"The people with the six doors dare to move?"

That handsome looking man unexpectedly immediately revealed the identities of Zhuge Qingqing and the others.

With such a clear understanding, it is even more certain that it is not an ordinary person.

Everyone in Lin Pingzhi became vigilant.

On the other hand, those mountain thieves just laughed, completely taking the other party's words as fart.

"Will the people from the six doors come here? Hahaha!"

They laughed: "I'm here, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, how could people from the Six Doors come to this wilderness area?

Laugh to death.

Boy, I think you are tired of working too, so hand over everything on your body. "


Just send someone up to grab it.

They found that the clothes the man was wearing were still expensive, and they might be able to exchange some money after taking them off.

So there was malice.

"I don't have anything on me, I'll give you a drink."

The handsome man swayed deliberately, pretending to be drunk.

To instantly let the bandit down his guard, of course it was impossible to put a drunkard in his eyes.

As a result when he approached.

The dashing man suddenly swung a punch with such force that he knocked the bandit away.

Of course, ordinary people can't see that this punch is actually quite essence, it is definitely a practicing family, and it is a master of the whole law.

It's just that even the bandits with blind eyes can't recognize it, it's just that an accident happened just now.

"Oh shit."

The bandit who was knocked down didn't know what to do, rubbed his chest and rushed forward, trying to save face.

He pulled out his machete and slashed at the handsome man.

The handsome man didn't take it seriously, and kept shaking in place, as if he was punching drunk.

Don't look at him staggering, but he can accurately avoid the bandit's slash every time.

After watching for a long time, even ordinary people can find something wrong.

The big man inside the bandit said: "This guy has a ghost, he seems to have practiced it, and he made fun of us!

Together, beat him until even his mother doesn't know him! "


Say it.

Everyone rushed forward.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the handsome man was still calm, and took a sip of wine very boldly.

Immediately after throwing away the wine gourd, the internal energy in his whole body unexpectedly rioted, forming a powerful coercion.

The sudden scene surprised Lin Pingzhi and others.

He thought to himself that he was indeed a master, and he didn't feel any danger before, so he was so domineering when he turned around.

That aura is so majestic, it is quite remarkable for a young man.

"Eat my punch."

The handsome man smiled slightly, and it was obvious that he had no intention of killing, but just wanted to dissuade the bandits.

Seeing the opponent getting closer, he quickly threw a punch, but it hit the ground.

I saw the man bent down and hammered the ground, directly hammering out a big hole in the ground, and even the ground shook a few times.

And as he punched down.

A powerful internal force surged away, slapping the surroundings like a sea wave, and directly flew those bandits who rushed over.


The handsome man clapped his hands, stood up, took off all the dirt on his hands, and said: "Why do you have to do this? The elders have hands and feet, are you sorry?"

Seeing that the other party could not be provoked, those bandits fled.


Zhuge Qingqing didn't want to let the other party go.

Just when he wanted to go up to stop him, he was stopped by the handsome man, saying: "Girl, you have to forgive others and give them a way out.

I believe that after this incident, those guys will change their minds. "

Lin Pingzhi was very speechless.

How did you meet a naive young man again?

Can you come up with that kind of idea?

Really powerful.


Through the observation just now, he basically confirmed the identity of the other party.

After taking a sip of wine, his skills soared, and he punched the ground, not using the fist itself to attack the enemy, but using the internal force generated by the wind of the fist to sweep around.

There are very few boxing techniques that can kill in such a large area, and it is difficult to find them in the entire world.


According to Lin Pingzhi's memory, what the other party used just now should be the Overlord Fist.

And the young man in front of him should be Xiaoyao Lang.

"Okay, since you have said so, then give them a way out."

Zhuge Qingqing didn't insist on capturing those bandits back either, she looked at Xiaoyao Lang with a smile, and said:

"Young master, you are quite kind-hearted."

"Don't dare."

Xiaoyao Lang was a bit obsessed with addressing you as a young master, and said: "Miss, you are offending me. I am just a wandering rivers and lakes person. How can I be called a young master?"

"Not to be humbled."

Lin Pingzhi, who had been silent all this time, wanted to take the initiative, and said, "Xiaoyao Lang Yushu is facing the wind, he is unrestrained and unrestrained, he should be called a son, it should be right."


Zhuge Qingqing and the others looked back at Lin Pingzhi, but unexpectedly he called out the name of the person in front of him.

Is it acquaintance?

Xiaoyao Lang was even more surprised, and said, "Did we know this young man before? Why have I never seen you before?"

"Now we know each other."

Lin Pingzhi didn't answer the other party's question directly, but cleverly avoided it, showing a friendly face.

Xiaoyao Lang is naturally unrestrained, so of course he doesn't care about these small things.

He smiled: "Okay, getting to know you guys today is really a great achievement.

Let me introduce myself, Xiaoyaolang. "

"You should have guessed our identities."

Zhuge Qingqing clasped her fists together: "My servant, Zhuge Qingqing, these are my two senior brothers who are life-seeking and cold-blooded."


Xiaoyaolang nodded respectively, very politely, and of course Lin Pingzhi was most interested, so he asked.

Lin Pingzhi took the initiative to introduce: "Lin Pingzhi is at Fuwei Escort Bureau."


Upon hearing this.

Xiaoyao Lang was a little surprised, and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief: "You are the famous Mr. Mingyue in the Jianghu?

I really didn't expect to meet you in this kind of place, fate, this is fate. "


Lin Pingzhi smiled: "It's just a false name, nothing to worry about."

"That's right, in vain!"

At a time like this, or if it was someone else, they would definitely pay a lot of flattery invisibly.

After all, they are common techniques of communication.


The other party was Xiaoyaolang, who didn't care about these nonsense at all. Hearing what Lin Pingzhi said, he expressed his approval:

"What other people want to say, let him say, good or bad, it doesn't matter."

"Brother Xiaoyao is really chic."

Lin Pingzhi cupped his fists in admiration.

"By the way, why did you appear in such a place?"

Xiaoyao Lang took the initiative to ask: "It seems that something has happened in the world recently, Mr. Mingyue, are you hiding from debt?"

"looks like?"

Lin Pingzhi asked jokingly.

Xiaoyao Lang laughed: "It's not like, although I don't know you, it's pretty good here.

From the face of Mr. Mingyue, you can tell that you are not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. "

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