Lin Pingzhi and Zhuiming used their superb lightness skills to climb over the wall and successfully sneaked into the Supreme League.

At this moment, Zhui Ming asked about the purpose of Lin Pingzhi's trip: "Young Master Mingyue, what do you want to investigate here?"

Lin Pingzhi said without hesitation, "The things I said during the day were just to make them suspicious.

I just want to see what they will discuss at night, maybe I can hear some unknown clues. "

Nodding clearly.

He recalled what Lin Pingzhi said to Guan Yutian in the supreme alliance during the day.

It was so provocative on purpose, and it was said so bluntly without evidence.

It turned out to be for this reason.

I feel a little more admiration in my heart, thinking that Mr. Mingyue has both talent and appearance, literary and martial arts, and is proficient in everything.

What a rare talent.

He admired him very much, and he had the feeling of looking up invisible, as if he could follow Lin Pingzhi's pace in everything.

Think that's solid.

Lin Pingzhi didn't notice this, and didn't care about it, so he groped forward immediately.

Before coming here, he asked Zhu Wushi to ask for the Supreme League map, which was completely imprinted in his mind.

Therefore, in the dark night, you can also distinguish the direction and know where your purpose is.

Arrived at the destination in a blink of an eye.

This is Guan Yutian's bedroom, which looks very grand.

Lin Pingzhi and Zhuiming tiptoed to hide their breath, and came to the beam, ready to eavesdrop.

at the begining of.

Below are the sounds of singing and dancing.

Then Guan Yutian asked a few maids to help him take a bath, and he remembered some romantic events.

until midnight.

Guan Yutian called all those people out.

Poor Lin Pingzhi and the others stayed up there for such a long time, just watching Guan Yutian playing with women there for enjoyment.

It is really bitter.

Fortunately, both of them have undergone special training.

Can bear this loneliness.

It wasn't until midnight that I finally got something.

This is not.

After calling everyone else out, Guan Yutian called Ren Qianxing, and the two actually talked about things in the middle of the night.

It is conceivable that they are very cautious.

Lin Pingzhi and Zhui Ming felt that there should be something to gain, so they pricked up their ears to listen, not letting go of a single word, and did not dare to make any sound.

"Thousand lines."

With their ears on the tiles, they heard Guan Yutian say: "Do you think that what Lin Pingzhi said today has hidden meaning?"


Ren Qianxing nodded, but couldn't think of the reason, and said, "It's really strange.

However, Tu'er was dull, and really couldn't understand why he said these things. "

"If you want to guess other people's intentions, it is difficult. As a teacher, I don't know that."

Guan Yutian put his hands on his back, paced back and forth in the room, his brows were furrowed quietly, thinking about the reason.

He muttered: "Why did he say that the Lingshuang sword is in our hands? Could it be that he wanted to frame it?"

Ren Qianxing rolled his eyes, feeling that this was too absurd, and said, "Even if he wants a fake, he should choose someone else.

At that time, we were all under the square and had no chance to make a move. "


Guan Yutian thought the same way, and he couldn't figure it out: "He might want to test it during the day, but this is exactly what I think is unreasonable.

According to the situation at the time, we had no chance to make a move at all, why would he doubt us? "

"Perhaps something is wrong with your head?"

Ren Qianxing made a joke.

Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes on the beam, thinking that this guy could have such a humorous language.

Hehe, I really made my grandfather laugh.

of course.

He also didn't forget to analyze the business. From the conversation between the two, he felt that his judgment seemed to be wrong.

Perhaps Ling Shuangjian really wasn't in the Zizun League.

"This matter is really strange."

While thinking about it, Guan Yutian below made another voice: "At the beginning we gave false testimony and did not admit that the Lingshuang Sword was stolen. Could it be that that guy wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge? To draw the attention of the six doors to us?"


Ren Qianxing could only agree, but he couldn't think of too many reasons, he could only repeat what Guan Yutian said.

Pretending to be thoughtful.


Guan Yutian rubbed his temples, because he didn't understand Lin Pingzhi's purpose.

Second come.

He really had a headache for Ren Qianxing's stupidity, thinking that his disciple had a great talent in martial arts, but he was a little stupid in handling things.

It will take more practice in the future.

He stopped thinking about those things, diverted his attention, and said, "You have learned the top level of the Weilong palm that my teacher taught you.

I think it's time to teach you the innate qi. "

Ren Qianxing who heard these words was flattered.

He never expected that the man in front of him would teach him all the housekeeping skills, and he was really surprised.

" you...really want to teach it to me?"

Ren Qianxing couldn't believe it for a while, and felt that the other party seemed to be testing him.

How did he know that the reason why Guan Yutian is so selfless is because he is Ren Qianxing's father.

It's just that the great cause has not been accomplished, so it is inconvenient to recognize each other.

Guan Yutian can only hide this love a little bit.

Smiling, he said: "You are my only heir, if I don't pass it on to you, who will I pass it on to?

Speaking of talent, I really haven't seen anyone better than you, and only you can perfectly inherit my martial arts. "


Ren Qianxing believed it for the time being, but he was still quite excited.

Of course he was happy to be able to learn the peerless magic technique.

Suddenly they were together again, the word "talent" mentioned by Guan Yutian just now, and he couldn't help but think of Lin Pingzhi.

"Master, when it comes to talent, what is the state of Master Mingyue?"

he asked tentatively.

Guan Yutian smiled, with some admiration in his eyes, and said: "That pervert, don't try to surpass him.

At least I haven't met anyone with more talent than him. "

"is it?"

Ren Qianxing was a little disappointed, he was really unwilling to admit defeat, but he had to admit it, muttering: "So...

I may never surpass him in my life. "

"Thousand lines."

Seeing that his apprentice was a little frustrated, Guan Yutian patted his shoulder to encourage him: "Talents really affect a person's upper limit.


You have to know that throughout the ages, there have been countless people with outstanding talents, but there are very few people who can truly win the world.

Sometimes it's not even those people with high talents, you should know what I mean? "


Ren Qianxing became resolute again, and said: "Thank you, master, for your enlightenment. This disciple understands that there are too many other factors that I am already alone. I should make use of my strengths and avoid weaknesses, and start from other aspects."


Guan Yutian nodded very satisfied, his eyes were full of relief, this was the love from a father.

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