"Thank you for your understanding, my lord."

The middle-aged man cupped his fists and thanked Leng Xue for his approval.and support.


Pointing at Lin Pingzhi with the sword in his hand, he said, "Lin Pingzhi, although I know you are very powerful, I have to take revenge.

Die! "

Say it.

Raise the weapon in your hand and rush forward.

The other disciples around him also went up together, all of them vicious.

I can tell.

The people who died in the Diancang faction were all close to these guys in front of them, otherwise they wouldn't have come here to fight for their lives.


The strength is more or less invisible.

Lin Pingzhi scanned around, and found that these guys' realms did not even have a Transcendence Realm.

Do you dare to seek revenge on yourself like this?

Somewhat underestimated.

He didn't even want to fight back, he just turned sideways to avoid everyone's attacks, looking so relaxed.

That easy-going look was even a little humiliating, which made the people of the Dian Cang faction even more angry.

"Oh shit!"

Some of them even swear.

Lin Pingzhi wasn't used to it either, he slapped that bastard twice on the face, and knocked everyone back, saying domineeringly:

"I advise you not to shame your face.

I have already said that the murderer is not me, otherwise, you would have already been lying on the ground.

Better be savvy. "

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi was so powerful, the members of the Diancang faction were shocked, they didn't expect to be beaten so helplessly.

They looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed.

Came for revenge in a big way, could it be that he ran away because the other party said a few cruel words?

Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud if it was spread out?

How can I mess around in the rivers and lakes in the future?


They are now caught in a dilemma, and they don't know whether to advance or retreat.

Leng Xue was watching all this from the side, able to understand the emotions of the Diancang faction, it was impossible for them to leave just like that.

He intentionally said some provocative words: "You are too useless, right? Seeing how fierce you looked just now, I thought you were bloody men.

Who knew it was so useless.

Why, is it possible that he will be dismissed after a few words? "

Hear what he has to say.

The middle-aged man felt that his face was ugly, and now he wanted to retreat, but he couldn't do so.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go together!"

Lin Pingzhi didn't realize what cold-blooded intentions were at this moment, he only thought that the other party deliberately made things difficult for him.

Want to breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing those guys who are not afraid of death charge forward and get closer and closer to him, Lin Pingzhi sneered and his body shook.

The powerful internal force burst out instantly, and the violent shock wave sent everyone flying.

The tables and chairs in the room were even overturned.

Looking at the members of the Diancang Sect who fell on the ground, Lin Pingzhi said coldly: "This is the last time I show mercy.

If there is a next time, don't blame me for being cruel. "


The people of the Diancang Sect were terrified, they had heard that Master Mingyue had a miraculous skill for a long time.

But I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

How could they have imagined that a young man in his early twenties possessed such profound skills.

She was taken aback and ran away in a hurry.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head, disappointed with those guys.

Originally, he came to revenge aggressively, but he looked a little bloody, emphasizing love and righteousness.

who knows.

Back off at the slightest bit of trouble.

No wonder it is just a small sect.


Lin Pingzhi showed a shy smile in embarrassment, looked at Leng Xue, and said: "I'm really sorry, I sent those guys away in two or three strokes.

It seems that some people are going to be jealous again. "


Leng Xue just sneered and didn't take it to heart.

Because his purpose is not here, it is not simply to make things difficult for Lin Pingzhi, but has other purposes.

of course.

It was impossible for him to show it, and he turned around to prevent the other party from reading his expression.

I don't want to make even the slightest mistake.

"Let's get out of here first. Since the whereabouts have been exposed, it is estimated that there will be someone behind."

Zhui Ming was very thoughtful, and he didn't want to get too involved with those guys, so as not to cause conflicts.

So I want to leave in a hurry.

Lin Pingzhi had exactly this intention, and now that his status is embarrassing, if he can't hold back his temper and kills a few people, it will be troublesome.

By that time, it is estimated that everyone will regard themselves as the real murderer.

Although he despised those weak people, he still had to care about his own reputation right now.

After all, it involves a lot.

So, after stuffing another banknote into the shopkeeper, he took Zhuge Qingqing and others away.

Speaking of which, Lin Pingzhi has no purpose in where to go next, and he doesn't know where to start.

So far the leads are broken.

It was pointed at Chu Liuxiang earlier, but who knew that guy had already been locked up.

Basically rule out suspicion.

Later Lin Pingzhi doubted Guan Yutian again.

After testing, it was found that it was not.

Who else is there?

It's hard to find in the vast rivers and lakes.

Looking at the endless bamboo sea in front of him, Lin Pingzhi felt like looking for a needle in a haystack.


Not depressed either.

As long as it is God's blessing, there will be clues.

If it wasn't for God's blessing, how could he have a system?Open everywhere?

So Lin Pingzhi still has confidence.


After walking a few more miles, I met another group of people at noon that day.

Those guys were masked, with a murderous look, carrying some knives in their hands, and the most forward person was rough: "Guys, where are you going?"

"Who are you?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

Those people laughed, and the big man at the front said: "Young master is the king of the mountain here.

If you want to live from now on, stay and buy road money. "

It turned out to be just a bandit.

Lin Pingzhi was a little speechless, thinking that these guys didn't know who to rob.

He dared to rob the official's family, he was really impatient.

Zhuge next to him shook his head slightly and smiled: "I didn't expect that we would meet bandits in our status. It's really interesting."

Just when they were about to make a move, suddenly, something fell from a nearby peach tree.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a man.

The man had delicate features and handsome features, and there were two blushes on his face. It was obvious that he had drunk too much, and he was still holding a wine gourd.

Judging from his temperament, Lin Pingzhi knew that he was definitely not an ordinary person, and wanted to find out who the other party was.

"Oh, I'm sleeping here, who knew I was woken up by you."

The man sat on the ground and stretched his waist.

"Damn, where did the little bastard come from""

The bandit was furious, and he could tell at a glance that the other party was looking for faults, and said: "Boy, I think you want to meddle in other people's business, don't you?

You don't want to die, do you? "


The handsome man shook his head and smiled, and said, "Guys, even if you rob, you have to find out who the target is, and the people from the six doors dare to move?"

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