
Lin Pingzhi also knew that a few words could not solve the problem.

Once again he made the plan to fight, and said: "Since that's the case, then the junior will ask for some advice."

"it is good!"

Dong Dao Changli once again admired the opponent's straightforwardness, and quickly took out his right hand.

His four fingers were joined together, and his thumb was slightly bent, clasped in the palm of his hand.


He quickly chopped forward like cutting vegetables, and at the same time kept shouting: "Palm, palm, palm!"

One after another, terrifying auras were cut out, like sword aura, spreading vertically and horizontally.

Swish swish.

Those terrifying auras immediately began to revolve around Lin Pingzhi, he never expected to be able to manipulate like this.

Seeing that he was surrounded, Lin Pingzhi didn't take it seriously, and immediately used the move of Shuanglong to fetch water.

I saw two golden dragons condensed by internal force flying out, and quickly collided with the surrounding air machines.

One bite at a time.

Swallowed all those breaths directly.

"it is good."

Dong Dao Changli also saw that this move was the double dragon fetching water in Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

A few good words.

"As expected of Hong Qigong's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, it's really powerful, but I haven't used my full strength yet."

After speaking, he kept chopping and chopping with his palm again, and the breath burst out, blowing past like a gust of wind.

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to be careless.

He guessed that the opponent's realm should be similar to his own. Although he has the ability to overcome the superior, it is also based on the premise of not underestimating the enemy.

Lin Pingzhi was ready to fight, he didn't intend to use a weapon, and started to dodge with Lingbo micro-steps, his whole body turned into a phantom.

He shuttled back and forth on the scene, and because of his high speed, he pulled out shadows one after another.

It's hard to tell the truth from reality.

Dong Dao Changli was even more surprised, thinking that he could take revenge easily.

Who knew that the opponent's strength was actually comparable to his own.

Moreover, the speed of this kind of light work is dazzling, making it impossible for him to find out his real body in the first place.


He is more serious.

I saw Dongdao Changli using the seven-rotation slash even more quickly. Since it was difficult to distinguish the real body, he chopped off all the shadows.

I saw him speeding up, playing out his tricks as if he didn't need money.

And the main body is still standing on the top of the tree.

Swish swish.

After a while, the scene was swept by a storm, and those were all seven-spin moves.

Because of the number, it directly swept the audience, not to mention Lin Pingzhi's avatars.

Even if the surrounding flowers, plants and trees are completely cut down, there is no possibility of survival at all.

However, after the storm subsided, it was discovered that there was no one on the scene.

Lin Pingzhi, who was supposed to be surrounded, disappeared, as if he had just evaporated from the world, which is unbelievable.

"not good!"

Dong Dao Changli seemed to realize something, and immediately turned around to take a look, and sure enough, he found a palm approaching.

Lin Pingzhi's internal force was concentrated in his palm, and he was almost about to snap Dongdao Changli.

However, he braked in an emergency, and did not intend to attack the opponent, but sneered instead.

Dong Dao Changli was stunned, a little surprised that the opponent stopped suddenly, but he reacted immediately, and threw it out with seven twists and turns.

This time Lin Pingzhi used Dark Ye Liuxiang to retreat again, widening the distance between him and the host.

He stopped steadily on the ground, looked at the elder in front of him with a smile, and said: "Seven-Rotation Slash really deserves its reputation, this junior really admires it."


Dong Dao Changli thought that the other party wanted to show off his ability, so he immediately sneered.

After that, he continued to use his tricks, even if it was to consume all the internal energy in his body, he would not hesitate.

Lin Pingzhi also dodged, but when he had free time, he used the long-range attack of the Six Meridian Excalibur to attack and counterattack.

After all, defense can only be unbeaten, but not winning.

However, he deliberately kept his hand, and did not use all his strength in actual combat.

After a long time, Dongdao Changli discovered this, knowing that the other party was deliberately trying to save face.

He had attacked for many rounds in a row, but was easily dodged by the opponent.


Dong Dao Changli thought that Lin Pingzhi could easily get close to him with such lightness skills.

His seven-rotation slash move is really not good at melee combat.

If the enemy is too close, it will be troublesome to cast.

Dong Dao Changli knew that Lin Pingzhi had discovered this, and he must have discovered it.

But he didn't attack himself.

Moreover, there were many opportunities during the process to fight back, and even bring the situation back.


The other party never did this.

After a long time, Dongdao Changli was a little hesitant, thinking that Mr. Mingyue was always thinking of himself, and he shouldn't be the kind of person who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Seeing that he couldn't touch the opponent with his moves, he stopped and looked at Lin Pingzhi silently.

"Senior, it seems that today we are tied, we will fight again in another day."

Lin Pingzhi knew that the other party might have discovered something, and gave him another step down.

"it is good."

Dong Dao Changli squinted his eyes and smiled, his hands were shaking a little at the moment.

The long attack just now had almost exhausted all his internal energy, so he had to stop.

Of course, it was probably because Lin Pingzhi was seen from the fight just now.

He smiled faintly, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, I think there may be a little misunderstanding in this."

"Senior really understands righteousness."

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly and said, "Actually, this matter can be cleared up after thinking about it.

If it was really me who did it, why did I use something like Lingshuang Sword that can prove my identity to do it?

Isn't this clearly telling others that I am the murderer?

And to deal with those who are not very skilled in martial arts, I don't need weapons at all, I can deal with them with bare hands.

It is really unnecessary to use weapons. This superfluous practice is clearly framing. "


Dong Dao Changli thought for a while, and found that it was indeed as the other party said, and it seemed too deliberate.

Obviously it was framed.


It does not mean that the suspicion of Lin Pingzhi has been eliminated from his mind.

He just felt that there was no way to do anything to the other party today, so he temporarily withdrew.


Dong Dao Changli said: "Young Master Mingyue, today we are not acquainted with each other, and we will meet again another day."

After finishing speaking, he performed lightness kung fu and left.

When he came to a deserted place, he laughed and looked at his palm.

Because of excessive force, it is now a little blue.

"Oh, but I'm old."

He smiled brightly, took out the wine gourd on his waist and took a sip of the wine, and said: "It is true that the waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves of the past, and the waves of each generation are getting bigger and bigger. The old guys should retire."

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