good name."

"Please enlighten me."

Lin Pingzhi cupped his fists.

As a result, the voice just fell.

The man on the top of the tree opposite suddenly used his hand as a knife and slashed at Lin Pingzhi.

With such a slash, a sharp aura flew out instantly, like the aura of a sword, cutting towards Lin Pingzhi.


All the trees were cut in two and collapsed. This power is comparable to a real sword.

"This is……"

Everyone was shocked, this kind of trick is really weird.

I didn't see it clearly before, but seeing it with my own eyes now, I really feel incredible.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the palm coming from one side, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It can be regarded as understanding the background of the other party.

He stood still, knowing that the opponent's move was a little tentative, so he didn't use his full strength.

Therefore, he didn't need to dodge, he could just use his Beiming True Qi to resist.

After resisting easily, Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly and cupped his fists again: "So it's Senior Dong Dao Changli, this junior is being polite."


Dong Dao Changli smiled slightly, although the other party was well-informed, he recognized him immediately.

He smiled and said: "Young Master Mingyue is still Young Master Mingyue, it's really rare to get to know him.

The next one is indeed Dongdao Changli, Bi Gu. "

After listening to his introduction, everyone understood the origin of the old man in front of them.

It turned out to be the leader of the Changli Sect in the East China Sea, and he was Bigu in Changli in the east. No wonder the tricks are so evil.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes.

The Changli Sect has a kung fu called the Seven Spinning Slash, which sounds like a sword martial art, but it is actually a palm technique.

This also caused many people in the Jianghu to misunderstand, and preconceived that it was a kind of swordsmanship, so they felt that it was evil.

"Now that you know my background, you should know the purpose of my coming here."

Dong Dao Changli looked at Lin Pingzhi and said, "Lin Pingzhi, you have to seek an explanation for killing my disciple.

Even though you are famous and knowledgeable all over the world, I want to seek justice for the disciples in my sect. "

"Senior should."

Lin Pingzhi didn't intend to confront the tough at this moment.

There are certain suspicions on him now, if something happens again, I'm afraid it will be bad.

He patiently explained: "This time, I was indeed framed, and the Lingshuang sword was not in my hands."


Dong Dao Changli naturally didn't listen, and said: "It would be ridiculous to make this old man step down based on just a few words from you."

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